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Thema: General Qi über die waffenlose Kampfkunst


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    Standard General Qi über die waffenlose Kampfkunst

    Einer der wichtigsten Texte zur waffenlosen Kampfkunst der Mingzeit. Da es auch das Karate beeinflusst hat, poste ich es auch mal hier (man möge mir den Doppelpost mit dem Chinaunterforum verzeihen, aber die Karateka lesen da ja evtl. nicht).

    Qi Jiguang’s Fist Method

    Ein paar essentielle Zitate:

    While this art is not very useful for preparing troops (for war), it can help with excess energy, or as an initial practice of martial arts. However, most people cannot become strong this way. They only listen to their own ears (only do movements with which they are familiar). Therefore, this section is placed at the end of the other sections as per it’s significance.
    Unarmed combat seems to offer nothing in the way of the preparation for large scale war, but the exercising of the hands and feet forms habits for moving the limbs as a unit, making this practice a doorway to learning the art (of war). This chapter is provided last to complete the preparation of skills. To learn the fist (unarmed techniques) it is necessary to have the body mechanics lively yet simple, the hand work simple yet keen, footwork is light, giving the ability to advance and retreat at will and legs that can leap and jump.
    If each Family Fighting method is combined and practiced, the principle of the Mountain Snake Formation, strike the head and the tail must follow, strike the tail and the head must follow, strike at their body and both head and tail must react. This is what is meant by upper and lower are together, and victory is certain.
    Viel Spaß beim Lesen.
    Geändert von kanken (28-10-2018 um 21:33 Uhr)

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