Vollständige Version anzeigen : Sean Sherk Trainings vorbereitung

ivo c.
11-04-2008, 10:05
Wenn ich das lese....
Muscle Sherk

The Muscle Shark

Sean Sherk's grueling workout routine includes something he calls "caveman training"

We should have known better than to try and fit Sean "The Muscle Shark" Sherk's complete workout routine in our May 2008 issue, but we tried anyway. And man, did we fail. Since Sherk trains twice a day, six days a week, doing everything from striking and boxing to weightlifting, cardio, and specialized conditioning drills he calls "caveman training," we could only squeeze so much into print.

"No matter how sick the workout is, he does it without question or hesitation," says Scott Ramsdale, owner of Athletic Performance Inc. "When I train Sean, he works at an unbelievable level for almost 30 minutes, with his heart rate ranging between 170 and 185 bpm. Most people cannot tolerate this type of pain and intensity for five minutes, let alone 30 minutes. It takes a special, almost demented type of athlete to train at this level. Sean is one of those athletes."

Sherk will look to regain the UFC lightweight title when he takes on champion BJ Penn on May 24. "I still feel like the belt's mine," says Sherk, who was stripped of the title after failing a test for performance-enhancing drugs following a title defense over Hermes Franca last year. Sherk is finishing up his six-month suspension, which was reduced from a full year after he appealed.

"You know, I feel like he's got to beat me to be champ, that's my feeling on the whole thing," says Sherk. "I think it's going to be a war. We both feel like we own that belt, and we're going to go out there and see who the real champ is."

Below, check out Sherk's complete routine that will lead him up to the fight. One warning, though: If you're not an elite athlete, skip the monkey-see, monkey-do thing with this one.


Ramsdale: "Sean supersets everything together to get as much work done in the shortest time possible, and to elevate his heart rate as much as he can during all of his workouts. He will usually do eight to 12 reps in four to five supersets, with no more than one minute rest in between them."

Resistance Shots
Ramsdale: "Sean does resistance shots with a large belt around his waist, attached to two strong elastic cables with handles. A partner stands behind him, providing resistance. As Sean does the repeated shots, the partner moves forward slightly. Sean does these straight ahead to improve the speed and strength of his shots. He'll start by doing two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps, but then, as his conditioning improves, these numbers go way up."

Monday Morning
# Submission grappling (five minutes on, one minute off, 45 minutes total training)
# Thai boxing (five five-minute rounds, 25 minutes total training)

BREAK: lunch, nap

# Caveman training (five five-minute rounds)

Round 1
# Elliptical — two minutes
# Sprint — 30 seconds
# Upper-body ergometer — two minutes
# Sprint — 30 seconds
# Rest one minute

Round 2 (each station one minute)
# Tire flips
# Sledgehammers
# Rope climb
# Tire flips
# Rope climbs
# Rest one minute

Round 3 (each station one minute)
# Bear crawls
# Plyo pushups
# Plyo jumps
# Medicine ball throws
# Recline pull-ups
# Rest one minute

Round 4
# Same as round 1
# Rest one minute

Round 5
# Same as round 2
# Rest one minute

Tuesday Morning
# Hard drill work — takedowns, pads, wrestling (five minutes on, one minute off, 45 minutes total training)
# Resistance shots

BREAK: lunch, nap

# Weightlifting — arms
# EZ-bar curl superset with skull crushers
# Alternating dumbbell curls superset with rope press-down
# Concentration curls
# Hard drill work — takedowns, pads, wrestling (five minutes on, one minute off, 45 minutes total training)

Wednesday Morning
# Submission grappling (five minutes on, one off, 45 minutes total training). Thai boxing (five, five-minute rounds, 25 minutes total)

BREAK: lunch, nap

# Weightlifting — chest and back
# Incline bench — Hammer Strength superset with seated row
# Flat bench — Hammer Strength superset with 3-point dumbbell row
# Incline dumbbell fly superset with alternating side pullups
# Pec-deck
# Elliptical cardio, 45 minutes

# Hard drill work — takedowns, pad work, wrestling (five minutes on, one minute off, 45 minutes total training) Resistance shots

BREAK: lunch, nap

# Weightlifting — shoulders and abs
# Hammer Strength shoulder press superset with crunches (50 reps for abs)
# Arnold presses superset with weighted crunches (50 reps for abs)
# Lateral raise superset with sit-ups on a hyperextension machine
# Hard sparring (five minutes on, one minute off, 45 minutes total work)

# Submission wrestling (five minutes on, one minute off, 45 minutes total training)
# Thai boxing (five five-minute rounds, 25 minutes total training)

