Vollständige Version anzeigen : Something about TC

10-02-2007, 13:05
Hi guys,

i'm writing on this forum cause i'm searching for some "dutch infos".

I would like to know if someone of you could suggest me any contact of a guy/guys who's trained a lot with Deman (tao conceps)...i know those guys has their own school, but i don't know the name of its art or the name of these guys.

If someone of you has any infos about them please let me know (maybe they has a web site).

TX in advance to everyone.

C U!!

10-02-2007, 13:19
Hello ChinaWT

Our schools you can find here

:: International Tao Concepts Organization :: (http://www.tao-concepts.info)

There is also an english version.

Greetings, Stefan

10-02-2007, 18:13
Hey China

First of all I assume you want some German information and not Dutch

Dutch are the funny people form the Netherlands who have this weird language :D

The Dutch language is as funny as Tao Concepts ... but I hope you will like it

10-02-2007, 18:19
by the way ... the origin of Tao Concepts seems to be in India allthough they claim to have a YM Wing Tsun (Wing Chun, ving Tsun) origin... but I have my doubts ...

It seems to be pretty much influenced by Osho :D

YouTube - KungFu vs. Yoga (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrYlNNy929Y)

10-02-2007, 19:57
Hey China

First of all I assume you want some German information and not Dutch


ops...sorry, anyway i was not asking infos about TC....my question was about some guys who has trained in TC but now they has their own school and method...someone knows something about them?

10-02-2007, 20:06
Troll, ick hör dir trapsen....:dumm: