Vollständige Version anzeigen : Krav Maga, Antwort von Maor

Dr. Ralf
26-07-2002, 09:38
Hallo zusammen,
hier ist die Antwort von Maor auf das Posting von Yanilov, das diesem auch per e-Mail zugesendet wurde. Zum besseren Überblick habe ich auch das Ausgangsposting von Yanilov hier noch mal aufgeführt. Ich lasse das Ganze mal unkommentiert stehen.
Gruß Ralf

Hi Leute,
hier kommt die von mir weiter oben angeführte Antwort auf meine e-mail an Eyal Yanilov.
Am Anfang und am Ende habe ich lediglich die üblichen Begrüßungsfloskeln weggelassen, vom Inhalt des Briefes fehlt nix (versprochen)!!

"... Thnx for the mail and interest.
You know that the moment one tries to throw dirt on face of the other, the first thing that gets dirty is the hand
holding the dirty thing, but some times one has to get his hands dirty. I will try to do it the cleanest way.
Amnon Maor has background in Judo, Karate and some military KM. He was educated as military KM instructor
(I believe in the 80's). The way it is taught in Israel, military KM is but a small section/portion of the KM system
He was later taught by one of my students too. I met him several times and even worked with him and taught him, but very little.
We no longer give him any info, as we see he is not using it the right and clean way.
His knowledge of the KM system is limited, and he is not familiar with the system and its concepts as a whole. He is doing
his own stuff and basically has no system, just a combination of techniques he knows and his thinking. This way of his it suits him,
not necessarily the general public.
Maor has some experience in conflicts in the time of the Intifada (Palestinian riots)
I see his move as mainly riding the KM name that we are spreading in Europe and in America /Europe /Australia and Japan,
quality or profession are not the first thing for him, his own name and money are. There is but only one source to KM, imitators and wanabes
(want to be s) are starting to rise, like Maor, hopefully they will not be able to fool all the people all the time, so high quality and real people
will float over them.
Maor has also been saying that his system is an improvement of KM, this is fun to read and funny to think about.
I think we are doing OK job, even though in Germany Maor is making a name to himself, but I suspect he will attract to himself
people like him, so will have hard time to be big and successful for a long period of time.
These are the facts as I know them, and my opinions about Amnon from knowing him and from others who know him too (maybe better than me)
(I hope its not too hard :-) answer )

So, das war also das offizielle Statement von Eyal Yanilov.

Hast du schon was von Maor gehört??


Subject: responce to Eyals letter

Mr. Eyal,

I have read your letter and was amazed to find out that an Israeli that calls himself an instructor in KM gives private info on military/police personal at this era of time to foreign sources.

The only thing u didn't mention that my background in Judo and Karate begins long ago at the age of 10, after competing in the highest grade I was recruited to one of the top Elite groups in the I.D.F and the rest isn't your business or others.

My knowledge in military and civil martial art goes from 1977 until present time
Through thousands of hours instructing the top of the "food chain" Israeli finest.

For your basic, and not comprehensive knowledge I have investigated the art of small warfare through my experience in the anti terror opposition elite forces and discovered a better method of using technique to accomplish the mission in a smother and elegant way.

My methods have proved it selves in thousand of cases through the Israeli different departments, and other international forces whom I teach and instruct my new method of martial art.
It has proven in many situations in the "real world" which u are not familiar with probably.
We don't play games here we fight for our lives.my way saves life's and energy.

My personal experience in many critical situation proved to my superiors that this method is for the best.
This is not a world class books for sale or selling videos, it's for the protection of those who fight endless wars every single day.which again I emphasize u r not familiar with.

I hope my response will poor light on your miserable letter, and will eliminate your egoistic way of pushing others aside from the real world equation.

Amnon Maor.

27-09-2002, 11:46
I dont know mr.Maor but I know Mr.Yanilov.He's very good teacher but maybe without real experience.Mr.Yanilov tells mr.Maor lokks only for a money.Mr Yanilov too."there are two birds: blackbird tells to the crow.You are so black!!" old italian proverb.
best regards

30-09-2002, 18:30

an alle die es interessiert:

ich werde am kommenden (5. u. 6. Okt.) Wochenende bei einem zweitaegigen Seminar in KMM teilnehmen. Mit maor himself.

Wenn es interessiert kann ich in der community ja eine ausfuehrliche Retrospektive in einen eigenen Thread darbieten ;-)

01-10-2002, 06:34
wo findet das seminar denn statt ?

gruss richie

01-10-2002, 14:40
In Wien

Sportcenter Donau City
1220 Wien, Arbeiterstrandbadstrasse 123
(direkt bei U1-Station)

Sa. & So. jeweils von 8.30 bis 17.00 Uhr

kostet lächerliche 200 €
(die Anzahl der Nullen stimmt)

