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Thema: Rollen mit Wallid Ismael

  1. #1
    Rhein-Main Gebiet

    Standard Rollen mit Wallid Ismael

    Gerade in einem amerikanischen Forum gefunden, immer ganz lustig so Berichte zu lesen. Wallid ist einer "Oldschool" Carlson Gracie Blackbelts. Mittlerweile über 50, aber wohl immer noch so intensiv drauf wie damals;-)

    Wallid stopped by my teacher's school (Rey Diogo) the other day and he asked me to roll with him. What an experience. First of all, it's not a persona - he really is the most intense person. He had what looked like his rituals before rolling, putting on tape, walking back and forth a certain way, etc. and Rey told me, "be ready for the pressure"

    ...and wow - I was not. He really makes you carry his weight the whole time and he is very patient. Low risk. He for certain had the strongest single hook back control I have ever felt in my life. I know you're supposed to keep the guy stretched out, but he exaggerated this stretch out and it was paralysing. He also was not afraid to use his wrist blade radial bone to force my chin up. I made the mistake of going nice and "respectful" with a guy who's only goal is to smoke you. I got a rude awakening of the old school mentality. I am still not sure how to navigate that as it's not my personality to try and go 100% to kill you, but maybe that's my own problem.

    And in true competitive fashion, after the bell rang he said, "no keep go." We ended up rolling for thirty minutes with me mostly defending until Rey finally told him class is finished. He had impressive cardio - he never got tired, and never stopped moving forward. He has a MEAN body lock that he goes for from seated for standing passers - it's one I will steal and use for my own.

    Cool to roll with what seemed to be a game that was in a time capsule (I mean this in an amazing way) - I have rolled with competitive modern styles and this was just...different. This was almost a reconfirmation for me that the style I grew up on is the style you want for a fight.

  2. #2


    Gut, jetzt kein Merkmal was nur Walid zu zu schreiben wäre!? 'Nen Bekannter von mir, hat hier unten zu einer Zeit MMA gekämpft, wo das ganze noch Vale Tudo hiess( Luta Livre und BJJ BB)und hat mir als Weissgurt beim ersten rollen überhaupt, durch sein "pressure game" eine Rippe angebrochen
    Und dabei war er noch vorsichtig- mit den graduierten geht der noch ganz anders um
    Halt eine andere Mentalität, die noch aus einer Zeit stammt, wo man "Hausbesuche" gemacht hat und öfter Mal bei "Besuchen" das Gym/ die Fahne des Teams verteidigen musste

  3. #3
    Franken / Lauf an der Peg.


    Walid war gefürchtet. Und bei einem Match gegen Renzo würde ich jederzeit mein Geld auf Walid setzen. Die Einfachheit und Brutalität von Carlosn Gracies Style fand ich immer überzeugend.

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