Historische Fechtbücher als PDF Files [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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11-10-2004, 08:14

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11-10-2004, 08:29
Guter Link,danke.

Jörg B.
11-10-2004, 08:44
Danke für den Link Frank! :halbyeaha

Aber ausgerechnet der Fabris tut's nicht. :mad:

11-10-2004, 20:31
Oh Gott - die Übersetzungen sind ja grauenhaft!

Young knight learn, to have God's love and women's too. Thus advance yourself, unto Knightlyhood and learn, the art you must sieze, and in battle be hopeful. Wrestle and hold well, grapple, spear, sword, and backsword handle properly, and in the other hand the dagger. Strike in and hard,

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then rush in to meet or to drive on to wisely hassle the opponent as one wants. From there one long and fully has and retains the whole art.

This is a lesson in the Long Sword

If you would show art, one goes left and right in striking, and left with right is how you will fence strongly. He who strikes after dares a joyless art. Strike to close as you will, and no changes come unto your shield.* To head to body, you permit no exchange. Fight with all your body and drive with strength. Hear what is bad, fight not above to left, where you are right, and if you are left, the right is also worst. Before and After are two things, but all arts come from one spring. Strong and Weak. During, this word you must mark, if you would learn, with artful work and weapon. Set yourself well, no fencing art is never learned. Learn five strikes from the right hand, so the weapon would then be praised, in an art well learned.

The German is archaic and weird...

So ein Scheiss!

Aber sonst ist's nett - danke für den Link. :)

Jörg B.
12-10-2004, 08:35
Marlon, die Übersetzungen stammen grösstenteils von Mike Rasmusson aus Kanada und sind in der Tat grottenschlecht. Gott sei Dank sind wir als Muttersprachler nicht drauf angewiesen. ;)

12-10-2004, 12:37
Ah, ok - das erklärt's. 'hofieren' mit "hoping' zu übersetzen ist schon ganz... gehofft.