Ich hätte hier noch 3 Giron Arnis Escrima DVDs, die ich in den USA gekauft habe.
Da es sich um DVDs handelt, die es im Affiliate-Program gibt, haben sie leider keine Original-Coverboxen. (Deshalb versuche ich garnicht erst, sie bei ebay zu verkaufen). Kann aber mit bestem Gewissen bestätigen, daß es sich um Originale handelt.

Giron Arnis Escrima: Teachers and Styles
Die gleiche DVD wie auch auf der Website erhältlich.
The purpose of this interview with Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron is to share with you the teachers of one of the greatest Filipino Martial Arts Instructors of all time. In the Philippines Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron would learn the deadly art of Arnis Escrima. Learn of his teachers during World War II and how he learned the respect of the bladed edged weapon. Follow Grand Master Emeretius Giron as he instructs you in the meaning of Giron Arnis Escrima and the secrets of his 20 styles and techniques. Watch how Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron and Grand Master Antonio E. Somera demonstrate these deadly secret styles and techniques. Featuring the late Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron and Grand Master Tony Somera.

Giron Arnis Escrima: Beginning Elements
Die gleiche DVD wie auch auf der Website erhältlich.
The purpose of this DVD CD is to illustrate the beginning elements of training in Giron Arnis Escrima. As a new student of Grand Master Emeritus Leo M. Giron, you will join him in his world famous basement as he interviews you on why you would like to "play" his art. Grand Master Emeritus Giron will guide you personally through the many different beginning elements of Giron Arnis Escrima. Learn step-by-step as Grand Master Antonio E. Somera demonstrates the necessary warm up frills and angles attack as Grand Master Emeritus Giron narrates. Learn directly from this true combat hero that helped to liberate the Philippines during World War II and one of the Greatest Bladed Warriors of all time. Featuring the late Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron and Grand Master Tony Somera.

Giron Arnis Escrima: Defondo #1
Auf dieser DVD ist neben dem Inhalt der normalen Defondo 1 DVD noch zusätzliches Material mit GM Somera, welches es nur im Affiliate Program gibt.
The purpose of this interview with Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron is to share with you the teachers of one of the greatest Filipino Martial Arts Instructors of all time. In the Philippines Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron would learn the deadly art of Arnis Escrima. Learn of his teachers during World War II and how he learned the respect of the bladed edged weapon. Follow Grand Master Emeretius Giron as he instructs you in the meaning of Giron Arnis Escrima and the secrets of his 20 styles and techniques. Watch how Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron and Grand Master Antonio E. Somera demonstrate these deadly secret styles and techniques. Featuring the late Grand Master Emeretius Leo Giron and Grand Master Tony Somera.


Zu Giron muß man wohl nix sagen (Lehrer von Inosanto, ..) - ansonsten gibt's Infos zu ihm, den DVDs und dem Affiliate Program auf http://gironarnisescrima.com/menu.html

Ich dachte so an 25,- € pro DVD.