Vollständige Version anzeigen : Verkaufe: DVD Edged Weapons-Sgt. Jim Wagner Reality Based

28-08-2010, 20:51
Verkaufe die "Edged Weapons" DVD von Sgt. Jim Wagner-creator of reality based personal protection system:

Laufzeit 93 min.

Auszug vom Cover:
"...this video will teach you, step by step, everything you ever wanted to know about combat with a knife and other edged weapons......
you will learn the 12 angles of attack and how to counter them, speed and reaction drills, prison yard methods, and more important, transition to your sidearm during a surprise knife attack......you will learn how to safely search suspects for all types od edged weapons......"

Preis: 10 € + 2 € Versand

20-09-2010, 13:00
Die DVD ist noch zu haben !

10 € mit Versand ;)

21-09-2010, 10:37