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BJJ Fighter
31-12-2003, 16:51
MMAWeekly's Scott Petersen had the opportunity to sit down with some of the fighters in Tokyo and talk about their upcoming fights at the Pride SP card.

Petersen who is in Japan talked with Quinton Jackson in the past 24 hours. This is the first time Jackson has talked since his devastating loss to Vanderlei Silva at the Pride Grand Prix. So what has he been up to since the tough loss?

"I've been drinking and I beat 3 video games!" Jackson told MMAWeekly. There hasn't been much down time for Rampage who just went through about a year-long series of fights against top fighters; such as, Igor Vovchanchyn, Kevin Randleman, Murilo Bustamante, and Chuck Liddell, which were all wins except for his last fight for the Pride Middleweight GP Championship against Silva.

When asked about the recent smack talk from Silva, Jackson commented that Silva won, so Silva is entitled to say what he wants.

Calm words from a man that ate about 15 knees from one of the most feared strikers in MMA, but Rampage made it clear that he isn't afraid of Silva. When asked what he was thinking when he was smiling at Silva during the fight after taking so much punishment, Jackson said that he was letting him know that it wasn't going to be like this next time. The next time is for the belt, and that is what Jackson wants.

Jackson has always had to work for what he's got and he doesn't want to be protected from the hard fights, which he feels Silva has been. In fact, he feels that the referee stood his fight up with Silva due to a supposed request from Silva's corner.Jackson said he would feel like less of a man if he was protected.

When chided about his defense against knees, Rampage commented that he's taken care of that weakness. Jackson said that it was the first knee from Silva is what got him, and it was downhill from there. While the knees did the damage, Quinton didn't think to highly of Vanderlei's hands. Quinton said that Silva hits like a "bitch" and he's not afraid of his hands.

Jackson has made it clear that he wants the title shot but first he has the fight on New Years Eve, and he's not taking it lightly. He has the drive, the willpower, but doesn't have the belt- yet. Jackson still has about 2 kilos to lose (between 4 to 5 pounds) before his fight in two days, which isn't bad for someone that just defeated three video games.

31-12-2003, 18:01
Ich wüsste mal gern welche 3 videogames er durchgezockt hat....