Auszug aus Championship fighting by Jack Dempsey:

" remember that your face can be cut much more quickly by a bare fist than by one encased in bandages and padded glove. From another angle, the boxer -with fist protected by bandages and glove- has less chance than the bare fisted man of breaking a hand bone or smashing a knuckle, in case the fist lands squarely on the forehead or elbow.
Those major differences add to one important total or conclusion: the possiblity of getting hurt is greater in a fist fight than in a boxing bout. Fist fighting is generally
more dangerous than boxing. In connection with that danger, never forget: the longer the fist fight lasts, the longer you are exposed to danger. Moreover, the danger percentage against you you generally increases with each passing minute of the fight. When you square off, you hope to beat your opponent into submission in a hurry. But, as the fist-fight continues, you are not achieving your quick victory. You discover you are beginning to tire because your exertions and becasue of your tensions. Since you have no chance for rest periods, the longer you fight the more tired you become.
true your opponent also may be getting fatigued; but you can't be certain about his condition unless he is blowing and staggering. You know for sure only that your nearly "all in " and that he's still out there swinging at you. Accordingly, the longer he keeps fighting, the greater chance you have of being battered, cut up, knocked down, knocked out, or injured. Because of the danger in a fist fight, it is imperative that you end the brawl as quickly as possible; and the best way to do that is by knockout. the knockout is far more important in fist fighting than in boxing. You've got to knock em out in a fist fight"