Vollständige Version anzeigen : MMA und Muay Thai nähe Stuttgart?

06-12-2007, 15:33
Hello My name is Micah and I am from America. I train in Mixed martial arts and my two main focuses are Mui-Thai Kickboxing and Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. I am going to soon be moving to Germany to live for a few years, and I am trying to find a place to train. I wanted to post a public message to try and find out if there is an acadamy close to the Stuttgart area. I would have posted this on a bulliten as a public message, but the entire site is in German and I speak very little, and dont understand. If some one could please help my I would appreciate it. My email address is Micah_trry@yahoo.com

Bitte den Mann anmailen, nicht hier posten, da er kein user ist!
