Ist den Ami´s das Phasenzeug egal? [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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16-05-2008, 14:34
Schaut euch das mal ausm Paul Baxforum an:

Seems my original post was pulled from the forum. It went WAY off-track anyway, so here's another attempt:

Some say that without the Wing Chun influence that JKD is just kickboxing. What does that mean?


Die Antwort von Lemar Davis:


It means that without the elements such as chi sao, phon sao and some of the other Wing Chun elements, all that is left is basically kickboxing! To me (and many others) there are many elements of Wing Chun Gung Fu that are extremely important to Jeet Kune Do's atructure. Some of these elements are:

· Centerline Theory
· The Sil Lim Tao Form (Wing Chun's First Form)
· Four Corner Theory
· Theory of Facing
· Immovable Elbow Theory
· Economy of Movement Theory
· Defensive Movements
· Neutral Stance (Training Stance)
· Lin Sil Die Dar (Simultaneous Defense & Attack)
· Chung Chuie (Vertical Fist Straight Punch)
· Bil Jee (Finger Jab)
· Rotation Striking
· Jik Chung Chuie (The Straight Blast)
· Structure Breaking Low Line Kicking
· Don Chi Sao (Single Arm Sticking Hands)
· Seong Chi Sao (Double Arm Sticking Hands)
· Cross Arm Chi Sao
· Phon Sao (Trapping Hands)
· Mook Jong Training (The Wooden Dummy)
· Wall Bag Training

Now, if you take all of these elements out of your training, what is left is pretty much "kickboxing" (kicking and punching) with the power side forward! That is where that statement comes from! Of course everyone will not agree with this, but some feel very strongly about the Wing Chun elements being a part of what we do! I know they are very much a part of my Hardcore Jeet Kune Do program, but in all fairness, we emphasize the Jun Fan Gung Fu as much as we do Jeet Kune Do! We feel that the underlying structure of what we do is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! Some seem to really have no interest in Jun Fan Gung Fu, and prefer instead to do only what Bruce Lee was doing close to the end of his life! That's fine with me if others want to do things that way, but just don't try to tell me that what I'm doing is wrong!

Quelle: Paulbaxforum

16-05-2008, 14:39
Der Unterschied zwischen gutem Kickboxen und schlechtem Kickboxen ist wichtiger als der Unterschied zwischen Wing Chun und Aikido ;)

cbJKD Wilfried
16-05-2008, 14:50
meiner erfahrung mach sind die amis noch viel bekloppter als wir hier mit der auseinanderdividierung dessen was sie tun.
lamar ist eine nette ausnahme, der hat nämlich auch alle Phasen durch
und versteht wahrscheinlich dadurch ganz gut wie was zusammenhängt
LG wilfried

16-05-2008, 15:51
warum fragst du sie nicht selber im Paulbaxforum?