Vollständige Version anzeigen : Lyoto Machida über seine Niederlage und Dana White

03-12-2010, 12:45
Lyoto absolve judges for loss to Rampage :: TATAME (http://www.tatame.com/2010/12/02/Lyoto-absolve-judges-for-loss-to-Rampage)

“Thank you all for the support. I think I’ve won, but I have to respect the judges work. Making mistakes or not, there were trained to be there, so I can’t judge them”, wrote Lyoto, who said more. “My father has always taught me since I was little on my Karate competitions, that there were unfair outcomes: ‘Son, you can’t blame the judges, the responsibility of winning or losing is all yours. You have to be the best so they can’t say otherwise. They can give the win for either one of you, if they want to’”.

“As for my boss, I won’t waste any time talking about him. As he said: he’s the president, he can do whatever he wants to. Who am I to argue with someone who talks like that and thinks he’s always right?”.
interessant ob White das in den falschen Hals kriegt.

03-12-2010, 13:03
Freu mich schon auf Strikeforce: Mousassi Vs Machida!

03-12-2010, 13:16
Freu mich schon auf Strikeforce: Mousassi Vs Machida!


04-12-2010, 08:12
Jetzt läufts nicht beim Karate Kid und schon wird gejammert!:heulnich:

04-12-2010, 09:08
Jetzt läufts nicht beim Karate Kid und schon wird gejammert!:heulnich:

Du hast da was falsch verstanden. Das ist kein Machida-Jammer thread, sondern ein Dana White-Bashing Thread!!!:-§

04-12-2010, 14:14
Du hast da was falsch verstanden. Das ist kein Machida-Jammer thread, sondern ein Dana White-Bashing Thread!!!:-§


04-12-2010, 16:40