Vollständige Version anzeigen : :(

06-09-2004, 12:47

Although my favourite female cousin was going to visit us to-day, I had to leave home almost ten minutes after she arrived. I had to go to a certain bank in Flowerview in order to pay two instalments more of my father's debt. I would have liked to stay longer to let my eyes gorge on the demure beauty and restrained sensuality that pour out of her personality.

I arrived there in time to pay what I had to pay after I had stayed in a queue for twenty minutes or so. I was not willing to leave Flowerview for my next destination, the usual Internet caf�. I remained standing on a corner of Joseph Brown Avenue. I kept ogling at all the beautiful girls and young women who walked past me to catch their buses. In this district, I can alway find Caucasian women, whether native or foreign ones. None of them was sexually assertive enough to approach, greet me and treat to a cup of tea. If I am going to meet a young lady, I like them to be sluttishly assertive. It did not matter how many Caucasian women stood about me, they were as timid as Mongoloid women. It did not matter that some Caucasian women and Mongoloid ones had fair hair but they were all in hurry to get to somewhere else. That is why minibuses become overcrowded like tins of sardines.

I had some problems with the official website of the paedophilia-friendly polygamy organisation of which I am a founding member. It was suspended because of low bandwidth. Even so, I sent invitations to many Caucasian women registered in that personals web site in which 14-year-old girls can be found. Until now, I have not had any positive replies.

Leider kann man gegen solche Menschen schwer vorgehen und es traut sich auch keiner das Gesetz zu brechen. :(

06-09-2004, 12:54
Tagebuch eines Pädophilen??? :ups:

06-09-2004, 13:58
Leider helfen gute Sachen wie Hushmail.com oder Freenet ( freenet.sourceforge.net ) es solchen Menschen viel, viel leichter nicht gefasst zu werden.