Vollständige Version anzeigen : Vadim Finkelstein: Fedor won't leave defeated

22-08-2011, 12:08
– Vadim Grigorevich, many are inclined to blame the referee for Fedor's last defeat to stop the fight and to call a knockout. Partly Feodor also confirmed the same on the press conferences. The fighter actually made said that the protest won't be protested, he accepts the decision of the referee. You adhere to what opinion in this matter?

– Least of all I would like to discuss this question. Who is right, who is guilty, it is not so important today. The decision is accepted, defeat is written down, and the question should be closed. Simply there is no sense to waste time and forces on insignificant talks. It is necessary to win and win so that nobody has doubts.

– In that case the first question concerns his potential contender and possible terms of carrying out of the following fight.

– Recently on one of the sites there was an information that ostensibly as opponent for Fedor is named Kevin Randelman, that has caused rough reaction and set of discussions. At once I would like to notice that deliberately or due to a misunderstanding my words have received absolutely incorrect interpretation. If I also named this name, only among many other things which could be considered in the long term. There are many fighters who acted in due time, for example, in Pride. It is possible to remember such as Jeff Monson, Ricardo Arona, Brett Rogers and many others, but it doesn't mean that there are negotiations with someone of them and someone from them is considered as a contender.

– You mean, that these fighters to some extent correspond to Fedor's level?

– I can't tell that, because I didn't watch attentively in what they were engaged recently, where they competed in and in which form they are. They are just the people known in the world of ММА. On the other hand many fighters are bound by operating contracts and I, even by all desire, can not organize a Fedor Emelianenko's fight, for example, with Fabricio Werdum or Antonio Silva. We can consider as potential contenders only those who have no operating contract with any organization today. Besides, Fedor has suffered three defeats, and we can't demand his fight with someone from the very best. He needs one - two good rating fights with worthy contenders from the world elite.

– And still, are there any preferences?

– Fight with Jeff Monson would be perhaps interesting (42-12 ММА) who became the champion of Abu-Dhabi, won many large tournaments, won against Sergey Kharitonov… But, I repeat, we didn't conduct negotiations with anybody but we only prepare for them.

– How you will comment on hearings about Fedor's possible contenders Mike Whitehead and Travis Wiuff?

– They are possible opponents, as well as others. At first we should define, when Fedor Emelianenko will be ready for a new fight, where we will held it etc. After that it will be possible to think of the possible contender. I would like to see as contender Monson, but it can be that he has other plans or any contract.

– Where Fedor's following fight can take place?

– It would be desirable to hold it in Moscow or St.-Petersburg.

– Lately Fedor fought in America. Why "returning" to Russia?

– He couldn't fight anywhere because of the contract, except the USA. Now contract of М-1 Global with Showtime continues to operate, but we in conformity with it are released from such rigid restrictions and we can hold a fight in Russia. Besides, Fedor needs to recover, and at home, as it is known, even the walls help. All these flights, change of time zones in itself take out from a habitual rhythm of life and are additional loading for the fighter. It is necessary to consider the interests of Fedor's fans which haven't seen him for a long time fighting in Russia.

– At the same time, it was mentioned a possible fight in Japan?

– Yes, I really carry on negotiations for possible fight in Japan on New Year's Eve.

– Returning to Japan isn't some deviation from the won positions?

- No, it is not so. We almost carried on every year negotiations for a fight in New year, but they didn't give result due to various reasons. Besides, Pride was gone and the organization of mixed fights Dream also has certain problems, in particular with television. Once the arrangement with the Japanese party has been almost reached, but a fight in America was coming for Fedor soon and under the contract he couldn't compete in the remaining time in Japan. Nevertheless, we are interested in this fight, Japanese know well and remember Emelianenko and are always ready to see him.

– What, in your opinion, is necessary for Fedor's rehabilitation in the opinion of fans, and whether he needs a rehabilitation in general?

– Fedor is still loved, they root for him and await victories from him. And Fedor, in my opinion, can't leave after defeats. Simply, as it happens, he has a black strip which, it is assured, he will overcome. You know, everyone in life have periods of failures, but he really is a strong fighter both physically and morally, and the age allows him to compete and win.

– One defeat can possible be casual coincidence of circumstances, but not three successively. The version about omissions during the training process, preparation for fights is probable. As both Fedor, and his trainers often say that they didn't bring any basic changes in trainings, moreover, don't see a necessity in it. The same substantially also concerns Fedor's sparring partners. It is not necessary to doubt, that there are strong, perspective fighters successfully acting in various competitions and tournaments, but nevertheless maybe their perspectivity and successes in fighting sambo-wrestling and on a ring is not enough for preparation of the fighter of level of Fedor Emelianenko?

– Strictly speaking, it is a question I can not absolutely address. I am not a master of the mixed martial arts and not a trainer. Everyone should be engaged in the business and for my part it would be at least unjustified to interfere with the training process actively. It is necessary to address this question first of all, to Vladimir Voronov and Alexander Michkov. The only thing with what it is difficult to disagree, is that it is impossible to recognize result as satisfactory. Though I do not think that there can be just one reason and accordingly the unique recipe of correction of a situation. In my opinion it would be very useful for Fedor to replace, at least with time, the environment, the atmosphere of trainings. Constantly working in the same hall, with the same trainers and partners, the person involuntarily gets used to conditions, is slowed down in the development. Before last fight Fedor has spent two preparations in Holland, but possibly it was insufficiently. Perhaps, it was necessary to leave not on ten days, two weeks but for couple of months? And not only to Holland but also somewhere else? Perhaps, it is necessary to go to be trained in America, Brazil … It doesn't mean that he should change trainers, the team but the work with the different trainers, different sparring partners seems to me as only an advantage. Certainly he wouldn't like to leave his family for a long time, his habitual comfortable conditions, but all of it is possible and it is necessary to solve it somehow.

– Can Fedor Emelianenko's sparring partners be such fighters as Josh Barnett, Shane Carwin and others on the same level?

– We work over this question, I very much would like that he would train at the best schools of the world, with the strongest fighters. I can not tell anything concrete yet, but I think that we will successfully solve this question. Not necessarily it will be the fighters named by you, but necessarily the strongest in the area.

– Perhaps, easier than to go to America or Brazil, it is to work with caucasian fighters, whose school has a reputation all over the world? Such variant wasn't considered?

– As far as I know he trained with them but maybe not in that volume as it is necessary. The same concerns trainings in a cage. I am at any moment ready to give the necessary equipment. But I repeat, the final decision to accept goes to the trainers and Fedor. By the way, I already have sent a cage to Stary Oskol a long time ago, but for some reason until now it wasn't established and wasn't involved in trainings.

– The question on replacement of the trainer's staff, creation of a new team isn't necessary?

– I am far from the thought that it is necessary to change trainers or the team, never spoke about it and I do not consider such possibility at all. Another matter that in the same degree, that Fedor, the trainer's staff need to introduce corrective amendments in the work, also to go with Feodor in other clubs and schools of martial arts. Mixed fight, as well as all in our life, changes and improves and to remain in the lead positions, trainers and fighters, preparation techniques should be improved by advancing rates. Sambo – is fine original school, but this direction, by all its advantages, hasn't all the variety of the mixed martial arts. It is necessary not to change the trainers but the trainers should change the art of trainings. Vladimir Voronov and Alexander Michkov have brought up a set of magnificent sportsmen, use a deserved authority at colleagues and to whom as not them should estimate and put into practice all innovations appearing in preparation of fighters at leading world schools. It will be useful not only for preparation of the fighter №1, but also for all of their pupils.

– Throughout many years the mixed martial arts are associated here first of all with Fedor Emelianenko. Though it is said that we have many young and perspective fighters, someone close to the level of the Russian fighter №1, is difficult to name.

– I would tell that here it is necessary to consider two factors. First, Fedor is really an unique fighter and to wait from someone to repeat his results, is at least, naive. Secondly, a "promotion" even for the strongest and talented fighters needs time. We have many perspective fighters that are valid, but the experience of their performances in the mixed martial arts is too small. Fedor too was learned and recognized not at once but in 3-4 years after his debut in the mixed fights. Wait as early as 2-3 years and it is assured our fighters will be in the elite world of ММА in several weight categories. I don't want to name now concrete names, but I can tell that all our champions of tournaments Challenge have fine chances to appear on the top lines of ratings. They need as much tournaments as possible, they should be in the public eye. And the recognition won't keep itself waiting.

