Vollständige Version anzeigen : That's me!

27-12-2011, 17:33
High Dudes and Dudettes!

That's me.

I had been here as a guest. One time. Two times. Thrice. Permanently. Now I decided to become a member. One of u. I subscribed the treatment. I'm here. As a member.

I prefer HBE as my martial art. It's the old, plumb forgotten, once greatly feared human butchering. The Extreme modification, u know? The system was devised by a guy who hate all other systems. Central philosophy is "I need a system that works. Works intuitive. Just two or three basic skills ready for use in any situation." He tried some methods and completed human butchering. My alternative is the Xtreme one. Fits always. Just one method. For every situation. It's a win-win art.

I hope we'll have some fun!


btw, as u may have noticed, if I psych out (:engel_3:) just gimme meat:its_raini

Sven K.
27-12-2011, 19:18
Schön, dass du da bist. Willkommen im KKB.

Schaue dich in Ruhe um. Schaue, ob Deine Fragen nicht schon
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Viel Spaß im KKB ! :D ;)