Vollständige Version anzeigen : Pride FC 28 - High Octane - Results !!!

31-10-2004, 11:19
Fight 1 - Hirotaka Yokoi gegen Heath Herring

Heath Herring besiegt Hirotaka Yokoi via TKO, 1:48 in der ersten Runde!

Fight 2 - Choi Mu Bae gegen Soa Palelei

Choi Mu Bae besiegt Soa Palelei via Rear Choke in der zweiten Runde!

Fight 3 - Ricardo Arona gegen Sergei Ignatev

Ricardo Arona Soa Palelei via Rear Naked Choke, 9:05 in der ersten Runde!

Fight 4 - Alexander Emelianenko gegen James Thompson

Alexander Emelianenko besiegt James Thompson via KO, 0:13 in der ersten Runde!

Fight 5 - Hiromitsu Kanehara gegen Alistair Overeem:

Alistair Overeem besiegt Hiromitsu Kanehara via TKO in der zweiten Runde!

Fight 6 - Mark Hunt gegen Dan Bobish:

Mark Hunt besiegt Dan Bobish via TKO in der ersten Runde!

Fight 7 - Kazuhiro Nakamura gegen Dan "Hollywood" Henderson:

Dan "Hollywood" Henderson besiegt Kazuhiro Nakamura via Eingreifen des Ringrichters in der ersten Runde!

Fight 8 - Josh Barnett gegen Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic:

Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic besiegt Josh Barnett via Aufgabe, 0:41 in der ersten Runde!

Fight 8 - Wanderlei Silva gegen Quinton "Rampage" Jackson:

Wanderlei Silva besiegt Quinton "Rampage" Jackson via KO in der zweiten Runde!

31-10-2004, 11:35
Wanderlei Silva besiegt Quinton "Rampage" Jackson via KO in der zweiten Runde!


p.s.: CroCop submitted Barnett ??? :ups: ...oder wie darf man "Aufgabe" verstehen ?

31-10-2004, 11:51
p.s.: CroCop submitted Barnett ??? :ups: ...oder wie darf man "Aufgabe" verstehen ?

Barnett soll sich die Schulter ausgerenkt haben.....

31-10-2004, 12:12
Quelle für die Ergebnisse?

31-10-2004, 12:14
Complete Detailed Results Summary Of PRIDE 28...

Originally posted by porkstar
Fight 1: Yokoi vs Herring
Both circle and they lock up. Yokoi throws a knee to the stomach and Heath throws a little bit of rabit punches. They break aside and are on the feet. Heath nails Yokoi with a huge right punch and throws Yokoi to the ground. Heath attacks him and throws a shitload of knees to Yokoi's face. Heath throws some illegal knees and the ref stops it for a while.

the ref starts the fight again after warning Heath.

Yokoi locks Herring apart and throws a knee. Herring responds withe some punches. they seperate and Herring nails Yokoi with a huge punch and throws him to the ground again. MORE HUGE FUCKIN KNEES by Herring and the ref stops the fight.

It's over and Herring wins by KO with huge Knees

winner: Heath by KO

Fight 2: Choi Mu Bae vs SOA
They are both circling and nobody has landed anything. SOA runs at Mu Bae and takes Choi down. SOA is in Choi's guard. Soa is trying to pass the guard and Choi is trying to hand guard.

Oh a Great move by Choi and they're back to the feet! Choi moves in and grabs Soa by the upper body and a HUGE TAKEDOWN by Choi. Choi has the top position and is nailing SOA with some big shots.

Soa gets on his knees and Choi throws some knees. Soa works back to the feet.....

Soa grabs Choi and gets the takedown. Both guys have traded takedowns so far. Soa goes for a rear mount on Choi. Choi stand up with Soa on his back! Choi jumps off and there standing against each other again!

Choi gets a clinch and slams SOA down again. Soa reverses position and gets up yet again! Both standing up and fighting again. Choi backs Soa into the ropes and is grabbing him there. Choi backs off and nails Soa with some great punches.

Soa has really gassed bad so far. Choi backs off, Soa goes for a takedown but can't get it. Choi nails Soa with a spinning back punch! Choi grinds Soa to the ropes and nails some big body punches on Soa.

They are both still standing and each of them are throwing some bombs. They both clinch right up in the corner and Choi is really pounding Soa with some huge body blows.

The ref breaks them up and makes them start at the center of the ring. They are both standing up again and Choi is winning the stand up battle. Soa jumps in and nails Choi with a combination. Soa then nails Choi with some more very good punches. They are trading big punches now! Soa grabs Choi's head and throws huge knees and punches! What an incredible Chin by Choi! This is amazing!

Soa keeps throwing some big shots and Choi keeps taking them right to the face! Choi clinches up again. The ref breaks them back up to the center again.

ok round 1 is over and it was a very even round.

