Vollständige Version anzeigen : Jon Jones stellt Räuber!

20-03-2011, 01:58
Lustige story...

Just hours before he will challenge Light Heavyweight Champion Mauricio "Shogun" Rua in New Jersey, Jon "Bones" Jones witnessed a crime in progress and quickly intervened.

Jones, who recounted the incident via Twitter, said he and his coaches, Greg Jackson and Mike Winkeljohn, were out at a park when they noticed a man break into a car, steal something and attempt to flee.

"So while we were at the park today a crack head smashed this old lady's car window and took off running with her GPS just as we were pulling up," said Jones. "Right away....Coach Wink goes after this guy. Without hesitation, Coach Jackson went after him...I was shocked and stood there for a second. Then I threw my phone down and went with my coaches."

"Before you know it, we're sprinting up a steep hill chasing after him. I turned the jets on....we caught the guy," Jones continued. "We got the lady's GPS back. Our driver took a picture of Coach Jackson and I subduing the criminal."

Jones was first to catch up with the culprit and, along with Jackson, was able to hold the thief down until the local police arrived on the scene.

"It feels so good to help others. It gives me power and energy," Jones wrote. "I caught him....Coach Jackson finished him."

Jon Jones subdues a criminal just hours ahead of his UFC 128 title fight | UFC News | LowKick.com (http://www.lowkick.com/UFC/Jon-Jones-subdues-a-criminal-just-hours-ahead-of-his-UFC-128-Title-Fight-12216)

20-03-2011, 09:47
Hours before the biggest fight of his life, Jones subdues a robber - Cagewriter - UFCBlog - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/mma/blog/cagewriter/post/Hours-before-biggest-fight-of-his-life-Jones-an?urn=mma-wp309)

20-03-2011, 10:53
then i threw my phone down and went with my coaches.

Muss unbedingt sein :D

22-03-2011, 18:46
Eine alte Dame bekommt von einem Crackhead ihr GPS aus dem Auto geklaut und Jon Jones macht deswegen sein Telefon kaputt... die Story ist genial :D

22-03-2011, 19:28
was ein held!

22-03-2011, 20:22
Ich habe ja die ganze Zeit auf einen Suplex oder so gewartet, aber die Aktion mit dem handy war auch gut.

22-03-2011, 21:07
Yeah man UFC-FightaZz sind Helden!!!

22-03-2011, 22:10
Also ich würde nicht gerne von Jon Jones verfolgt werden. Der Dieb war bestimmt ziemlich verwundert.

23-03-2011, 19:06
hier ma n foto von der tat

Batzz Spencer
24-03-2011, 01:02
Der Vollständigkeit halber:


Ist schon ne coole Sau. :D