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23-06-2006, 00:04
dass Bas Rutten so besonnen reagiert?

doch nicht: bang, bang, bang ? ;)

Aus einem anderen Forum:

I got this from another site, but it was also posted on Bas' site for a while as well:
Bas Rutten [on FSN's Best Damn Sports Show] told the story of his altercation with Brian Urlacher of the Chicago Bears. They were at a charity event in Florida, and at a big party, the band knew Rutten and treated him like a big celebrity and he sang and played drums. As he was coming off stage and walking around, he accidentally stepped on Urlacher's foot. Urlacher got mad and shoved him. Rutten said he was sorry, and Urlacher said, "I don't need your sorry." Rutten then saw he was drinking a beer, and said the last thing he wanted to do was get into a fight at a charity event, so he said, "Look, I'll buy you a beer." Urlacher then said, "I don't need your beer." Rutten said his usual rule in a bar confrontation is three strikes and you're out (Rutten has legendary bar fight stories dating back to his days in Holland), but he said this wasn't the place and he just told Urlacher, "Okay, now you've got to stop," and walked away. Urlacher then said, "Do you want to go outside." Rutten turned around and started laughing, which probably wasn't the correct response by this time to diffuse the situation. Rutten then said, "Yes." By this point the bouncers had been alerted and they were already on the scene and pulled Urlacher away and basically told him they were saving his life and who the guy he was picking a fight with was. When Urlacher was told, he went over to Rutten and apologized for everything."

23-06-2006, 00:14
Da ist dann wohl jemand haarscharf an einer ordentlichen Tracht Prügel vorbeigeschrammt.:D

23-06-2006, 01:05
falsches Forum... :confused: wie konnte das denn passieren ? :)

Lars´n Roll
23-06-2006, 01:15
Da ist dann wohl jemand haarscharf an einer ordentlichen Tracht Prügel vorbeigeschrammt.:D

Die er definitv verdient hätte... :)

23-06-2006, 20:19
Hier ist das passende Video:


23-06-2006, 21:27
Hier ist das passende Video:


Lustige Show :D

23-06-2006, 23:45
Ja, die meißten der Jungs da sind ex Atlehten die über die verschiedensten Sportarten diskutieren, mit viel Witz und Humor bei der Sache. Shogun und Ninja waren da auch schon zu Gast und haben Standupmäßig ein bisschen was gezeigt :) Rutten hat an dem Moderator auch schon mal nen GI und RNC vorgeführt, davor haben sie ein bisschen über Pride und Cro Cop gequatscht. Echt schade das Bas nicht mehr Pride kommentiert.