NUDDA Filipino Boxing is an explosive and aggressive modern-day combat system that is specifically designed to deal with urban-oriented situations of street fighting and self-defence. By utilising the empty-hand principles of the ancient Filipino Martial Arts, such as limb destruction, body manipulation and zoning, and applying them to a modern urban environment, NUDDA Filipino Boxing offers an effective set of tools for coping with the chaos of street fighting, leaving your opponent unbalanced and confused, and ending a fight quickly.

Antonio Faedda is widely recognised as a rising star in modern Filipino Martial Arts. A gifted instructor, he has trained under some of the biggest names in martial arts and is sought out by practitioners around the world. His NUDDA system of Martial Arts Cross-Training utilises and builds on the most effective tools of other martial arts, such as muay Thai and boxing, in an attempt to transcend their limits in providing effective self-defence and thus turn its practitioners into virtuoso, well-rounded martial artists.

Topics covered:

- What is ‘Filipino’ Boxing?
- Limb destruction
- Body manipulation
- Zoning and footwork
- Guards and defences
- Pad-work and applications
- Empty hands versus weapons
- Flow drills and applications

Participants should bring their own boxing gloves. As the Seminar will take place on matted floors, please wear light-soled shoes on the day or be ready to train barefoot.

The seminar will take place at the RingsideGym, Gürtelstraße 25, 10247 Berlin, on the 1/2 June from 10.00 to 14.00.

The fee for both days is €70 or €40 for Saturday only. Please register your interest early, as places are limited. Tickets can be bought online at:
NUDDA MAX Training: FMA and Filipino Boxing for the 21st Century -

For further information contact Antonio on or the Seminar sponsor, Graham Holliday, at