In the 2nd round, Choi takes an amazing amount of punishment, shows an amazing chin and submits SOA with 5 seconds left in the round!

winner: Choi Mu Bae by RNC submission

Fight 3: Ricardo Arona vs Sergei Ignatev
They are both circling. Sergei throws a couple of good shots and Arona responds. Both not throwing many shots at all and measuring each other's distance. Sergei runs forwards and Arona slams him down with a takedown.

Arona pases Sergei's guard and Sergei turns his body around. Arona as result has the back mount. Attempts an armbar but he can't get it completely. Sergei starts rolling around on the ground to get Arona off of him but Arona maintains the hooks in the back.

Arona keeping very good position. Sergei makes a turn and gets Arona reversed to the ground but Arona reverses him right away and now is in Sergei's full guard.

Arona is throwing a few rabit punches to Sergei's face. Arona stand up and throws some more punches. Sergei is just trying to grab Ricardo's arms to try and stop Arona but it's not happening. Sergei goes to butterfly guard and tries for the sweep. As a result, Arona passes one of Sergei's legs and gets the half guard. Arona keeps trying to pass the legs and go for side mount.

Sergei spins to the side again and Arona gets his hooks in and gets the back mount yet again. Arona keeps him in the back mount and his trying to set up Sergei's arm for a possible submission. Arona throws a few little punches to Sergei's nose and the head. Sergei turns over onto his knees with Arona on his back. Arona throws some big hammerstrikes to Sergei's head.

Arona goes for the Armbar! Sergei with awesome defence just THROWS his arm right out of there and hits Arona with a big punch. Sergei is in Arona's guard now. Arona throwing some heel kicks from the guard. Sergei catches one of the kicks and goes for a heel hook!

Arona gets out of it and Sergei stand right back up. Arona is in the butt scoop and Sergei is standing up. Arona works his way back to the feet and they are circling again. Arona clinches up and slams Sergei down to the ground.

Arona passes the guard. Sergei lifts his leg up to prevent the full mount but is unsuccessful. Arona goes to the full mount! Sergei spins over again and Arona gets rear mount again! Arona grabs the choke and he has it! Sergei taps out and Arona wins by RNC submission!

winner: Arona by Sub(RNC) in the 1st round

Fight 4: A. Emelianenko vs James Thompson
James charges out and goes for a football tackle and a punch! Emelianenko backs out of the way, falls to his back. He gets right back up and NAILS HIM WITH A HUGE SHOT!! Thompson is knocked out cold! James just got KTFO!!!!

winner: Aleks by huge KO in 12 seconds

Fight 5: Allistair Overeem vs Hiromitsu Kanehara
Overeem goes for a flying knee right off the start. Kanehars runs away and Overeem nails him with a flying knee that knocks him to the ground. Overeem backs Kanehara to the corner and throws some more big knees to Kanehara's body. Kanehara wraps his legs around and gets Overeem into the guard. Overeem stands right back up.

They are on their feet again and Overeem throwing good shots. Kanehara is contend to pull guard and they are down on the ground again. Overeem pulls over the legs and tries to transition to the sidemount. Good job by Kanehara to get the full guard again. Overeem stand right back up from the guard. Referee motions to Kanehara to stand up and they are standing again.

A missed punch by Allistair and Kanehara gets the takedown. Overeem instantly goes for the Guillotine choke but Kanehara gets out of it. Kanehara goes for the pass but Overeem reverses him over! Overeem gets the sidemount and starts hitting Kanehara with some good knees. Kanehara turns around and gets full guard. Overeem stand back up again.

Kanehara goes for a kick, Overeem catches it and takes Kanehara down. Overeem is now in Kanehara's half guard.

Kanehara has a great chin!

They are both on the ground with Overeem in the half guard. Kanehara gets full guard again but it is open. Overeem stands right back up.

Both are standing. They trade a few kicks. Kanehara moves in and Overeem hits him with a knee. Overeem hits Kanehara with a good low kick. He goes for a flying knee but Kanehara dodges it and jumps to guard again. Overeem stand right back out of the guard again. Kanehara is VERY STUPID for not keeping the full guard and opening it up.

They go right back to the ground because of another guard jump by Kanehara. Overeem goes for a side mount but Kanehara reverses him. Overeem tries to get a Guillotine on Kanehara but Kanehara will have nothing of it. Kanehara passes the guard but Overeem with a brilliant move to get him back to the feet.

Overeem throws a knee and with a good connection. Kanehara tries to get another guard jump but Overeem avoids him. Kanehara hits him with a good stomp to the neck position. Overeem gets Kanehara down to the ground with a takedown and Overeem gets the back mount position.

