Nick Diaz vs Cyborg Santos signed for StrikeForce's January Event [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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22-12-2010, 14:30
Nick Diaz vs Cyborg Santos signed for StrikeForce's January Event | Strikeforce News | (

Strikeforce Welterweight Champion Nick Diaz has been pitted against Brazilian slugger Evangelista ''Cyborg'' Santos, in a championship bout for Strikeforce's January 29th event in San Jose, California. According to sources close to the situation, both fighters have agreed verbally on the fight, and are expected to put pen to paper in the coming days.

Nick Diaz had been rumoured to take on Jason ''Mayhem'' Miller, but both camps could not agree on a suitable weight for the bout to take place, dashing any hopes some may of had to of seen these two square off. Cyborg Santos is currently 1-1 in his Strikeforce campaign, defeating Marius Zaromskis at Strikeforce: Los Angeles.

The welterweight title collision is expected to serve as the Main Event, and will be televised on Showtime.Middleweight title encounter between Champ Jacare Souza and Robbie Lawler will also feature on the card, and a further two bouts have also been confirmed with Herschel Walker taking on Scott Carson, as Roger Gracie will face South African vet Trevor Prangley. There will be only four televised bouts on Showtime, due to two of them being title fights.
wird ein interesanter kampf. :cool:

22-12-2010, 14:56
wird ein interesanter kampf. :cool:

Das denk ich auch!
Auch wenn Strikeforce in herrlicherweise extrem unvorhersehbar ist. VIele Überraschungen und Upsets in letzter Zeit!

24-12-2010, 12:30
Finde auch Strikeforce ist mittlerweile echt ne kleine alternative zur UFC :)

24-12-2010, 12:38
Finde auch Strikeforce ist mittlerweile echt ne kleine alternative zur UFC :)

Es ist die Alternative zur UFC!:)

24-12-2010, 13:09
Oh wird bestimmt ein toller Kampf mit viel Action! :)

24-12-2010, 14:59
Oh wird bestimmt ein toller Kampf mit viel Action! :)

Hoffen wir es!