BREAK: lunch, nap

# Caveman Training, five five-minute rounds

Round 1 (each station 30 seconds, entire round done twice)
# Incline trainer (50% Grade for 30 Seconds @ 4.5 mph
# Flat treadmill running at 5 mph (for recovery)
# Jump rope Upper-body ergometer
# Standing sprints on windsprint bike
# One minute rest between rounds

Round 2 (each station done for one minute)
# Ground-Based Jammer (Hammer Strength machine to build explosiveness)
# Hand switches Sledgehammer chops
# Underhand medicine ball throws
# Heavy bag twirls (with 70-pound bag)
# 45 seconds rest between rounds

Round 3
# Same as round 1
# 30 seconds rest between rounds

Round 4
# Same as Round 2
# 30 seconds rest between rounds

Round 5
# Airdyne bike (five minutes, rpms over 70 the entire time while doing several sprints with rpms reaching 100+)

# Pad work, glove drills, wrestling (45 minutes)
# Kettlebell swings — 4 sets, 10—12 reps
# Running stairs — 30 minutes

# Weightlifting — legs
# Deadlifts, superset with standing and seated calf raise (6 sets, 8 reps each)
# Leg press superset with leg extensions (5 sets)
# Lying leg curl superset with abductor and adductor (50 reps)

# Rest

11-04-2008, 10:10
glaub das gabs schon:confused: müsste es auch n video dazu geben

11-04-2008, 10:12
ok habs gefunden
Video Sean Sherk - Caveman Training - Sean, Sherk, Training, Grappling, Fighting - Dailymotion Share Your Videos (http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/sean%2Bsherk/video/x2g5ns_sean-sherk-caveman-training_sport)

11-04-2008, 10:23
Handelt es sich bei dem Video um das, wo er am Morgen 30 oder 40 Tabletten Steroide & co einnimmt?

ivo c.
11-04-2008, 10:25
Handelt es sich bei dem Video um das, wo er am Morgen 30 oder 40 Tabletten Steroide & co einnimmt?
jetzt ja wahrscheinlich nicht mehr :D

11-04-2008, 10:36
jetzt ja wahrscheinlich nicht mehr :D

Stellt sich nur die Frage, ob er ohne Steroide & co. auch so hart trainieren kann, wie er es in diesem Video getan hat :D. Seine einjährige Sperre müßte doch auch bald rum sein, oder?

ivo c.
11-04-2008, 10:38
Stellt sich nur die Frage, ob er ohne Steroide & co. auch so hart trainieren kann, wie er es in diesem Video getan hat :D. Seine einjährige Sperre müßte doch auch bald rum sein, oder?

Ja vor allem weil die ja auf 6 Monate verkuerzt worden ist...

11-04-2008, 12:31
Das ist ein riesen Haufen Mist.
Seine Trainingsroutine sieht so aus:

11-04-2008, 12:35
Kann auch nur drüber lachen. Wer einmal stofft, dem glaubt man nicht...

Shanghai Kid
11-04-2008, 13:19
Das ist ein riesen Haufen Mist.
Seine Trainingsroutine sieht so aus:

Nur Stoff reicht aber nicht, man muss auch trainieren ;)

BJ 2.0 macht ihn so oder so platt.

11-04-2008, 13:29
...BJ 2.0 macht ihn so oder so platt...

mit ansage sogar...

Sam Fisher
11-04-2008, 13:36
Es wird sich weisen...

11-04-2008, 14:01
Nur Stoff reicht aber nicht, man muss auch trainieren ;)

BJ 2.0 macht ihn so oder so platt.

Bestes Beispiel Bob Sapp der Ernesto Hoost 2 mal besiegt hat.

Shanghai Kid
11-04-2008, 15:13
Bestes Beispiel Bob Sapp der Ernesto Hoost 2 mal besiegt hat.

Was willst Du damit sagen? Das Bob Sapp nicht trainiert hat?

Sicher, die Muskeln waren morgens einfach da! :rolleyes:

11-04-2008, 16:34
ich hoffe zwar, dass BJ gewinnt
aber gegen Shrek wird er es sehr schwer haben.
Shrek ist noch nie submitted worden und wenn BJ
das nciht in den ersten beiden runden schafft...

mag sein, dass der olle shrek steroide genommen hat,
aber dass er es auch drauf hat kann man nicht bezweifeln.
er ist nur unbeliebt, weil sein stil laaangweilig ist :D

also wenn BJ nicht in noch besserer Form antanzt
als zu seinem TUFfie fight, dann könnte es böse aushgehen
und wir haben Shean "the hero of time" Sherk als LW-meister,
und das wollen wir doch alle nicht :ups: