Vollständige Version anzeigen : 27.07. Lightning Scientific Arnis mit Shaun Porter in Erlensee

09-05-2008, 22:39
Zum Lehrgangsinhalt:
Master Shaun Porter wird das Grundkonzept des Lightning vorstellen.

Bei weiteren Fragen einfach eine Email.

Fraggle :)

16-05-2008, 11:49
Die ersten haben sich schon angemeldet :)

20-05-2008, 08:57
Also wenn alles passt bin ich dabei!!! :) Schick dir dann aber noch ne Anmeldung ;)

20-05-2008, 10:12
Macht ne Fahrgemeinschaft - ist günstiger...

16-06-2008, 15:21
Noch einen Monat, dann ist es endlich soweit... ;)

23-06-2008, 12:53
Mal ein paar Infos zum Referenten:

At the age of fifteen, he began training in Filipino martial arts. He was introduced to Arnis by a school friend. This began the search that would ultimately lead to what Shaun Porter describes as his "real Arnis education".

Always a perfectionist, he searched for a teacher and a system that Shaun considered to be the best of the best of FMA systems, led him to meet his ultimate teacher Grandmaster Benjamin Luna Lema.

It was early in 1992, Shaun was visiting his mother's house in Manila and the search for a great FMA teacher and system was in full flow. After much searching and asking he found a small sign above a junk shop with the Lightning Scientific Arnis logo on it. Curiosity led to Shaun going in to the junk shop and enquiring about the sign. Inside the shop was Master Agripino Mayuga, one of Grandmaster Lema's oldest students. There and then Shaun had his first Lightning Scientific Arnis lesson. Filled with tremendous excitement, Shaun asked about meeting Grandmaster Lema. It was then that Master Mayuga promised to bring Grandmaster Lema over to his house the following day. true to his word, standing at Shaun's front door was one of the foremost Grandmasters of the Filipino martial arts Benjamin Luna Lema.
Shaun then began an intensive period of travelling and training on a daily basis with Grandmaster Lema (Mang Ben as he was affectionately known), leaving home early in the morning and returning late in the evening. This daily intensive training and travelling with Mang Ben was over a number of years and in Shaun's own words "they were some of my happiest and most challenging of times. It was a great way to learn because I was with Mang Ben so much of the time and if I did not understand a technique,or if I had any questions, Mang Ben was always there to show me, he did'nt follow any schedule, we trained from dawn to dusk, anywhere and everywhere, his stamina for a man his age was extraordinary"

Shaun finds his martial arts experience invaluable when carrying out his day to day duties. The experience gained has been of great use during his time as a Special Constable and it continues to be so.

Shaun conducts seminars for serious Martial Artists and Law Enforcement Personnel. In addition to this he is available for private or group lessons for people who are serious about learning martial arts and thriving and surviving in a modern urban environment.

He teaches them to be urban aware. Shaun Porter is a Master of the Filipino martial art of Lightning Scientific Arnis, and a Black Belt in the Korean martial art of Kuk Sool Won and has cross trained with many Instructors and Masters from different martial arts systems and styles.

10-07-2008, 21:09
Noch zwei Wochen :sport146:

Für die uniformierten unter uns findet am Vortag das Behördenseminar statt ;)

24-07-2008, 11:34
Falls noch Fragen offen sind...

Ich bin seit heute wieder in Deutschland und mein Handy ist wieder an ;)

28-07-2008, 16:01
Die Seminare und das Training waren klasse... Ein Bericht folgt...

31-07-2008, 17:35
Hier mal die ersten Fotos vom Sonntag...