Vollständige Version anzeigen : hat jemand....?

17-01-2008, 17:38
hat jemand noch die URL der seite von der kontrolle welcher kämpfer bin ich ?

danke im voraus.:cool:

Sven K.
17-01-2008, 17:51
Sorry, Pisa oder watt? Ich verstehe nichts. Was möchtest Du ?

17-01-2008, 17:52
Meint er vllt. son Fun-Test, wo nachher rauskommt dass man Fedor oder Silva oder sonstwer ist?

18-01-2008, 18:26
OkCupid.com: The which MMA Fighter are you Test - Online Dating Test (http://www.okcupid.com/tests/take?testid=16398762694920282468)

Hat genau 5 sec. gedauert...! Suche sei Dank...! :o

19-01-2008, 17:54
ich bin Ricardo Arona

The good thing is: You are a successful decision fighter. Your groundgame is very good, you have good submissions and ground control. The bad thing is: Your fights are boring like hell. Although you have the skills so submit or knock somebody out on the ground you prefer to play safe and stay in the guard.


19-01-2008, 18:09
ich bin wie immer fedor!

Killer Joghurt
19-01-2008, 18:27
Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira = Big Nog:D

19-01-2008, 18:47
You are Cro-Cop, the Croation Sensation. Nobody can beat you standing up because your Kickboxing skills are just too good. If anybody tries to take it to the ground you just avoid the takedown as if it was nothing. On the ground your first goal is either to nullify your opponent or stand up again, so you can fully use your advantage in striking.

Wers glaubt! :sport146: :D

19-01-2008, 20:44

Hey, you tend to fight like Kevin Randleman! You like to get your opponent to the ground and then pound him out. But if his guard is too good, you take a nap and wait until he starves. Respectively your main strategy on the ground consist of either striking or waiting. You may need to work on your aggressiveness.

19-01-2008, 21:01
ich bin wie immer arona.... einer meiner lieblingsfighter:)

Lei Wulong
21-01-2008, 13:48
Hidehiko Yoshida:)

ivo c.
21-01-2008, 15:02
Mauricio Shogun"
"You are Shogun and your style is very complete. You can play the striking game as well as the ground game, by pounding or submitting your opponent. And you usually don't lay in your opponents guard to recover, but keep going." :D

21-01-2008, 15:10
ach wie süss...

21-01-2008, 15:14
Sorry......ist das nicht eins der Themen was ab jetzt geschlossen werden sollte? :)

21-01-2008, 18:30
You scored 20% Sprawl n Brawl, 57% Lock n Choke, 41% Ground n Pound, and 20% Lay n Pray!

You fight like Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and focus mainly on the groundgame. Your gameplan is to get your opponent down and make him yell in pain as you put on the armbar. Your fighting style consist almost completely of grappling, so you are most likely to be training solely in Jiu Jitsu, with limited stand-up experience.


Mhm =/

Frank G.
21-01-2008, 20:38

22-01-2008, 00:49
frücher kam royce gracie jetzt bin arona.
gut oder schlecht?????