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  1. #1

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    Cardio Tai Chi

    Aufgeschreckt durch einen Artikel in "Inside Kung-Fu" habe ich danach gesucht und (leider) gefunden. Oh man, toll

    Frank Burczynski

    HILTI BJJ Berlin


  2. #2
    Xiaoshi Gast


    Der Heiland ist da!

  3. #3
    Le Lôi Gast


    Ich will auch Tai-chi monkey lernen. Bei solch einer tollen story:

    The Legend of the Tai-chi Monkey

    Long ago in a land far away, a young monkey sought a worthy master who could train him in the art of Tai-chi. During his travels, he had heard of an old master in a dark corner of the forest, who had earned great respect for his prowess in self-defense. So, the monkey decided to pay a visit to this master and see if he was a worthy teacher. Once he found the master’s cottage, the monkey waited until dawn and attacked him in the midst of his slumber. To the monkey’s surprise, the master easily repulsed him away and left him stunned on the earth. The monkey understood that he had found a wise and skillful master and he respectfully asked the master to teach him his technique. The master agreed and accepted him as his disciple. As a disciple, his first task was to mop the window and then open it to allow a view of the moon. After this, the monkey was to clean the birdcage. Unfortunately, as soon as he opened the cage, the crafty sparrow within flew out in search of freedom. The monkey desperately tried to grasp the bird’s tail, but it was no use. Later, the master scolded him over his foolish actions and ordered him to catch and return the sparrow at once. The monkey immediately mounted a rooster and set off in search of the sparrow. Unfortunately, the rooster was not fast enough. So, the monkey mounted a horse to catch the sparrow. When he finally came in sight of the bird, the sparrow quickly ascended high into the sky, forcing the monkey to ride a white crane all the way to the wavy clouds. Just as suddenly, the sparrow descended and the monkey had to reach down and brush his knee. As the sparrow neared the ground, a hungry snake crept out of his hollow and struck at the sparrow. However, the sparrow quickly jumped onto a lotus leaf, evading the snake, but disturbing a frog. The frog promptly kicked the sparrow off, causing him to plunge deep into the water. Seeing this, the monkey dove into the water and began an exhaustive search for the sparrow, which was hidden like a needle at the bottom of the sea. When at last he found the sparrow, the weary monkey carried the bird back to the mountains and presented it to his master. Upon seeing the bird returned, the master understood the ordeals the monkey had overcome. With great reverence, the master told the monkey to take leave, for there was nothing more he could teach him.

    Story by Chi-Hsui D. Weng, Ph.D. 1998


  4. #4
    peppy Gast


    Die Geschichte ist doch nicht schlecht
    Der erste Satz lässt so ein bisschen Star Wars Atmosphere aufkommen.

  5. #5
    QQQQ Gast


    Zitat Zitat von peppy
    Die Geschichte ist doch nicht schlecht
    Der erste Satz lässt so ein bisschen Star Wars Atmosphere aufkommen.
    Du sagst es. Aber Spaß bei Seite, ein Wushu Meister hat mir versichert dass der Affenstil der am schwersten erlernbare sei. Mit nur noch einer Steigerungsstufe, der Drunkenform.

    Und jetzt Monkey Cardio Tai Chi.

    Ich glaube ich warte noch auf einen Master "Stoned" der den "Drunken-Monkey-Cardio-TaiChi-Dim Mak" im gelähmten Zustand lehrt.

  6. #6
    the_ANSWER Gast


    Du sagst es. Aber Spaß bei Seite, ein Wushu Meister hat mir versichert dass der Affenstil der am schwersten erlernbare sei. Mit nur noch einer Steigerungsstufe, der Drunkenform.

    Ohne Scheiss, genau das habe ich auch mal in einem alten Kung Fu-Film gehört.

  7. #7
    Sir Lothar Gast


    Schade, dass es so viele naive Leute gibt, die sowas auch noch glauben ...

  8. #8


    Jeder soll mit seiner Fason glücklich werden. Wer meint dabei sein zu müssen den kannst du da gar nicht aufhalten. Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied.

    Und der Affen und Drunken Stil sind schon anspruchsvoll, dann noch bei einem spannenden Lehrer, und du kannst dein "blaues Wunder" erleben.
    Liebe Grüße Dao

  9. #9
    QQQQ Gast


    Auf einer Safari bei den Berg-Gorillas, die zentnerweise gegorene Früchte genascht haben bestimmt.

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