Ten thousand hours - eine MMA Docu [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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25-10-2012, 09:44
SevereMMA.com Exclusive Video – Ten Thousand Hours – Owen Roddy and Paddy Holohan (http://severemma.com/2012/10/18/exclusive-video-ten-thousand-hours-owen-roddy-and-paddy-holohan/)

kann man sich ansehen ...

25-10-2012, 10:39
Manchmal wären Untertitel nicht schlecht gewesen ;)

25-10-2012, 22:25
Dieser Irische Akzent ist ja schrecklich.:ups:

26-10-2012, 13:30

zu fighting "fuitn" zu sagen, klingt todeshässlich ...

26-10-2012, 13:34
Ich habs zwar noch nicht gesehen, aber der Dialekt kann nicht schlimmer sein als der in der Reportage über das Boxen bei den Gipsys. :D

26-10-2012, 14:12
Ich habs zwar noch nicht gesehen, aber der Dialekt kann nicht schlimmer sein als der in der Reportage über das Boxen bei den Gipsys. :D

meinst du den film "Knuckle"?

26-10-2012, 14:46
Ne, war Gypsy Blood.

29-10-2012, 02:49
Ich kann Englisch in Wort/Schrift, aber von dem was DIE zwei erzählen... Ich kann bei 10 Wörtern vllt bei einem raushören, was er meint... -.-

05-11-2012, 00:23
Vielen Dank für die Buchung unserer Dokumentation über das Forum.

Wir sind auf das Hochladen einer Version mit Untertiteln in naher Zukunft planen. Ich will sicher sein, um einen Link hier posten, wenn wir tun

Sorry, wenn deutsche schlecht ist, benutzte ich Google Translate

22-11-2012, 23:54
Hier ist eine untertitelte Version des Films


Royce Gracie 2
23-11-2012, 00:06

I have been to dublin few years ago and allthough my english is pretty decent i didnt understand a single word when thouse guys started talking fast.

I did understand most of your Video though.
Its a lot easier than hearing those irish guys talking in real life. :D:D

nevertheless subtitles are very appreciated

23-11-2012, 00:55
Schau ich mir auch mal an. Hört sich interessant an.

26-11-2012, 09:11
Weiß nicht, was ihr habt, man versteht die Jungs doch bestens :) Persönlich habe ich weniger Probleme damit irischen oder eine anderen englischen Akzent aus Europa zu verstehen, die Australier sind heftiger, aber bei den Amerikanern ist der Südstaatenakzent das Übelste (man schaue sich nur the Walking Dead an). :D

Triangle Joe
26-11-2012, 10:02
Cooles Video, mir gefällt das Gym im Parkhaus. :D

28-11-2012, 17:59
Vielen Dank für die netten Worte!

Beide Kämpfer haben da für Cage Warriors und Owen Roddy unterzeichnet kämpft Bellator Veteran Wilson Reis am 8. Dezember live auf MMAJunkie

16-04-2013, 00:51
SevereMMA.com – Number One for Irish MMA Exclusive Video – Paddy Holohan talks trying out for TUF 18, Conor McGregor and more (http://severemma.com/2013/04/15/exclusive-video-paddy-holohan-talks-trying-out-for-tuf-18-conor-mcgregor-and-more/)

26-08-2013, 00:53
Paddy Holohan is a contestant on this season's The Ultimate Fighter on 4th September

03-09-2013, 14:07
Paddy “The Hooligan” Holohan will become the latest product from the Emerald Isle to appear on the UFC’s infamous reality platform when the premier of The Ultimate Fighter: Team Rousey vs. Team Tate debuts on Wednesday, September 4.

Widely considered as Ireland’s best bantamweight, the young Dubliner spoke to PETER CARROLL in this two part interview covering his experience from the try-outs, to his eventual selection as a cast member for the ground breaking season.

Although some of Paddy Holohan’s fights have come on short notice, nothing was could have prepared the Tallaght man for what he met at the TUF 18 try-outs back in April in Las Vegas.

“It was totally different because I hadn’t really been preparing for it,” said the charismatic Dub. “Obviously I’m always training so I was ready. I’m always concentrating on my training and eating well in case something like this comes up.

“Originally I wasn’t sure if I was going, but then my sponsor Dublin Ink managed to sort something out. Even at that I only headed across with one of my mates, I didn’t have a coach with me or anything so we were just having a bit of craic.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever really went into a contest without knowing anything about an opponent and I actually found it worked out well for me. Sometimes when you know who you are going up against and you have a face in your head, you can overwhelm yourself mentally.

“You might hear ‘this guy is a decent striker’ about someone you’re going to fight and the more you see him, the more it builds up in your head and next thing you know, you’re thinking ‘this guy is one of the best strikers in the world’.”

Standing in wings waiting to register amongst nearly 300 like-minded martial artists, Holohan picked up the first of many lessons he would learn about himself on the journey in Sin City.

MORE -- SevereMMA.com – Number One For Irish MMA Paddy Holohan: My TUF Experience (Part 1) (http://severemma.com/2013/09/paddy-holohan-my-tuf-experience-part-1/)

10-11-2013, 21:14
Owen Roddy (who is featured in this documentary) has retired


Roddy Retires – The original SBG trailblazer hangs up his gloves


Just over a minute in and already he was staring the worst case scenario in the face. The lungs of the stadium that once pumped out their hero’s name were now stifled, as if any activity on their part could plunge their protagonist into deeper trouble. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.

It’s said that the secret to being a good party guest is knowing when to leave.


The battles that “Rowdy” Owen Roddy has been involved in will long be remembered as some of the greatest nights in the history of Irish MMA. His resilience, passion and determination inside the cage have attracted many to the sport, while his humour, honesty and light hearted manner outside of competition have forced people to reconsider their views on it.

Having been out of action since December of last year when he lost to Wilson Reis, a valuable win that would propel the Brazilian to the UFC, Roddy explained why he felt it was time to walk away from MMA competition.

“I just feel like it’s the right time for me to retire. I made my decision at the start of the year, probably two months after I fought Wilson,” he said.

“With the club really taking off and a young family, it’s just too hard to train for a fight. If I have to put that much focus into a camp both the club and my family suffer, and I just can’t be leaving them every couple of weeks anymore.

“This is 100% the end of my fighting career – I’m not coming back. You won’t be hearing about me putting the gloves on a year down the line or anything, this is it.”

Having been inactive for such a long time, some might presume that the loss to Reis had taken the fighting pride of Ballymun’s love for the game away. However, the Primal MMA head coach revealed initially he couldn’t wait to get going again.

MUCH MORE - Roddy Retires - The original SBG trailblazer hangs up his gloves SevereMMA.com - Number One For Irish MMA (http://severemma.com/2013/11/roddy-retires-original-sbg-trailblazer-hangs-gloves/)

04-03-2014, 01:47
Our latest documentary is about Conor McGregor's fight with Max Holloway

Here is the trailer
