verschiedene Holzpuppen? [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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31-01-2002, 20:41
Hallo allerseits...
erstmal ein Kompliment... dieses Forum ist das mit den mit Abstand besten Umgangsformen, es scheint also doch möglich zu sein freundlich und gelassen über Kampfkunst zu diskutieren. :)

Meine eigentliche Frage bezieht sich auf Holzpuppen. Gibt es da ausser der "klassischen" (der aus den jackie chan filmen :D ) noch andere Formen (das war jetzt missverständlich... ich meinte das aussehen der Puppe, nicht die Form, die man damit übt)? In welchen Stilen werden Holzpuppen eingesetzt? Ich kenn sie bisher nur aus dem weng chun.
Irgendjemand hat mir auch mal von einem Buch erzählt, der Titel war "die Halle der Shaolin-Holzpuppen" oder so ähnlich. Weiss da jemand vielleicht näheres darüber?


01-02-2002, 09:25
hi seb

meines wissen nach, gibt es in den meisten kung fu stilen geräte, die aussehen wie die holzpuppe. die südlichen stile benutzen fast ausnahmslos holzpuppen verschiedenster bauart.

das buch kenne ich nicht, aber dafür einen text. leider in englisch.
es handelt sich um die beschreibung der holzpuppen halle im süd-shaolin kloster.

During its brief heyday, the Southern temple had a good reputation for the martial arts, but its reputation was eroding because many students escaped before graduating. Thus the level of martial skill of the average person leaving the temple began to diminish. These supposed masters helped to degrade the southern temple's reputation. To counter this trend, the abbot Jee Sim Sim See (Sim See means Zen master) put Hung Yan Sim See in charge of thirty six chambers. Here, Siu Lam's warrior monks and unshaven disciples learned the Siu Lam martial arts in a step by step manner, not advancing until each skill had been mastered. An "unshaven disciple" was a person who stayed at the temple primarily to study the martial arts and did not take Buddhist vows and become a monk. Jee Sim is also credited with devising the "wooden dummy hall".

The wooden dummy hall was erected in the Lohan Tung or Buddha hall. The eighteen wooden dummies purpose was to test the kung fu skill of potential graduates. The dummies names and movements were as follows:

1.Lohan Or Ga Yit:
When the student entered, this dummy was in a seated position holding a monk's ornamental staff. As the student approached, the dummy swung the weapon toward the middle of the student's body. If the student retreated, the dummy would close, swinging the weapon faster and faster until the rear wall was reached. The student in this case would have to either duck or jump over the weapon which would shatter the student's bones if it connected. If the student avoided the blow, he was expected to kick the dummy over, defeating it. All of these dummies were activated by the pressure of the students weight on the floor. Also, defeating all the dummies was achieved similarly by knocking them over.

2. Lohan Or Lan Tor:
The dummy is seated with its hands together as if in prayer. The student is alternately punched and kicked by this dummy. The blows must not be directly blocked because contact with the dummy would result in broken bones. The student must avoid the blows and knock the dummy over.

3. Lohan Mook Jit Lin:
One foot of the dummy is on top of a lion with the other standing on the floor. This dummy tries to use a low sweeping kick to hit the student. Once it starts, the move is repeated, faster and faster while rushing toward the student. The correct response is to use a jumping kick to floor the dummy while avoiding the sweep at the same time.

4. Lohan Seh Lei Fut
This dummy stands holding a staff in the right hand and holding its left hand at the breast. It uses the staff to block the student 's path and attacks with the free hand. The student must lock the arm and sweep the dummy to down it.

5. Lohan Ah Lah Luet:
This dummy stands holding a begging bowl. It tires to slam the bowl on the student's head. If the bowl land precisely, the student will be unable to easily removie it. Avoiding the initial attack is the most essential element in defeating the dummy.

6. Lohan Seui Pou Tai:
This dummy stands holding prayer beads. When approached, the dummy tries to hit the student in the abdomen. Suddenly, the beads are swung towards the student's head. The second blow was designed to catch the student unaware as he was trying to stop the first blow.

7. Lohan Fu Lao La:
The dummy stands with a wine cup in its left hand. The dummy strikes with one hand using drunken style and then throws the cup at the student. The student must avoid these movements and immediately counter.

8. Lohan Ga Jim Ting:
As it is approached, the dummy stands erect. If the student comes close, the dummy uses a low kick against the student. The dummy must be kicked down before it can continue its attack which becomes faster and faster.

9. Lohan Fuk Law Lei:
The dummy stands in a bow and arrow stance facing the student. When the student comes into range, the dummy attacks with repeated thrust punches to the body. The student must sidestep to kick the dummy over.

10. Lohan Dat Mo:
The dummy is seated sideways holding a book. If the student tries to pass, the dummy throws a sidekick as the student goes by. If he can avoid the kick, the student must fell the dummy from behind.

11. Lohan Chung Haw:
The dummy stands holding a head sized temple bell. As the student approaches, the bell is thrown. The student must avoid the bell.

12. Lohan Jang Chan
The dummy sits facing the student holding a book next to a pile of stones. The student is shot with projectiles that shoot out of the head of the dummy. The difficulty is in trying to close in on the dummy while it shoots these projectiles.

13. Lohan Dou Shuen:
The dummy is holding a staff, but is making awkward, stupid looking movements. This is an attempt to lure the student into thinking that the dummy is not functioning properly. The student is attacked as soon as he attempts to go by. The student is expected to be able to avoid such surprise attacks.

14. Lohan Yan Lang:
The dummy stands looking at the ground. When the student stands on the proper part of the floor, the dummy will thrust its fingers towards the student's eyes. Students failing this test did not graduate for obvious reasons.

15. Lohan Hung Lung Sau:
This dummy holds a shiny begging bowl. Suddenly, the student has a blinding light in his face. As soon as this happens, the dummy throws a barrage of blows. The key point is not to get blinded by the light reflected from the bowl. If the student is not blinded, the dummy may be kicked over relatively easily.

16. Fuk Fu Lohan:
The dummy stands on one foot on the back of a tiger. In one of it's hands is a large ring. The dummy tries to put the ring over the student's head while kicking him from below. The student must avoid the ring in order to not get kicked in the groin.

17. Lohan La Gum Luet:
The dummy stands holding a monk's spade. The dummy charges while spinning the spade in a figure eight pattern. The student who had stopped was considered eligible for graduation.

18. The final step
The door to the hallway leading out of the Lohan La Gum Luet was blocked by a one hundred fifty pound urn containing hot coals with the mark of the tiger head/dragon body on the handles. The student had to hug the urn with their forearms. This branded him with the mark of a Sui Lam master. The highest experts had marks only on one arm, hainvg used one arm to lift the urn.
viele grüsse

02-02-2002, 12:25
hmmm... erscheint mir etwas seltsam, diese Beschreibung... die technische Umsetzung stell ich mir mit einfachen Mitteln mehr als kompliziert vor...


04-02-2002, 11:26
Hallo Seb,

unser lieber Wendelin hat in seiner Online-Kampfkunstzeitung
einen sehr interessanten Bericht gebracht:

Wooden Dummys (

Viel Spaß beim lesen



Wong Sai Wing
14-12-2005, 20:33

ich betreibe Hung Gar Kung Fu bei Sifu Hagen Bluck. In unserem Stil wird auch am Hölzernen Mann trainiert. Mein Sifu kann das auch ganz gut.

Auf der Webseite meines Sifus gibt es auch einen Bericht und einen Clip über den Hölzernen Mann. Hier gebe ich euch mal den Link:

der Videoclip ist unter
