17.3. Minden . Bob Schreiber & Irma Verhoef MMA Seminar!! [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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30-01-2012, 19:16
Bob Schreiber & Irma Verhoeff MMA Seminar im Fight Center Minden!!
Erstklassiges MMA Seminar über 3 Stunden im Stand und am Boden mit PRIDE FC Fighter Bob Schreiber und seiner Lebensgefährtin Irma Verhoef! Bob kämpfte Namen wie Wanderlei Silva, Heath Herring, Melvin Manhoef, Semmy Schilt, Igor Vovchanchyn...

Irma kämpfte MMA Stars wie Yo...ko Takahashi, Erin Toughill und sogar schon gegen Männer!!

Weitere Infos weiter unten!!!

Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet!
Samstag 17.3.2012
Beginn 14-17 Uhr
35,- Euro
Outsider Club (http://www.outsiderclub.de)

Bob Schrijber (Pride FC, M1, 2H2H...) fought guys like Heath Herring, Wanderlei Silva, Melvin Manhoef, Semmy Schilt, Igor Vovchanchyn...

Bob Schrijber (born March 3, 1965) is a Dutch former mixed martial artist and kickboxer. He currently runs his own MMA and Muay Thai team in Wormer, The Netherlands called Team Schreiber. His most famous student at the moment is UFC fighter Stefan Struve. He is internationally known as Bob Schreiber because the Dutch vowel 'ij' is very uncommon in other languages. He holds the notable distinction of being the only fighter to lose to Melvin Manhoef by decision, Manhoef's other 23 wins come by KO/TKO.

Fighting career
Schrijber started his martial arts career in 1981, when he started training in karate and judo in Haarlem, The Netherlands. A year later he started training muay thai at the same gym. After his transition to the acclaimed Mejiro Gym, he started training with seven time muay thai world champion Rob Kaman. At this gym Schrijber became the Dutch and WKA European muay thai champion. In his shot at the WKA World title against Zijo Poljo, Schreiber crushed his left ankle in the third round. Although he did finish the fight, he lost a jury decision.
In 1995 he started his MMA career. He fought notable opponents like Heath Herring, Wanderlei Silva, Semmy Schilt and Igor Vovchanchyn and made 2 appearances in Pride FC. His last appearance as an MMA fighter was in 2008 against Barrington Patterson, which he lost due to a unanimous decision.

Bob "Dirty Bob" Schrijber MMA Stats, Pictures, News, Videos, Biography - Sherdog.com (http://www.sherdog.com/fighter/Bob-Schrijber-310)

Irma Verhoeff (M1, 2H2H, Its Showtime Amsterdam...) fought MMA Stars like Yoko Takahashi, Erin Toughill and also against mens!!

Irma Verhoeff MMA Stats, Pictures, News, Videos, Biography - Sherdog.com (http://www.sherdog.com/fighter/Irma-Verhoeff-556)

09-03-2012, 17:49
Es sind noch freie Plätze zu belegen! Anmeldung über info@outsiderclub.de

09-03-2012, 20:48
Cant wait -)

14-03-2012, 22:20
Das seminar wird verschoben!!! Bob kam gestern erst aus indien zurück und ist leider krank!!! ;-)