Ich habe mir heute mal wieder die Homepage von Dan Docherty angesehen und er scheint ja ein bekannter und angesehener Tai Ji Meister in Europa zu sein. Was mir allerdings mehrmals negativ aufgefallen ist, ist die Tatsache, das er unterschwellig seinen Stil, den Wudang-Stil als den ueberragenden Stil darstellt. Desweiteren behauptet er, das der Chen-Stil nicht der Ursprund des Tai Chi sei und geht noch weiter und beleidigt den ganzen Stil indem er Sachen schreibt wie z.B., das die Leute aus dem Chen-Dorf damals auf den Tai Chi Zug aufgesprungen sind und ihrem Shaolin-Boxstil ein paar Tai Chi Elemente beigemischt haben und den Mischmasch dann als den Ursprung des Tai Chi krampfhaft verkauft haetten.
Dann immer die Geheimniskraemerei um seine 12 Yin und Yang Uebungen, die nur langjaehrige Indoorstudenten beigebracht kriegen und einen kaum verwundbar machen und bei ihm gelernt werden koennten.

Soviel zu den Punkten die mir negativ aufgefallen ist.

Meinungen dazu? Kennt jemand den Mann persoenlich? Ist der so gut, wie er tut? Was ist an seinen Erzaehlungen dran, bzw. warum sagt jemand, der soviel auf sich haelt solche Sachen?


Tell us a bit more about this Nei Gung method.

This is a secret side of Tai Chi, only taught after the student has gone through a ritual ceremony. We do not use the term Chi Gung, because Chi Gung tends to suggest that the Chi is deliberately directed to different parts of the body; we never try to direct the Chi. Instead we use the term Nei Gung. Nei means internal and refers to the fact that the 12 Yin and 12 Yang internal strength exercises are designed to strengthen the body internally by enhancing the function of the internal organs and the chi and blood circulation. Furthermore they stimulate the central nervous system, forge the will and make the mind more tranquil. The internal strengthening process trains the ability of the body to both withstand the blows of the opponent and to strike the opponent with what the Cantonese call 'Ging' - focused power The Yin exercises are also particularly effective in improving health and easing cases of insomnia, muscle and bone injuries, nervous tension etc. The Yang exercises are mainly for power. Some of the exercises have a self defence application. After about 3 months' internal strength training, when all the Yin exercises have been learned, the average student should be able to withstand someone jumping on his abdomen from head height. I must stress that this kind of training and demonstration should only be learned from a competent and suitably experienced teacher. Even if you practice other so called Tai Chi Chi-Kung such as 'Holding a Jug' for 40 years you will still be unable to do this. I might add that my teacher has been much sought after by teachers of other styles of both Tai Chi and other martial arts for this very reason.

What about Chen style Tai Chi?

Oh yes, this amazing Taoist martial art with techniques such as 'Buddha's Warrior Attendant Pounding Mortar'! basically it's Shaolin Boxing with a bit of Tai Chi thrown in. I've written on this elsewhere. In brief, some members of the Chen Clan of Henan Province wanted to cash in on Tai Chi's popularity so they invented a false genealogy and put forward their mish-mash of Chen Family Pao Chui and Tai Chi as the original Tai Chi. China's leading Tai Chi historian Wu Tu-nan exploded this myth in 'A Research into Tai Chi Chuan' (written in Chinese and published in 1986) which describes his visit to the Chen family village in 1917.