三皇炮锤Emei San Huang Pao Chui-Three Emperors Cannon Hammers [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


Vollständige Version anzeigen : 三皇炮锤Emei San Huang Pao Chui-Three Emperors Cannon Hammers

08-03-2013, 22:41

A very brief overview on San Huang Pao Chui. Fist Sets, Weapons set, all very brief.

San Huang Pao Chui(Three Emperors Cannon Hammer) comes from Mount Emei(峨嵋山).
Emei Shan lies in Sichuan Province(Southern China ) and is one of the 4 Buddhist holy mountains in China.
One interesting fact is,that nevertheless you also find Daoist Temples on Emei Shan. Also some of the Martial Practices mixed over the course of time.

Another interesting fact that it is said that Bodhisathva Samantabhadra came to enlightment on Emei Shan.

Till today there is not that much known on Emei Martial Arts. Maybe the most well known arts are the Ya Quan (Duck Boxing), the Emei Bagua(made known through masters like Shouyu Liang or John Painter and of course Luzijian) and also the Bai Mei Quan(Pak Mei Kuen) as it is said that Bei Mei Dao Ren(The White Eybrow Daoist )resided on Emei Shan.

History of San Huang Pao Chui

There is still not much info on this art in English( and my Chinese learning skills are still lacking :P) So I have to trust the few informations avaible and I hope some people can add or correct some stuff.

I also always like to state the history as it is given. If it really is like that is another question. To prove something is sometimes hard. Especially regarding that many Martial Arts connect there origin to a mythical founder(or at least regarded mythical ).

So its not easy to verify but we not should deniy it as false that easily. Lets take for example the history of Xing Yi and Xinyi where most people point to Ji Longfeng as the creator and dismiss the story of Yue Fei. There is still research going on where other points are guiding into the direction of Yue Fei as the creator.

But enough of that back to San Huang Pao Chui.

Acording to legend the style was created by the Three Emperors Fuxi,Shennong and Gongong and wher the source of the first Pao Chui from Shaolin as one Shaolin Monk learned the set on Emei.
Another story states that Heaven and Earth itself created this art.

For some maybe a more likely story says that the art was first passed down between Ming and Qing Dynasty from a Daoist priest which name remains unknown (not unsual for Daoist). He passed it to a wandering monk called Puzhao. After years of learning he mastered the art and passed it on to Qiao Sanxiu and Gan Fengchi during the rule of Kangxi and Yong Zheng(which makes it again complex as Kangxi ruled at the height of the Qing Dynasty and the first pass down is said around ming dynasty )
These guys continued teaching it to others.

Liebe Grüße,

T. Stoeppler
12-03-2013, 15:37
Also ob die Historie irgendwie stimmig ist, sei mal dahin gestellt, aber die Übung und die Ausführung gefallen mir gut. Der Speer ist auch wirklich ordentlich und kein dürres Bambusästchen.

Das passt übrigens auch ganz gut in den Pole-Shaking Thread im IMA Forum.

Gruss, Thomas