Hainan/China - Fundamentals of Combat – Qualities of a Fighter, Maerz 2014 [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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12-11-2013, 14:09
Hallo zusammen :)

Zur Eroeffnung des neuen wdp-Trainingscenters auf der Insel Hainan in China gibt Ismet Himmet ein Seminar ueber die Grundlagen des Kampfes und die Grundfaehigkeiten eines Kaempfers. Das Seminar ist fuer alle Level offen. Gelehrt werden Fertigkeiten und Uebungen aus den inneren und aeusseren Kampfkuensten. Das Seminar gibt Dir alles wichtige Wissen und die grundlegenden Uebungen in die Hand, um als Trainierender Innerer Kampfkuenste ein tieferes Verstaendnis fuer den Kampf zu entwickeln und Skills fuer den Kampf zu entwickeln oder als Trainierender aeusserer Stile neue Impulse fuer den Kampf aus den inneren Stile zu bekommen.

Bei Interesse bietet sich die Moeglichkeit gleichzeitig in den Vormittagseinheiten und ohne zusaetzliche Kosten am Seminar "Fundamentals of Nei Gong - Qualities of Neijiaquan" teilzunehmen.

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Program details

1st Intensive Combat Course 02.03. – 15.03. Afternoon Classes (12 Days)

Right, fluent & grounded Stepwork
Qualities of proper Body-Motion (Shen Fa)
The 4 most fundamental offensive/defensive skills of the Fighter (physical)
Skill of Kicking:

Active Stretching & Opening the Way by kicking relaxed (no extra stretching)
Relaxed Kicking with Partner
Working on Thai Pads & Thai Bag
Knees & Elbows
Daily 1000 Kicks / for Advanced Practitioners 2000 at least!
Skill of Punching:

Active warming up the body and arms by punching relaxed shadow boxing
Jab – Cross – Uppercut – Hook – Body Hook – Wide Hook
Body Motion of Boxing
Slip – Roll – Pull – Step out – Bob & Weave – all in south paw
Working on Pads
Basics on Pads
Basic Combinations on Pads
19er Combo
Reflex Punches on Pads
Power Punches on Pads
Working the heavy bag
Power Punches
How to “place” a Punch!
Difference between wild swinging and “placing”!
Catskill combinations
Rapid Combinations
Power Combinations
Basic Attacks and Defences
Distance Management
How to “take” Punches
Peek a boo
Southpaw vs. Orthodox
Set ups
Head fakes
Punch fakes n hits
2nd Intensive Combat Course 16.03. – 22.03. Afternoon Classes (6 Days)

Skill of Takedowns and Throws
15 Takedowns – Fundamental up to Advanced level – using IMA & MMA techniques
Theory of Takedowns vs. Throws
When to use a Takedown and when to use Throws
Drilling the Takedowns vs. Punchers
Drilling the Takedowns vs. Kickers
Punch into a Takedown Position
How to Kick into a Takedown Position
Defensive & Offensive Takedowns
Using Qin Na (Joint Locks) for Takedowns
Submissions, Chockes and Joint Locking Skills
The theory of submitting an opponent, without hitting, or kicking him
Theory of “controlling” an opponent
“Best Submission Position is the ground”
Standing Submissions
Quick Joint breaks
Lethal Finger Locks
Combinations between Locking & Punching/Knees/Elbows/Head-butting
3rd Intensive Combat Course 23.03. – 30.03. Afternoon Classes (7 Days)

Street Smart Defense
Street Wisdom
On the Streets to be tough/strong/fast/ or to have the most effective technique does NOT count!!! The only thing what counts on streets is to be “smart”!
The 8 Distances of a 1on1 Street fight! And if you are missing only ONE of those, it could be your last situation
The 2 most important distances on the Street
The mindset BEFORE getting into a dangerous situation!
The mindset INSIDE a dangerous situation!
The mindset AFTER been into a dangerous situation!
2 of the most important Techniques for a 1on1 Street-Situation.
Distance Management & Transitions (“never box a boxer, never wrestle a wrestler”)
Lethal Street Combo`s to destroy an opponent immediately
Sometimes a “Slap” does more than 100 techniques
The Skill to say “sorry” and walk away

Infos: Wudang Principles (http://www.wudang-principles.com)