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blue tiger
18-07-2003, 19:19
The story about Ymmot & YdnA

A story about a boy who couldn't make friends

Once upon a time in Germany there was a nice family; Mother, Father and their little son. This fairytale is about this little boy who wasn’t very popular. In fact, he was so annoying to everybody that his mom had to hang a garland of ‘Frankfurters’ around his neck so that their dog was willing to play with him. His parents couldn’t stand this any longer and felt so sorry for little Ymmot that they decided to move to Switzerland to build up a new live.

But unfortunately it seemed to become the same story as in Germany; nobody liked him, except a nice and gentle boy who lived in the same block. Ydna didn’t know the background of his new buddy and they became friends soon. In their neighbourhood, people from all sort of nationalities were living there like; Dutch, Czech, French, Croatian, Belgian and Scandinavian. All the children were playing with the Swiss friend of our German ‘looser’ but didn’t really accept Ymmot.

Approximately six blocks down the road the Kakutogi family, who were Japanese, had a wonderful residence with a huge garden and all children liked very much to go and play there. Papa Kakutogi and his son Nek-san were extremely nice and were spoiling all the kids that came to visit them. Once a month they had this competition where all kids could participate but of course not every weekend the same kids because that wouldn’t be fare he told them.

Our Ymmot however was good in sucking up and he told his buddy Ydna that if he would give him one third of his sweets, every time he could compete in that lovely garden, he would go visit papa Kakutogi to make that happen.

Ydna loved to play in the Kakutogi-garden and agreed. The plan of Ymmot worked pretty well and almost every weekend, Ydna was playing six blocks away from his own neighbourhood. Than, one day, papa Kakutogi told everybody that something terrible happened; Ydna who was like a son to him passed away. Everybody in the neighbourhood was sad and shocked about what happened. Ymmot however wasn’t only sad, but also very depressed because he lost the only friend he ever had. Meanwhile, Nek-san, the son of Kakutogi started disliking Ymmot having seen the real ‘nature of his ‘friend wannabe’ and he asked his father not to allow Ymmot into their garden anymore.

Three years went by, when papa Kakutogi suddenly called little Ymmot, telling him that his son Nek at that time had a bad judgement and at the end of the day Ymmot wasn’t that bad and would accept him once again to his garden. He also asked Ymmot if there was a nice place in his block where the kids from the neighbourhood could play again. Ymmot bitter as he was, not having any contact with papa Kakutogi for almost three years, told the nice Japanese ‘uncle’ that if he would give him more sweets then ever, he would allow the other kids to play in ‘his’ garden. Kakutogi, being so nice, agreed.

All children came to his garden and little Ymmot called himself “King of the Block”, just to impress them. In the last years nothing changed; in his early days he was left alone by everyone and once again he isolated himself. A king without a country… Mr.Kakutogi however, for some mysterious reason, still likes and allows him to take care of some domestic jobs. Now Ymmot found out that he had the complete support of the Kakutogi family he became brave and started to explore other neighbourhoods. It looked like he made an art out of deceiving and he was so blind of greed and ‘power-hungry’ that he forgot reality completely. But the children in his neighbourhood knew the real person behind his mask; an ugly smiling face with devilish eyes, they knew that they had a rotten apple in their backyard.

If Ymmot wouldn’t have been so greedy and selfish, all kids might wanted to play with him and he would become the famous and beloved boy he always dreamt of, but this was not the way he was made.

So children, what we can learn from this story? …everyone has to have his own opinion on the subject.

A return Story

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