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Thema: J.Demile kommt nach Deutschland

  1. #1
    Balkan Gast

    Thumbs up J.Demile kommt nach Deutschland

    Hallo an alle ,

    ich habe vor paar Tagen von J.Demile bescheid bekommen , das er am 25 u. 26 Sebt. ein Seminar geben würde.

    Er war 1977 letzte mal in Deutschland.
    Hie die Liste was er unterrichten würde :

    Here is an attachment with some info. I can teach Bruce lee's concepts
    on trapping, speed, power, soft Chi Sao, 1 and 3 inch Power Punch,
    Bruce's favorite closing of the gap techniques, how to fight multiple
    opponents, how a small person can control someone much bigger and
    stronger as well as some gun and knife defensive tactics.

    nach meinen Recherchen kommt er aus der pre Seattle Äre.

    Erst war Jessie , dann Ed Hard und dann kamm Demile.
    der 4 im Bunde war dann Taky

    Hier noch eine Bio die er mir schickte.

    A Martial Arts Profile
    "DeMile Defensive Tactics Program"

    The DeMile Defensive Tactics Program (DDTP) is a refinement of the law enforcement program that Jim DeMile has taught around the world since 1971. The original DeMile Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Program was designed for the unique demands of the police, military, executives and government organizations that have to deal with violent physical situations. Mr. DeMile’s background includes being brought up in an orphanage for 12 years where the code was "survival of the fittest". Undefeated heavyweight boxer in the Air Force for two years. Hand to hand combat instructor for the 1st Special Forces Group (Green Beret's) at Fort Lewis in 1985, 1986.
    “Master Level” instructor for “Special Forces Combatives, a military/civilian close quarter combat training program. Has taught gun retention, knife/club defense seminars to the FBI, Secret Service as well as at many Police Academies across the country. He recently taught the flight crews of Virgin Airlines in Australia and, in New Zealand, taught non-abusive prisoner control at the correctional institutions He has often traveled throughout Europe to teach police and public-attended seminars on basic self defense. He is an active Deputy Sheriff (since 1993) with the state of Ohio, where he has taught SWAT teams and at the Ohio Police Chiefs convention. DeMile was also an original student of the legendary Bruce Lee and has Wing Chun Do gung fu schools around the world that teach Bruce Lee's unique defensive skills to the general public. DeMile, who has written four books and four training videos on self defense , (including Bruce Lee's explosive 1 and 3 inch Power Punch), is recognized as a leading authority on Modern Self Defense and was recently inducted into the prestigious "World Martial Arts Hall of Fame". DeMile is listed in Who's Who in the Martial Arts, the Genealogy of the Ving Tsun Family, the Original Martial Arts Encyclopedia, Bruce Lee's Fighting Spirit, has appeared in two movies "Weapons of Death & Curse of the Dragon" and twice on the national TV program Entertainment Tonight. He has been featured on the covers of numerous national and international martial arts magazines as well as having written many articles on defensive tactics.
    DDTP is a modern approach to self defense. Its scientific and practical methods of teaching allow for rapid development in learning for each student, regardless of gender, age or physical condition. DeMile is the originator of many unique electronic training devices and the use of specialized spring loaded dummies. These training aids allow for immediate feedback on the students’ skills. The rules of simplicity, efficiency and practicality are the basis for each technique. The DDTP also focuses on attribute training as well as defensive skills. Simple bio-mechanical teaching methods produce rapid increases in speed, reactions and explosive power. With a minimum of training, a 60 year old student can equal a 20 year old in speed of motion and reactions. Also, mental stress and physical rigidity reduce the student’s ability to perform adequately, therefore emphasis is placed on applied techniques to dissolve daily stress and promote personal confidence.


  2. #2


    Geändert von Klaus (20-07-2004 um 11:53 Uhr) Grund: Muß jeder selbst wissen.

  3. #3


    Hallo Mustafa

    Kannst du mir bitte eine Ausschribung schicken?

    Frank Burczynski

    HILTI BJJ Berlin


  4. #4
    Balkan Gast


    Hallo Frang ,

    die Auschreibung wird heute fertiggestellt , dann sende ich sie dir per mail,
    ab Donnerstag ist sie zum Download bereit.


  5. #5


    Cool, danke.

    BTW: dein Link ist falsch, es muss www.jkd-gwoon.de heissen

    Frank Burczynski

    HILTI BJJ Berlin


  6. #6
    Balkan Gast



    kenne meine eigene Adresse nicht einmal , das liegt dran das ich meine Brille verlegt habe im Büro bin und dann noch müde. Toll


  7. #7
    Ahmet Gast


    Hier ist auch seine Homepage.www.wingchundo.com
    Ausschreibung kommt noch

  8. #8
    Ahmet Gast

    Thumbs up

    Hier ist ein persönliche Mail von J.Demile , über dass Seminar!!

    I will try and get there as early as possible on the 24th. The schedule
    for training is OK. I will make a certificate. Let me know how many
    students you expect. We can decide what to teach when I see you. My
    wife has relatives in Ireland and will visit them after the seminar
    She will be with me. Can you tell me a good place to stay overnite for
    3 days??? Nothing fancy. The 24th, 25th 26th. Do you have any
    equipment, training mitts, knives or rubber guns??? I will bring a
    electronic timer to test the students reactions and motion speed in
    1000's of a second. Do you know if DVD's made here can be played over
    there. I may bring a few DVD's on Closing technique and the Power
    Punch. I will write a overview about what I will teach and hand them
    out to the students. I will send it early so you can have it

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