Folks fantasize about shooting those coming after their food. In reality this SHTF has folks giving their food and supplies away. They visualize chaos and despair. In this reality its thousands of prepared meals being dropped off to churches, stacks of drinking water everywhere, neighbors and volunteers giving till it hurts. Guys doing work for free. It’s been Hayek’s Spontaneous Order. It’s been anti-socialists following the most hated of all socialist principles ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”
Trump flag waving Red Staters flying into the hippy Mecca of the South to provide relief. Democrat New Age transplants giving meals to conservative mountain folk whose lineage goes back to the 1790’s in the county. As my buddy related yesterday, it’s a true 9/11 moment. I dread the incoming political aftermath. (MG_Comment: The aftermath of this, in the private communities—as opposed to the bumbling, fumbling “efforts” of the federals—has been heart-warming, to say the least. If people could look at this, and focus on this, instead of the divisiveness of the political media cycle—from both sides, to be sure—we’d all be a lot better off. This is something I’ve written about for years. If you REALLY want to be “prepared” for hard times, “forge the Hero.” Set yourself up, not to be a ruler, but to lead by example, not only being able to provide for yourself, but also to help others in need. So what if you lose your house and every single material belonging you own, except what you could grab as you bailed out of the house as it was sliding off the mountain? Having hard SKILLS, instead of lots of STUFF, means you’ll still be able to help your neighbors around you. Having those skills will do you—and your neighbors—a lot more good than being a faceshooting motherfucker with six AR15s in the safe...that’s buried inside your house, under the aforementioned 300 tons of mudslide...)
Quelle Patron Mountain Guerrilla Blog