Vollständige Version anzeigen : Karl Tanswell Interview

17-09-2013, 09:52
Jiu Jitsu Blueprint Blog Archive Karl Tanswell Interview Part One (http://jiujitsublueprint.net/2013/09/karl-tanswell-interview-part-one/)

KT: [...] Anyone can shout “Posture” at your local competition but few really know what’s going on in there.

You have ‘Posture’, ‘Pressure’ and ‘Pace’, then you have ‘Possibilities’.

The mistake most people make is to focus on the ‘Possibilities’, the fancy sweep, submission or trick.
Without emphasis on the fundamental posture and pressure, without that posture the technique will rarely work.

You can memorise all the tricks from YouTube you want, but without ‘Isolation’ you will never develop the timing required to make it useful!''

Björn Friedrich
17-09-2013, 10:30
Da hat er recht, der gute Mann. Ohne Posture und Pressure geht nix.....

Björn Friedrich

17-09-2013, 12:00
Ja, ohne Fundament geht nun mal nix, das ist so.