Vollständige Version anzeigen : 2. Ving Tsun Weltkonferenz, 19.-20.11.2005, Hong Kong

03-07-2005, 09:44
Hallo Board & *ing *un Gemeinde,

Mein Sifu hier in Hong Kong hat mich gebeten, einen Text, Ankuendigung ueber die "2. Ving Tsun Weltkonferenz" ins Netz zu stellen, um Interessierte in Deutschland ueber dieses Ereignis zu informieren. Hier der Text:

Dear All

Please allow me to introduce myself as the appointed secretary of the Organization Committee of Ving Tsun Athletic Association Second World Conference.
(Together with others we are as well editing a book about Yip Man’s Ving Tsun Genealogy and a book print about Yip Man’s Ving Tsun 50 Year Anniversary/Commemoration.)

The Ving Tsun Association Second World Conference will be held from 19th to 20th November 2005. The event will be hosted in Hong Kong’s largest Youth Village that is located in the New Territories in the North of the Kowloon peninsula. All overseas practitioners and guests can be accommodated in the Youth Village for two days and participate in all programs of the conference.

This Ving Tsun Association Second World Conference will commence with a big opening event to greet and welcome all local and foreign guests. For the program, training seminars with local & overseas Ving Tsun instructors are planned as well as relaxed and friendly gatherings for all participants in the village in order to share their training experience, achievement, and interest in Yip Man Ving Tsun.

After the conference, whoever is interested can participate in a “Kung Fu trip” to South China that is being organised to visit together places of interest in South China to show the origins of Ving Tsun in South China.

It is also planned to launch a comprehensive book about the Yip Man Ving Tsun Genealogy and a book about Yip Man Ving Tsun 50’s Anniversary. These 2 printouts will include more than 40 valuable articles from different local or overseas sifus or instructors.

This is a first notice to all interested parties in Germany and I would appreciate if you could forward this message to other Ving Tsun practitioners and make them aware of this event to come.

Please note the contact details below for anybody who is interested in contacting me. We will start launching more information on the following website soonest: http://www.wvtc.hk (not launched yet) and will update everybody on a regular base via this website.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Kind Regards

Sifu Cliff Au Yeung
Email: cliffay@vt.com.hk
Web Site: http://www.vt.com.hk
Phone: (852) 2578 8928
Fax: (852) 2866 3150

Zur Information: die 1. Konferenz fand statt im November 1999 und hatte ca. 600-700 Teilnehmer. Fuer diese werden ca. 1,400 - 1,500 Teilnehmer aus aller Welt erwartet.

War jemand 1999 dabei und kann ggf. seine/ihre Erfahrung vorstellen?

Wer auch immer Lust hat, kann er/sie den Text kopieren und weiter innerhalb von Deutschland verschicken, um die Information weiterzuverbreiten?

Vielen Dank an Alle!

Gruss aus Hong Kong
Juerschue :)