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Thema: Eine Banane pro Tag

  1. #1

    Standard Eine Banane pro Tag

    A Banana a Day

    Ever wondered why Bananas are the number one fruit with top athletes? Well, even if you hadn't you may never look at a banana in the same way again after reading this :
    - It offers a quick fix for flagging energy levels; contains 3 natural sugars- sucrose, fructose & glucose - which combined
    with fiber gives and instant, sustained boost of energy.
    - Research shows that just 2 bananas give enough energy for a 90 minute workout!
    - Bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin known to make you relax,
    improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
    - Bananas are high in Iron which can help in cases of anemia.
    - They are High in Potassium but low in Salt so making them perfect for beating blood pressure; the USA Food and
    Drug Administration has just allowed the Banana industry to claim for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of high blood
    pressure or a stroke.
    - The potassium the bananas contain boost brain power.
    - As they are high in fiber, including them in your diet can help restore normal bowel movement.
    - Want a quick hangover cure ? Make a Banana milk Shake sweetened with Honey. It will calm the Stomach and, with
    the help of the honey, build up depleted blood sugar levels, whilst the milk will soothe and re-hydrate the system.
    - Instead of reaching for chocolates or crisps when in need of a sugar boost or comfort food, eat a banana instead.
    - When compared with an apple, the banana has four times the protein, twice the carbs, three times the phosphorous,
    five times the Vitamin A and Iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.

    Frank Burczynski

    HILTI BJJ Berlin

  2. #2
    Stian Gast


    A Banana a Day, keeps the doctor away ...

    Hmm, ich sollte mal wieder mehr Bananen essen.

  3. #3
    sumbrada Gast


    Hab gerade den selben Gedanken.

  4. #4
    JetLag Gast


    Jetzt weiß ich, warum ich mir immer 'ne Banane ins Müsli reinschnibbel

  5. #5
    Fuchur Gast


    Zitat Zitat von Stian
    A Banana a Day, keeps the doctor away ...

    Hmm, ich sollte mal wieder mehr Bananen essen.

    Gut zu wissen, dass es neben meiner Mutter auch noch andere Leute gibt, die solch weise Sprüche rauskloppen =D

  6. #6
    Mars Gast


    Dieser Beitrag wurde wohl gesponsert von der "American Fruit Company" bzw. "Ciquita."

  7. #7
    NoR16 Gast


    ich mag bananen gerne und esse oft eine nach dem training oder mixe mir 3 bananen mit milch zu einem shake

  8. #8
    seelae Gast


    ... waere zumindest besser als die Kekse, die ich hier fresse... Aber was solls, ich kann sowieso nicht mehr grad aus gucken...


  9. #9
    Kannix Gast


    Wohin damit

  10. #10
    Mars Gast


    Zitat Zitat von Kannix
    Wohin damit
    In den Mund.

  11. #11
    svende Gast


    ham bananen nicht sau viele kalorien?

  12. #12
    BonsaiRambo Gast



  13. #13
    godfellas123 Gast


    Zitat Zitat von svende
    ham bananen nicht sau viele kalorien?
    Fang jetzt nicht an wie die Frauengemeinde "ICH WERDE FETT"


  14. #14
    error404 Gast


    bananananananananana rules!

  15. #15
    Taeradun Gast


    Deswegen auch: Alles Banane du Pflaume und nicht umgekehrt (vielleicht kennts wer...)

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