zuckerstange vs. messer [Archiv] - Kampfkunst-Board


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14-12-2008, 10:37
ok, ok, war ne plastik zuckerstange zur garten-deko, aber trotzdem, mit sowas muss man auch erstmal gegen nen messerträger antreten, selbst, wenn der einen im tee hat:

Man uses candy cane to subdue attacker with knife

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A man using a candy cane lawn ornament fended off a knife-wielding neighbor who had been attacking holiday guests at a Sacramento home. Police spokesman Sgt. Norm Leong said the man used the two-foot-tall plastic ornament to subdue the attacker until officers arrived.

He said the 49-year-old suspect became intoxicated, went over to a neighbor's home on Thanksgiving and began waving a kitchen knife at people gathered on the lawn.

He cut several peoples' clothing before one of them decided to fight back.

Police said the man with the knife was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. The guest who took up the candy cane was not arrested because police determined he acted in self-defense.

Man uses candy cane to subdue attacker with knife - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081203/ap_on_fe_st/odd_candy_cane_defense)

14-12-2008, 10:51
Lass das bloß keinen Politiker lesen sonst wars das mit Zuckerstangen zu Weihnachten :D

16-12-2008, 02:51
Da haben wir den beweis: Filme mahcen aggressiv!

Guckt mal bei 1:20! :D

Der ganze Film! :D (http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=camndOJGmSM&feature=related)

19-12-2008, 20:15
ähnlich lustig, diesmal war es sogar sv mit nem echten nahrungsmittel :D:

US man uses pizza in self-defence
A Florida pizza delivery man who was challenged by armed robbers in the city of Miramar got in first with his own weapon - a large pepperoni pizza.

Eric Lopez Devictoria, 40, flung the piping hot pizza at the gunman, then turned on his heels and ran.

He made a safe getaway, according to the Florida Sun-Sentinel, despite one shot being fired as he fled.

Police later arrested three teenage suspects, who have been charged with armed robbery.

BBC NEWS | Americas | US man uses pizza in self-defence (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7782122.stm)

20-12-2008, 00:19
Naja, die Zuckerstangen sind sowieso immer steinhart :wuerg: ... daher kann man sie problemlos als Kubotan einsetzen :cool:

20-12-2008, 11:18
hab mir santas slay gerade uncut aus ösiland bestellt,sieht geil aus und bill goldberg spielt den santa :D,wäre ne geile rolle für bas rutten gewesen ;)