Overeem has Kanehara's back and has the hooks in. He throws some light punches to Kanehara's face and wants to try for the submission.

Round 2:

They start throwing some punches and Kanehara tries for the guard jump again. Overeem just backs away from Kanehara and its the butt scoop again.

Kanehara goes back to his feet and they are standing up again. Very technical striking by Overeem and he's picking Kanehara apart. Good low kicks, and a nice knee to the body by Overeem. Kanehara pulls guard again. And they're on the ground. Overeem passes the guard and is kneeing Kanehara. Two knees to Kanehara's body followed up by a big knee to the head.

Kanehara does a 360 turn over and grabs Overeem's leg for a takedown. Kanehara jumps up and tries to pull guard again. Overeem stand right back up. It almost looks like Saku vs Royler right now.

Ref gets Kanehara to stand back up. They both start throwing some blows. Overeem dominates Kanehara with crisp punches and a nice kick. Overeem goes for a clinch but Overeem easily throws him right to the ground. Kanehara gets up and pulls guard again.

Overeem passes the guard and goes to the 69 position. Overeem throws some very good knees to the head and and the referee stops the fight so that the doctor can check the cut that has formed under Kanehara's eye.

It's official and the doctor waves off the referree. The fight is over and Overeem wins because of the cut.

Winner: Overeem by TKO

Fight 6: Mark Hunt vs Dan Bobish
Hunt looks really relaxed. Bobish rushes right in and eats two big knees by Hunt. Bobish with a nice takedown but great step up by Hunt!!

Hunt throws a big knee on Bobish's face with opens a cut on........guess where? his eye. The ref stops the fight for a doctor check.

the doctor lets the fight keep going.

They both touch gloves. Bobish runs into Hunt and grabs a big slinch. BACK SUPLEX by Bobish to Hunt. Hunt almost landed to his head. Bobish is into side mount right now with Hunt. Bobish with some goot shots. Restarted in the center of the ring and Bobish still has side mount position. Some nice shots by Bobish right now.

Hunt spins to the side and gets on his knees. Bobish is relentless and is throwing some more big shots to Hunt. Hunt is acting like a turtle right now on his knees. He looks like a fish out of water! Bobish is toying with Hunt right now. Bobish is throwing some huge knees to Hunt's head while Hunt is still turtled on his knees doing nothing.

Hunt isn't reponding in anyway right now. Dan Bobish continues to throw some good knees to Hunt's face. Hunt is still doing nothing but turtling up on the ground like a little wimp. Looks like a year training in grappling isn't good enough for Hunt.

Restarted back in the middle with Bobish back in the same position with Bobish in sidemount. Hunt grabs Bobish's arm and tries for a very lackluster kimura. Bobish throws his arm right out and throws some more knees to Hunt's head. Still in the same position. VERY POOR EFFORT BY BOTH MEN! Bobish can't finish Bobish when he should and Hunt is doing nothing but laying there.

there are still 3 minutes left in the round and Bobish still has the same position. Good knees by Bobish. Hunt pushes off and spins up to his feet! Wow, BOBISH IS AN IDIOT!

Bobish looks tremendously gassed right now! They are standing up and Bobish has his hands way down. Mark Hunt smiles on his face and throws some nice shots to Bobish's face. Hunt hits him with a weak punch and a kick to the chest and Bobish falls down the ground from exaustion! Bobish just lays there tired and the referree stops the fight!

That KO strike was 80% exhaustion and 20% actual strike.

winner: Mark Hunt by TKO

Fight 7: Dan Henderson vs Kazuhiro Nakamura
Dan Henderson vs Kazuhiro Nakamura:

They are both doing some stand up. Nakamura throws a low kick and Henderson counters with a nice punch on the buttom. Henderson locks Nak with his arma and rolls him kind of on the ground. Dan gains Nak's back and goes for a Rear Naked choke, but Nak gets out of it.

Henderson gets into the side mount and starts throwing some big knees to Nak's face and shoulder. OOOH! Nakamura's shoulder pops right out of socket and the referee stops the fight! Nak is in HUGE pain right now and all the doctors are checking on him. It looks like an arm or shoulder injury from Nakamura.

Very unfortunate break for Nakamura.

Winner by Injury TKO: Dan Henderson

Fight 8: Mirko Cro Cop vs Josh Barnett
Josh comes right after Cro Cop and they are trading punches! Cro Cop goes for the high kick, Josh ducks under it and takes him down!!!! Josh is in Cro Cop's closed guard!!! This could be big trouble for Mirko!!

