Vollständige Version anzeigen : Werde ein Rapido Realismo Instructor

06-06-2004, 08:15
Attention Martial Arts Instructors/Practitioners

we invites you to join us, train, learn, grow, and

Become a Certified Rapido Realismo Instructor

No Franchise fee No Licensing fee No Revenue Sharing No Politics

Until recently only few have accepted in the Rapido Realismo and
joining the inner circle is not easy. Master Henry was a traditional
based instructors who choose his students and share only the most
practical to those who deserve. He doesn't want to commercialize his
art to the point he hide those thing we called secrets and only
available to few. Guro Isagani Abon convinced him that his skills
and knowledge will be wasted if he wont share and teach it to the
public then they founded the Luneta Kali Combative Group and now
PG Espera decided to expand the Rapido Realismo (even to the
Foreigner) then promote and propagate the Arts.

We've designed a comprehensive, Instructor development and
certification course with different level that respect and
compliments your existing Hand to Hand and Weaponry System. We're
looking for serious, progressive & concientious
Instructors/Trainers/Students/Owner/Practitioners from any style or
discipline. You can now professionally integrate Rapido Realismo
into your curriculum. Those who want to help people learn martial
arts, those who want to make a differience in their communities, and
those who want to expand their market and make an extra money by
teachibg and adding the Rapido Realismo into their exsiting Program.

For more Info Contact Us.

Guro Isagani Abon
156 Sitio Puting Bato,NBBS.,
Navotas, Metro Manila,1485,


Dragon Lord
07-06-2004, 18:00

Viel erfolg!