Contacts and contracts

– Vadim Grigorevich what is possible to tell about a situation which develops in the world of the mixed martial arts after the sensational transaction when company Zuffa has bought the main competitor of the affiliated company, UFC, organization Strikeforce?

– Happens that, what was possible to assume from the very beginning, namely gradual destruction of Strikeforce, dismissal of variety of fighters and transition of some elites in the UFC. Exactly the same occurred to other companies which were bought by the UFC.

– Negative sides of such policy are obvious, probably, even that who is far from the mixed martial arts, but maybe in this process there is also something positive? For example, more active popularization of this kind of martial arts?

– Perhaps, something positive is also in it, but I it don't see right now. I want to be correctly understood. Matter is not in the natural aspiration of the UFC to monopoly the market of mixfight, to dream, as they say, is not harmfully but it is not necessary even to speak about. Really, UFC is in the lead, but a monopolizations is still very far. There are tens, if not hundreds organizations holding tournaments on mixed martial arts worldwide. Another matter is that UFC spends much more other fights in the North America and now there is a situation when the fighters are dismissed from this organization and Strikeforce, they are out of work. There is some destruction of the market of the mixed martial arts. UFC, at the expense of the financial possibilities, now tries to suppress any who lifts the head. But I think it is a temporal phenomenon. It's rare that a company can brag of steady development and absence of the periods of recession. It is natural process for any business. Policy of the UFC can negatively affect and already affects the destiny of separate fighters, but can't affect sport development as a whole.

– Recently president of the UFC Dana White has informed that days of former champion of PRIDE Emelianenk in an octagon have come to an end after the followed three defeats successively and he is dismissed from Strikeforce. How it is possible to comment on it?

– It is possible to tell only that this statement is quite in the spirit of Dana White who to put it mildly, misleads admirers of the mixed martial arts more than for the first time. How can a person be dismissed from an organization with which it doesn't have contract relations?

– The companies organizing tournaments on the mixed martial arts, search for the strongest fighters worldwide. To you as the president of M-1 Global, it does not seems that attraction of foreign fighters would be useful for development of the mixed fights in Russia? Or it is the realized policy of the organization: to involve, first of all, the own fighters.

– Attraction of foreign fighters demands first of all serious investments and a set of decisions accompanying by the far from simple questions. In practice everything is difficult. Besides I consider that our possibilities in Russia are far from settled. As to martial arts, I don't remember grapplers or boxers-legionaries. Look, what competition is for the places in national teams. Many even leave Russia, only to get somewhere to a national team and to compete in the World Championship or the Olympic games. So the attraction of legionaries in mixfight doesn't seem to me perspective yet. God grant to give possibility to compete for the fighters. With that end in view we also hold numerous tournaments in different regions, we pay such attention to tournaments Selection. We do what our possibilities allow us. First of all, we conduct work in Russia and the USA. In Russia – because it is closer to us, in America – because the mixed martial arts are developed there, as nowhere in the world. Even Europe in this sense appears on the second plan, there is no such popularity and interest of the television companies. In Europe the boxing is more popular.

– What is the situation with contracts of M-1 Global with television channels and how are the prospects of their prolongation?

- We have a contract with TV channel Showtime by which this year in the USA should take place two more tournaments Challenge, in October and December. As to Fedor's contracts there is no present – and wasn't – contracts neither with Showtime, nor with Strikeforce, nor with any other organizations, except M-1 Global.

– As far as I know, Fedor Emelianenko is co-owner of M-1 Global. It turns out that he has a contract partly with himself?

– In any sense it turns out so. Simply organization M-1 Global works for him and also concludes contracts from his name. As to TV channel Showtime our relations proceed and whereever Fedor would compete, Showtime will show it. Besides, we had with this channel good partner relations, and we receive the most flatter responses about our tournaments, the spectator audience considerably grows, we have a good rating, and there are all bases to count on prolongation of the contract with Showtime the next year. Negotiations about it will begin in the near future.

Âàäèì Ôèíêåëüøòåéí: "Ôåäîð íå óéäåò ïîáåæäåííûì" (http://www.mixfight.ru/mma/interviews/2011/8/18/Vadim_o_polozhenii_del/)