Vollständige Version anzeigen : kimura

28-04-2004, 19:35
ist das war das: helio in seinen jüngeren jahren
den top-judoka kimura (aus japan) herausgefordert hat....
dann wegen eines schulterhebels verloren hat, und
man seit dem diesen hebel kimura nennt?

pliis könnt ihr mir einen link geben wo die story detailliert
beschrieben ist? -thanks

28-04-2004, 20:04
nope, der hebel ist nach einem kimura benannt, ob es genau dieser war weiss ich nicht. chicken wing tönt eh cooler...

28-04-2004, 20:13
nö Kimura klingt cooler!
Aber die Story habe ich noch nie gehört.

28-04-2004, 20:27

29-04-2004, 08:46
maximus, cooler link.

** Helio and Carlos became a team. Helio would teach the classes and fight the challenges; Carlos would run the business and the promotion. In those days, the challenges were plentiful. Carlos had taken an add out in the largest Brazilian paper that said, "If you want a broken arm or rib, Call Carlos Gracie."* The Gracie challenge offered $10,000 to anyone that could defeat Carlos or Helio in a no rules fight. In this way, the brothers were able to further refine their art. Because of his lack of size, Helio was forced to modify many techniques to take away the atheleticism that some of them required. Helio defeated all challengers in those days and soon word spread to Japan of this new Jiu-Jitsu. Helio requested a match with the Judo world champion Kimura. Many people consider Kimura to be the greatest judoka of all time even today and Helio wanted to test himself. In order to fight Kimura, Helio first had to fight and defeat the number 2 ranked Judoka in the world, Kato. Helio fought and defeated Kato would his favorite technique: the cross lapel choke. Helio was granted his match with Kimura. The rules allowed striking to the body standing up, no striking on the ground, and both men had to wear a gi. Kimura was much larger and younger than Helio and easily threw him with o-soto-gari (major outer reaping) at the start of the match. This came as a surprise to no one as Kimura's o-soto-gari had defeated many opponents in the world Judo championships. The two continued to fight for 13 minutes with Kimura on the top. Finally Kimura trapped Helio in a shoulder lock. Helio would not submit, so Carlos stopped the fight out of fear that his brother's shoulder might be broken. From that point on, Kimura's name would be used to describe the shoulder lock that led him to victory. Still Kimura was very impressed with Helio's technique, and Helio was invited to come to Japan and teach. Helio refused.
von hier:

renzo vs. sakuraba (pride10?)
ist wohl das rematch ein paar jahrzehnte später,
ging aber gleich aus :-)