Fragen ueber Aikido Technik [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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19-08-2005, 20:49
Hallo liebe Leute,

Ich kann leider nicht so gut auf Deustch schreiben kann , und deswegen schreib ich lieber auf Englisch (auch nicht perfekt).Ihr könnt gerne aud Deutsch zurückschreiben ... kein Problem. :) :D

I see in almost all Clip about aikido , there are always such scene: An (Single or Multiple) student (Uke) run to his Sensei and try to hit the Sensei , the Sensei make some movement and then the student fly and make a beautiful breakfall ...
In this case , the sensei is ready to receive an attack.

My Question ist ... are there any technique in Aikido (Aikikai or Ki no Kenkyukai) to defend against choke or grab (e.g someone suddenly grab your hand/collar/hair, Bear hug , etc) ?
I mean , we are not always in a standby position to receive an attack , but in reality attacker would attack us, when we are not ready , and the attacker will not always run toward you (so you can use his energy against him)...
So i would like to know, if Aikido have technique against such attack
Just curious

Thank you
Maxwell :D

19-08-2005, 21:58
Yes, Aikido has lots of techniques against grasps and similar attacks. For example, here you can see Nikkyo, one of the basic techniques of Aikido:
Techniques in Aikido are always trained agains different kinds of attacks.

20-08-2005, 01:07
Yes. In the style of Aikido i study, the technique is actually teached in 3 steps.

Step 1: Escaping out of Grips, Hold, Chokes and turning them against your opponent. (Ill explain a technique later.) This step also includes the basics of atemi, the (very painfull) strikes of aikido

This step deals with the more simple ways of using aikido and prepares the student for more complicated techs. Most of the time the techs are very similar wich makes a lot of sence, because they are more easy to remember, if teached this way. A technique a day, keeps boredom away.
This step also is an intruduction for the student to feel the "flow" of the ki.

Step 2: Defending agaist, blows, hooks, attempted grips, strikes, kicks, and tackles.

For this step, it is important, that the student unterstands the basics of ki. As the enemy attacks him, he leads his (speedfull) attacking force into another direction, wich is the basic concept of Aikido. You will find it also in most of the arts of fencing, where it is more common to lead the enemies force (blade) into a more safe direction.

Step 3: Defendigt without having to grab the enemy, or the need to guard from an attack. The student simply avoids his enemy, with maneuvers that will make him fall, or show him, that his attacks are useless.

Ok, but i am walking OT. :)

One of the most basic techniques is the Nikyu wich is illustrated. It is a defendig tech against a choke with the opponents forehand or against a grap your Gi. The Sensei simply turned sideways, reached over the opponends left hand, with his own left, grabbed it in the area of the small finger an turned backwards, giving pressure on the opponents forearm with his own right.

If you want another technique explained, write me a PN, or post it. I will try to take photos.

C ya,

PS: I hope, my post wasnt to confusing, cause its 2 o clock in the morning, i am tired, and its kinda hard to explain some actions on english, always having to think about the right words, and the correct explaination. Its already kinda hard in german. ;)

20-08-2005, 18:03
Hallo liebe Leute,

I see in almost all Clip about aikido , there are always such scene: An (Single or Multiple) student (Uke) run to his Sensei and try to hit the Sensei , the Sensei make some movement and then the student fly and make a beautiful breakfall ...

That's mostly a randori or at least a randori style demonstration. This is an (quite advanced) *exercise* and shouldn't be mistaken as a self-defense application or a self-defense simulation.

My Question ist ... are there any technique in Aikido (Aikikai or Ki no Kenkyukai) to defend against choke or grab (e.g someone suddenly grab your hand/collar/hair, Bear hug , etc) ?

Aikido teaches (mostly) techniques which other martial arts would consider as a kind of "form" or even "kata". Through this curriculum a student should internalize the underlying principles of aikido and should then be able to apply intuitively appropriate responses to any kind of hostile behavoir. To do that, there are lots of advanced exercises added to the techniques (forms) like randori, free techniques and other stuff. So, aikido doesn't teach you in a (meanwhile common) "practical self-defense" type of training but sticks much more to a kind of "abstract level". The reasons are lying in O-Sensei's grave I believe, but several came also out of smart ideas to prevent training accidents, and also to install an atmosphere, where free and dynamic training in a natural flowing learning process is possible. It is further said, that these forms were also used by O-Sensei to prevent a too easy understanding of the principles by other already skilled martial artists, because he has been really afraid that other experts could steal from him.

I mean , we are not always in a standby position to receive an attack , but in reality attacker would attack us, when we are not ready , and the attacker will not always run toward you (so you can use his energy against him)...

Yeah, well, surprise A L W A Y S works!!!!

So i would like to know, if Aikido have technique against such attack
Just curious

The whole concept is different. As I mentioned, aikido relies on responsive, rather than reactive behavoir. So, in aikido it is not merely the techniques you learn, that are important for responses against real live attacks. But aikido training focuses also, or even more on awareness, centered movement and assertive presence, as well as on the applications of understood *principles*, like the concept of atemi, which in fact is coherent to every aikido movement, or distance or understanding of the angles, controling the line of attack etc. It is NOT meant the way, that you should apply "techniques" you have learned in training to a similar situation in real live (well, you can do that, but you won't find that kind of attack very often), therefore you don't have those "as realistic as possible" attack-simulations as you'll find in jujitsu, hapkido and other modern self-defense systems.

Aikido training is more of a sophisticated curriculum for a gradual improvement in understanding those concepts. And you also shouldn't forget that aikido was invented merely as a method of self-improvement, so, it also should be a bit beyond learning very quickly how to overcome attacks by some average naughty guy down on the street ;). The training has (on an advanced level) also to create situations (in a protected environment) where you can learn to deal e.g. with conflicts on a more personal level and to cope with other kind of stuff like mental blockades, anxious, self-protective intented, but in consequence maladaptive reactions and so on.

Nevertheless, there are teachers (well, personally I didn't see a shihan do that but mostly coaches in the local clubs and schools) who try to give aikido students esp. on a very early level also some "practical tricks" to cope with some kind of real-live attacks (or at least avoke the impression to have learned something useful for that). But what I've seen so far, that wasn't applied aikido but more practical jujitsu stuff (so, there are for example also lots of straight backwards movements which are a big No-No in aikido -- I've also seen a lot of (even dangerous) crap). I don't know why they do that. Maybe they are afraid that people won't come back to them if they don't teach them at least some practical (to-be) self-defense stuff.

Hope that helps a bit. :D