Cro Cop is trapping Josh's arm and Josh jumps up and as a result it gets twisted! OH MY GOD!!!!! Josh Barnett taps out!!!


winner: Cro Cop by Submission

Fight 9: Wanderlei Silva vs Rampage Jackson
Silva vs Rampage:

Rampage runs in and clinches immediately with Silva. Silva throws some wicked knees to Rampage's gut. Rampage steps back and lands two solid punches on Silva. They tie up again and both are throwing knees to the body. Silva tries to take Rampage down, but Rampage stays up because of the ropes. Rampage goes down low and tries to pick up Silva but he can't do it.

Rampage throws a big knee right to Silva's balls. Silva says he's ok and they start fighting again. Silva nails Rampage with some huge punching flurries! Silva goes for a high kick but misses Rampage! THEY ARE TRADING SHOTS NOW!

Rampage throws a left-right combination that lands and hits Silva with a nice knee. Silva throws a jab and follows it up with a straight right. Silva with a nice knee to Rampage's head. They both clinch up against the ropes again. Rampage has a cut on the left side of the face! What a fight so far!

some HUGE punches being thrown by both men! Silva goes for a high kick and misses. Rampage counters with a good one-two combination. Silva also replies with some huge punches!! What an awesome throwdown!

Rampage grabs Silva and throws him down with the takedown!!! Rampage's huge cut is bleeding so bad. The ref stops it to check the cut and the doctor says it's ok. They restart the fighters in the center of the ring on the ground with Rampage on top.

Silva nails Rampage with some good punches from the guard. Rampage is being really flustered right now and Silva is doing great work from the bottom. Rampage pops up and hits Silva with some good body shots. Silva is going for a triangle choke and Rampage gets out of it! Silva is doing some awesome work from the bottom! Silva is now going for a reverse Kimura! Rampage gets out yet again!

Rampage throws a couple of shots to Silva's face and Silva responds with some of his own. Some great hip movement from the bottom by Wandy. Rampage nails Silva with some good shots on the ground, to the face and the body. Two hammer fists by Rampage and Silva is throwing some punches to Rampage's head. Rampage stand up and goes for a guard pass. Silva prevents the pass and they are still in the full guard.

2 minutes to go in this awesome first round. Rampage is really doing some great work on Rampage's body. Rampage stands up and Silva hits him with an upkick! Rampage goes right back in the guard. Rampage continues to plow away with punches from the top and Silva is doing good work from the bottom.

The referee stands them up and gives them both a yellow card. Silva stalks Rampage and nails him with some good punches. Silva with a nice liver kick to Rampage's body. Rampage jumps in with a right hand and Silva counters with a right looper over the top. Silva goes for a middle kick, Rampage catches it and KNOCKS DOWN SILVA WITH A PUNCH!

Rampage jumps down on Silva and is pouncing on him!! he nails him with some great knees to the face but Silva with awesome hip movement and gets him back in the full guard! Silva goes for a triangle choke but Rampage rips out of it! Rampage passes Silva's guard and is in the side mount! Rampage nails Silva with 3 HUGE KNEES!!! Rampage is doing great but the bell rings to end the round!!!

Round 2:

Silva nails Rampage with some good punches to start the round and a high kick! Rampage clinches with Silva and slams him to the ground! Rampage goes for a guard pass but Silva reverses him!!! Silva is on top in Rampage's guard here!

Silva throws some great shots to Rampage's head. Rampage is trying to tie up Silva's arm but to no avail and Silva is hitting Rampage with some good right hands to the face. Rampage continues to try and grab Silva's arms but Silva gets them free and continues the GnP.

Silva stands up and THROWS SOME HUGE STOMPS! Now Silva throws a big soccer kick to Rampage's head but only partially landed! Rampage gets back up to the feet and they are standing once again!

Silva is winning the stand up here. He nails Rampage with a nice lowkick. Silva jumps in and pops Rampage with a nice right over the top. Silva jumps in with a left hand, Rampage counters with a right but Silva retaliated with another punch!

Rampage comes forward after Silva and Silva grabs his head. OH MY GOD! WHAT A HUGE KNEE BY SILVA!!! HE KNOCKS RAMPAGE RIGHT OUT OF THE FUCKIN RING!!!!!

It's over! Silva wins by HUGE KNEE KO!!!!

Winner: Wanderlei Silva by KO!!!!

31-10-2004, 12:59
Quelle für die Ergebnisse?

Meine Page ;)

31-10-2004, 13:00
ein Bildchen zum geniessen :D


31-10-2004, 13:45
nix geniessen ! :)

31-10-2004, 13:46
nix geniessen ! :)
yup. :rolleyes:

31-10-2004, 14:17
im laufe des tages gibt es sicherlich Bilder der Kämpfe bei KSM :)

31-10-2004, 21:11
YESSS...Vanderlei is the law..total annihilation !!! :gewicht:

31-10-2004, 21:17
bilder online!