Vollständige Version anzeigen : IKAEF Summercamp 2011, 17-20.07.2011

13-07-2011, 16:11
leider recht kurzfristig die info zum diesjährigen ikaef summercamp:

Every year the IKAEF organizes a weekly Summercamp and invites different well known Martial Artists to teach. During that week they give the participants insight into their individual Styles. The Instructor Team is different each year.

17. - 22. July 2011
Radevormwald / Germany

Sport+SeminarCenter Radevormwald GmbH
Jahnstr. 29
42477 Radevormwald
Sport + Seminarcenter Radevormwald GmbH - Sporthotel, Tagungshotel, Seminarhotel > Startseite (http://www.sport-seminarcenter.de)

· 2 Star Hotel
· 2 Bars
· Sauna
· double room with TV and Internet
· inside and outside training facilities

Two lessons are given in the morning and two in the afternoon, during which several Instructors teach at the same time. There are opportunities for private lessons with the Instructor Team. The camp offers more than just Martial Arts. Massage and Breathing Exercise, Nutrition, Stretching, Communication and Success Coaching.

The IKAEF Summercamp is open to every Style. Every participant will find suitable training, the schedule combines lessons which focus on sportive aspects ( stamina, strength ) with more technical ones so each participant has the opportunity to train according to their needs.

The Summercamp brings together Participants from all around the world offering opportunities for new training partners and new friendships.

The Camp is held since 2006 in Radevormwald. Radevormwald is close to Cologne and Dortmund. The Summercamp aims to give each participant a maximun confort, the Hotel includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

The IKAEF Summercamp offers the opportunity for daily shopping inside the Martial Arts Store. In stock you will find a variety of Martial Arts Equipment and Video production.

For more information about participating in the IKAEF Summercamp send an email to

To get up to date please come back soon or contact the IKAEF Management
Guro Julia Pattis
Cell : + 49 . 179 . 4980442
E-mail : summercamp@ikaef.com


Tuhon Felix Cortes - Filipino Combatives
Joakim Engberg - Professional MMA Fighter, Shootfighting
Punong Guro Jeff Espinous - Kali Sikaran, Pencak Silat Concept
Pangulong Guro Krishna Godhania - Warrior Eskrima
Pangulong Guro Charles Goossens - Cinco Tero Eskrima
Pangulong Guro Claes Johansson - Kali Society
Pendekar Manggala Joko Suseno - Pencak Silat Tapak Suci, Pencak Silat Concept
Guro Felix Valencia - Valencia Lameco Eskrima

And More to Come...

einzelne tage zu nutzen, ist übrigens kein problem. einfach vorbeikommen, zahlen (: ( na ja, geht halt nicht anders, verpflegung durch die kantine ist mit drin) und mitmachen.

als hilfe für die auswahl einzelner tage, werde ich noch den aktualisierten stundenplan des camps posten.

14-07-2011, 13:52

der aktuelle stundenplan:

14-07-2011, 18:12
Jetzt beginnt der schwerste Teil des Camps!!!! Welche Einheiten besuche ich? :o

16-07-2011, 08:21
übrigens, nicht ganz unwichtig:

ne tageskarte (inkl. verpflegung) kostet 55€.

04-08-2011, 10:48
see you next year. :winke:
