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Thema: Neues Riccio Interview- unbedingt lesen

  1. #1
    BJJ Fighter Gast

    Standard Neues Riccio Interview- unbedingt lesen

    Hello Damien, how are things with you?

    All is well, I continue to train very hard all day every day. I preparing myself for several big fights of which the first will be against Ruben Vazquez at UC8 on November 30 in England.


    Now, a lot of people have heard about the controversy that surrounds the incident of a 'challenge fight' that happened between you and Robin Gracie last June at a seminar in France. Tell us what happened at the seminar.

    This is all the history. May 11, I fought in Italy against a Heavyweight (Will Sakara) a guy who is 99 kgs of pure muscle and 1 meter 87, whereas me I am only 84 kgs and am 1 meter 70. I lose the fight on decision (very close...) and I return to France with a right leg completely bust by the low kicks that I took during the fight.

    I could not train for 10 days. May 22 I learn that Gracie comes to my city to give a training course on May 24. I have many Gracie Ju-Jitsu videos at my house and having seen the Gracie's fighting during their training courses. The idea comes in to my head to challenge Robin. But everyone is taken with the fact that the Gracie are strongest and that nobody can beat them in free fight.

    So in spite of the wound to my leg I decide to go to challenge Robin in closed door, between him and me. Gracie, of which I idolised since I had begun the free fight, comes to my city and claiming the invincibility of Gracie Ju Jitsu. So the occasion was too good, especially that I know that I would never have the chance to beat a Gracie in a tournament because they have a reputation for being dangerous people who charge a lot of money and especially because professional free fight is not allowed in France.

    The Gracie seminar was organised by the gypsies of my city. One being a famous streetfighter, all the gypsies know me and respect me. I decide not to challenge Robin at the beginning of the seminar so not to sabotage the seminar and not at the end of the training course, I know that he would have been tired or at least would have found the excuse of tiredness. Thus I go to the training course at midday (the training course lasted of 10am - 2pm). I am accompanied by my little brother and two friends. I went to see the organiser alone. I ask him to introduce Robin to me. The organiser introduces me to Robin we shake hands. Robin asks me (he usually speaks French) if I want to take a photograph with him. I say to him no and that I want to make a match of Vale Tudo against him. He bursts out laughing and says "against me, you ask me?" I say to him yes, and he asks me "Now?". I told him no - after your training course and with door closed without spectators. He answers me while laughing without problem and I have say to him that I left to let him finish his training course and that I would return once he has finished. I shake his hand and I join my brother.

    But the history starts here. In the training course there was a good member of the French BJJ who knew me and they started to panic by seeing that Robin take challenge and are to go to take their phones and start to telephone. Robin seeing everyone panicking stops smiling and went to see the guy who informed him about me. The gypsies start to panic and the chief of the gypsies comes to see me by saying to me that it is not necessary that we have blows with the face. I say to him that Gracie accepted and that the gypsies are coming to see me and told me already to watch out because Gracie is extremely good and that he will put to me on the ground and to beat me easily. I tell them not to worry, and we will see if Gracie will beat me so easily. From there I go away and I return three hours after.

    I learned that meanwhile all the world warned Robin that I am a professional fighter and that I had fought before in Japan and in all the world.

    When I Return my brother Matthias comes with me (it was 200kms but he decided to come to attend the fight) and discusses the rules with Robin. I say to Robin YOU choose the rules which you want. Robin accepts while saying to my face its best (my way) the French way.

    Robin accepts but decides to make it with spectators with video and Robin wanted a copy of the fight. He does not want the limit of time or gloves, and be Vale Tudo rules. My brother asks him for bites and fingers in the eyes. Robin leaves this to him so we do it without rules of the fingers in the eyes and bites! Robin discusses with his men and decides to remove the bites and the fingers in the eyes. I say OK and I ask for the headbutts. He say "for me, I agree". Thus the rules were fixed not limits of time not of bites and fingers in the eyes, rules of Vale Tudo total, and not of decision: ONE winner and a loser. There were two referees.

    And so you beat Robin Gracie in a bare-knuckle challenge fight? How did you win?

    Yes in about 11 minutes. Robin tapped and said to me that he gave up. I think that Robin believed unlimited time would play to his advantage. But I take my time and did not tire because I know how long the fight could last. I worked to tire him out and to be able to beat him. I thought that the fight would last at least an hour...!

    Now Robin has allegedly reported that he did not give up the fight and you did not beat him, and the only reason he stopped was because one of you sustained a cut and he was concerned. What do you say to this?

    You would take this kind of word on behalf of Gracie? They are accustomed to saying that they never lost... Robin lost and is a liar. In any way Combat Sports Promotions have a copy of the fight in its entirety and they saw that he tapped. That is proof and their reputation, their name, are assembled of many parts. It is easy to say that one did not lose when one gave up. In any case the Gracie's are accustomed to saying that they never lose.

    As regards Robin: he lost and that is it. I think that Robin did something which he will not forgive himself. He gave up in a combat of challenge and it is the first time that a Gracie does this and he seeks excuses for his act.

    And on the uncut video footage, after the fight there are several heated conversations with Robin and yourself and some of the key people at the seminar. Tell us some of the things that were said.

    After the fight, I lift my arms and my brothers join me. I turn round to shake the hand of Robin out of respect. Robin was completely shocked and ask me why I had done that to him. I say to him that I did nothing but note the famous GRACIE CHALLENGE that the Gracie's made to the combatants of the whole world. He says to me that him he came here for work and not to fight. I say to him that he came in my city while protesting that Gracie Ju-Jitsu was the best art in the world and that the Gracie's are said to accept all challenges. I came to challenge, to test myself against a Gracie. I said to him that they had challenged everyone like Mike Tyson or Bill Wallace and David Douillet then me. I came to take up the challenge. He says to me that it is not him which did that but Rickson and Royce and which if I had a problem with them I was to go to see them has them and not him. I answered him that if Royce or Rickson had come in his place I would to do the same challenge, even more especially as I had their video, Gracie Ju Jitsu in Action 1 and 2, and that they fought same in the street (what I adore to do also...)

    And I say to him that I did not make him honour their famous Gracie challenge. He says to me that in any event he is better technically than me. I tell him fine, you are better than me technically. You are the son of Helio, the brother of Royce and Rickson and Royler. That he has trained Gracie Ju Jitsu with its founder for almost 30 years. Whereas me I have practised the ground alone with my brother for only six years and that I never had a course of Ju-Jitsu all of my life.

    He speaks to me about my weight and I say to him that I am more than 5 kgs over than him, he did not see the problem before. He wants a rematch and I say to him yes, when he is ready and I loose 4 kgs, he will still lose.

    It is then I had a dispute with a French student of his and I went to see his pals who were present for the problem. But they did not want a problem and I said they should stop idolising Gracie because I proved that their system of combat is imperfect. I then continued the dispute with the person in a street of Perpignan.

    And so the challenge fight took place and whatever happened there happened. But there was another incident later on with the Gracie's when they visited you at work. What happened there?

    History continues on July 20 - two months after I beat Robin. I worked as doorman in a bar in Perpignan. This evening my 14 year old little brother was with me. I will explain you what occurred. I was outside the entrance of the bar on the terrace. At one time I see two guys have arrived they speak to me in English and ask to me whether they can go to the toilets. I say to them no, as they must consume to use the toilets. One of them goes to the bar to order and the other takes his mobile and goes to the toilet. In fact they were two scouts who came to see whether I was alone or not. If I had been with friends or my brothers they would never have come there.

    And thirty seconds later I see a group of nine people arriving at the back of the building. The guys were very big men and I thought I was dealing with a Rugby team. I went to prepare to refuse them but none of them looked at me. I saw a guy with a camera and I think has tourists have come to film the place. They advance and are stopped in front of me, and Robin and Royce appear from behind the guys and put themselves in front of me. I see Robin and my little brother says "look out Damien, it's Royce!!!"

    I sat at this time on a chair and my little brother is standing. I am astonished, telling him "how are you?" He approaches and loosely and badly throws a punch at me. The chair on which I sat broke and I fall on my little brother which fall with me. Robin jumps on me and starts to strike. I reached and I push my little brother so that he will hide. I roll and I throw Robin on a table. I find myself surrounded by eight guys and Robin.

    During this time Royce was left with my little brother and kicks him twice (once in the belly and the other in the thigh) my little brother fell while shouting for Royce to stop and Royce sent a blow to the back of my brother's head. My brother escaped and ran to hide under a car.

    When this happened, there were many people and families sitting on the terrace and everyone shouted and fled there were also many children because the bar is also a restaurant. Robin drops me and stands above and strike me with his fists. When he approach I put a left hook to him and Robin collapses knocked out. I was going to put a kick on Robin who was on the ground but they jumped on me kicked me to the legs and made me fall to the ground. I received a lot of kicks but none were effective because they were so many.

    A girl was caught up in the fight and was also hurt. I succeeded to rise while shouting but there was a band playing in the interior of the bar and nobody understood anything. Somebody entered the bar to tell of what occurred and the two scouts say to my boss (the owner of the bar) not to move. My boss went behind the bar to get a club. During this time I succeeded to get up and I ran while pushing all these guys away. I return in to the bar and I took the bludgeon off my boss and I am brought it out to strike them. They saw me getting up and they left while running. I followed them until they got in their car and they flee.

    I can guarantee to you that they did well to run very quickly to Spain because there were a lot of people who chased them during that night and things in my city were very, very hot-tempered that evening! It is good, because that would have finished badly for them. Some of my other friends were two hours away.

    While I was with my friends seeking them I received a phone call of Robin on my mobile (I do not know how he had my number). I answered. Robin said nothing, I told to him to talk to me. I answered but he hung up.

    Finished all the history.

    Now, you are coming back to the UK to fight at Ultimate Combat 8, where you intend to place a public challenge to Royce and Robin Gracie to come and fight you at Ultimate Combat and to settle this feud once and for all under full professional MMA rules. Tell us why you feel it is necessary to get the public involved like this.

    It is essential because it is necessary that people know that the Gracie family do not have honour and they are losers and realise this. And more, I prefer that the fight be in a professional way rather than of another way.

    I have to announce that my family did not appreciate the fact at all that Royce struck our little brother... Now we either settle this in a true sportsman-like way or again on the street. I think it is best to settle this matter as gentlemen, with honour. To fight in front of public people in a Mixed Martial Arts fight, so that the truth can be known and we settle this argument forever.

    There was a lot of controversy on the internet after the original challenge fight and the following 'incident' at the bar where you work. A lot of the feedback was negative towards you, saying that you did not win and that you had no right to challenge Robin. How did you feel about what was said at that time?

    And why would I not have the right of the challenge? Is him coming to my city different to when the Gracie's arrived in the USA? They challenged everyone (Tyson etc). They launched the famous GRACIE CHALLENGE to the whole World and so to me also, and everyone. Why would I not have the right to take up the challenge? It is still an excuse on behalf of the Gracie's to explain to defeat.

    I saw a poster (which is now on the Internet) where Robin launched a public challenge to all Spanish of Barcelona (the city where he lives in Spain) to anyone that can fight him and to beat him will win 1,000,000 pesetas. This poster is stuck on all the walls of the town of Barcelona. I think that Robin should give me the 1,000,000 pesetas!

    On the other hand, the incident in the bar, the Gracie's did that because they know they can do absolutely nothing to me. That they come with nine men and strike me by surprise proves it well. Maintaining they know about the street. Even with several they cannot do anything against me. I understand why they are frustrated...

    It is rumoured that the Gracie's say that the reason for the follow-up incident at the bar was because you publicised the fact that you had beaten Robin on the internet. What did you put on the internet that could have angered them so?

    It is not me which published. It is a guy (who practises the BJJ) who was present and which published that on a French forum some hours after. I was in a bar after the challenge.
    But then Robin lied by saying that it was not true then I decided to put the highlight video on the internet to show how the Gracie's once again were liars.

    Now Ultimate Combat will be offering forward to opportunity for both yourself and either Royce or Robin to come and fight in the UK. The fight, if accepted, would of course be conducted in a 100% neutral and professional manner. Why do you think that Ultimate Combat offers the best arena for this fight?

    I already fought once at Ultimate Combat and the show was very, very well organised and very professional. Dale Adams [the promoter] seems somebody correct and trustworthy, which is not the case of many promoters.

    I have received many other offers to organise this fight, but I decide to give it to Ultimate Combat. I give them my entire co-operation so that they can organise this fight. And especially as it must be done in a neutral country.

    Some people say that you are using this opportunity to openly challenge Robin and Royce Gracie to fight you simply to get publicity for yourself. Is this in any way true?

    Frankly if I wanted to make publicity. It would not be by choosing Royce or Robin. I would have chosen somebody more extreme. And there are many...

    No, I once again make to sort the problem in a sportsman-like way because I will not leave their act unpunished. I acted sporting then they acted out of anger. I give them the appropriate sporting chance that time and if they refuse again that will prove just that I am better than them and than they are afraid of me. I will not drop this business. I will make it right. How they act is yet to be seen.

    Why do you think the Gracie's should fight you? What do the Gracie's have to gain by fighting you?

    Honour and pride, for once to have to act like a man and not like a bitch.

    Royce Gracie gets paid a lot of money to fight. Do you think he'll use money as an excuse not to fight you? Is this about money or honour for you?

    Well it will be a useful excuse for him. On the other hand the whole world will know that he is the one afraid. He will know until the end of its life what it is he has to fear, me. And that it is most beautiful of the victories for me. For me it is a question of honour and revenge on my little brother. The money does not matter for me - it is honour. I will fight him for free.

    So if either Royce or Robin agreed to fight with you to settle this matter of honour between the two families, do you think this would be the end of this story, and would you accept defeat gracefully if you were defeated? Would this really be the end?

    I do not know if that will be the end, I am not alone. We are several brothers and cousins. But what they did in the bar anagered many people and I cannot control everyone. For me, this history will be finished because I will beat one like the other but to tell the truth Robin interests me no more. I beat him twice and he knows it very well (like all the people present in the bar that evening.) But I am glad to make it official this time.

    Royce, it is not right for what he did to my little brother that I want him to imagine that evening it was his wife or children. I dare say he would have been very serious if it his wife or children would have been touched. It is the same for me.

    So, if Robin or Royce were reading this now, what messages would you like to pass on to them?

    That what you made that evening is far from being finished. Ah yes Royce, I promise to you to do to your children what you did to my brother when I would meet them. So, if as you say, you did not do anything to my little brother you do not have anything to fear from me. On the other hand you know it very well that what I say is fact...

    Thus I think that to stop all this history that it would be better to face me and face the truth and finish this. With the fact a complaint (To the Police) is against you for striking my little brother and unfortunately for you much was told to the police of what you did.

    You and your brother do not deserve any respect. That is, at least, until you are a man and face me officially. Come and fight me for honour and finish this. You are a coward and you cannot defeat me.

    I destroyed your brother twice and I will do the same for you and you know this. Be a honourable man and stop hiding. Soon everyone will realise you are scared so fight me now for honour and pride and we will end this for good.

  2. #2


    aus Gründen des Urheberrechts wären bei solchen Posts immer die Quellenangaben sehr gut!

    Frank Burczynski

    HILTI BJJ Berlin


  3. #3
    joksuto Gast


    Hallo kann mal jemand schreiben um was es eigentlich hier geht bin der englischen sprache nicht so mächtig .Klingt ja alles sehr kriminel.Danke!!!

  4. #4
    Ortega Gast

    Thumbs down Kurz und bündig


    Ich übersetze es mal ins Grobe!!

    Ich bin jung und brauch die FAME !!!!
    Geändert von Ortega (15-12-2003 um 15:20 Uhr)

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