Martial arts from outer space... :-) [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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12-09-2006, 11:18
Und ich dachte, ich hätte schon so ziemlich alles gesehen, mit dem Leute ihre Mitmenschen um ihr Kleingeld erleichtern... ;)

Anscheinend lag ich falsch. Hier ist tatsächlich ein Herr, der behauptet, seine Kampfkunst von Außerirdischen gelernt zu haben.

Es lohnt sich, die Homepage mal im Detail zu durchstöbern und in den Aufsätzen des Meisters zu schmökern... ich bin aus dem Lachen nicht mehr herausgekommen :D

12-09-2006, 11:33
Omg, so-ein-Dreck xD ernst. Aber es gibt wohl wirklich ein paar Leute da da daruf reinfallen... :/
Sehr sinnfrei.

12-09-2006, 12:25

Hi, :ups:

am besten sind die technikbezeichnungen wie :

Photonic Union


Pulsory Blast

richtig gut scheint der

Maharic Shield

zu sein.

Bin ich dann unverwundbar ?

So wie ich das interpretier bringt ( oder könnte er ) den Leuten sowas wie eine

Cool !


( der : Wissende /Sehende/Schwebende ??? )

12-09-2006, 12:32
Sehr gut ist auch das hier:

The Visitors told me of another species of humanoid on a planet in the Vargon System that they have studied. I would refer to them as the Ozarkians (translating from their telepathic names that the Visitors used). Orzarkians had a telepathic ability that was so fine tuned that they can communicate with plants and trees. Yes, vegetation has intelligence. Most people on Earth believe that plants and trees possess ethereal or bioelectric energy, but they do not know they have a higher astral consciousness. I hate to break this news to vegans and vegetarians, but eating a plant is no different from eating an animal. Both have consciousness. The Ozarkians had the power to fluently interact with the plants and trees on their planet. What often develops are strong emotional attachments and feelings of love between Ozarkians and trees. It is not uncommon for the Ozarkians to form intimate relationships with trees. A common union is between an Ozarkian male and a Follopy tree. The Follopy tree is a common tree found in the northern hemisphere of their planet which has membranous holes filled with moisture on the side of its trunk making sexual copulation between male and tree possible. A common couple is the Ozarkian female and the Rabonoe tree. The Rabonoe tree has knob- like protrusions stemming from its bark on the side which allows for sexual intercourse between female and tree. Homosexual Ozarkian males also have a preference to be in relationships with the Robonoe tree.

Leute, die mit Bäumen pimpern... tststs ;)

12-09-2006, 12:35
und vor allem die preise...
450 USD bis 750 USD pro Monat :ups:


12-09-2006, 12:43
Na ja, anscheinend gibt es genug Deppen, die sich darauf einlassen... :D

12-09-2006, 13:02
Ja, die Leute, die nach dem Kauf der Golden Gate Bridge noch Geld übrig haben :p

Muss Euch leider enttäuschen:

I hate to burst the bubble of anyone who was interested in joining this "grand" Dojo, but it´s a hoax.

Somebody at the most excellent website, dedicated to unearthing fraud in the martial arts created this website as a part inside joke , part social experiment.

Basically the idea was to create the most far-fetched, out-of-this-world(literally!) theme for a martial arts program and see if P.T Barnum was actually right. And apparently he was. People who were genuinely interested contacted the Grand Celestial Dojo.....

Just proves that as long as it sounds good and feeds into what you WANT things to be, some people will believe anything.

Gefunden hier: Karate Underground (

So long,


12-09-2006, 18:52
Ehehe, sehr cool :D :D :D

12-09-2006, 18:57
Muss Euch leider enttäuschen:

Wie traurig... wollte gerade eintreten ;)