Vollständige Version anzeigen : košti-ye bā čuxe - Traditionelles iranisches Ringen

22-09-2014, 07:52
There are more than 20 different traditional wrestling arts that are practiced in today Iran. One of them which is practiced in the region of great Khorasan province is called košti-ye bā čuxe (bā čuxe wrestling). This powerful wrestling art is perfomed by wearing knee-length pants and a thick jacket and is famed for its powerful throws and leg trips.
In this video Pahlavan Hasehm Asadi shows us the techniques of Ba Chukhe wrestling. This is one of the most powerful and beautiful wrestling arts of Iran. Pahlavan Asadi shows the fundamental techniques of Ba Chukhe his student Mr. Behnam Baghcheqi. Phlavan Asadi is a symbol of Jvanmardi one of the most powerful wrestlers and fighters I have ever seen but at the same time a symbol of javanmardi. Watch the greetings ceremony before the fight. I have alread written an academic article on this traditional wrestling style which will be published in an academic journal soon. In the beginning you see the logo of NIMA: Native Iranian Martial and Wrestling Arts. This is a patented trademark and we will analyze all traditional wrestling arts and indigenous martial arts of Iran within this framework. I will also be teaching these arts next to the historeical project Razmafzar. Than you Pahlavan Asadi you are a true warrior.


04-11-2014, 20:23
Hier nun der Artikel, der im spanischen Magazin RAMA der Universität Leon erschienen ist:

A new article: I am happy to announce that my article on the history and techniques of the traditional wrestling art of Iran, Ba Chukhe wrestling has been published in the academic peer-review journal RAMA of the University of Leon in Spain. This is the first academic article published on this art outside Iran. Even in Iran a cursory attention has been paid to this powerful art:

Moshtagh Khorasani, Manouchehr (2014). Bā čuxe Wrestling: A Traditional Wrestling Art from Iran, Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, (9) 2, Julio-Diciembre 2014, pp. 116-129.

To see the whole article see:
https://www.academia.edu/9110400/Moshtagh_Khorasani_Manouchehr_2014_._Bā_čuxe_Wrest ling_A_Traditional_Wrestling_Art_from_Iran_Revista _de_Artes_Marciales_Asiáticas_9_2_Julio-Diciembre_2014_pp._116-129

Or go to the original site of RAMA
B? ?uxe wrestling: a traditional wrestling art from Iran | Khorasani | Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas (http://revpubli.unileon.es/ojs/index.php/artesmarciales/article/view/1426)

For a video of Ba Chukhe wrestling techniques see:

To read my report see:
M.Khorasani Consulting - 5) Ba Chuke and Koresh Wrestling in Bojnord (Iran) (http://www.moshtaghkhorasani.com/razmafzar/events/5-ba-chuke-and-koresh-wrestling-in-bojnord-iran/)

23-11-2014, 15:40
Danke an Dr. Khorasani, der schon zwei von drei Teilen der nationalen Mesterschaften im Iran hochgeladen hat:



23-11-2014, 16:11
Interessant erinnert an das Ranggeln aus dem schönen Zillertal.

24-11-2014, 15:40
Und Teil 3:

10-10-2015, 13:26