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Thema: Young Bruce Lee

  1. #16
    SteFanJKD Gast


    Stefan, if what you say is true than, wow

    I consider myself a truthful man. Here is a clip when I had a visit from Poland. Even though this clip is mostly in Polish it shows a little bit parts of my collections and what one could expect from visiting and training with me.

    YouTube - SteFanJKD/Sweden; Sharing the knowledge part 1">YouTube - SteFanJKD/Sweden; Sharing the knowledge part 1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    But that's just a cultural thing. Not to worry
    Somebody is understanding what JKd is all about

    Anyway, you must be a Bruce Lee expert by now. haha.
    Well, I am quite satisfied with my knowledge in JKD, but expert. ? Yes, I do belive that i know a lot more about JKD than many, but that I am an expert I have no illussions about. I am not an expert and that is why I want an open and honest discussion about JKD sp that I can get as close to be ing an expert as possible, I belive that the road to expertice comes from having discussion about Jun Fan, ted Wong, Concepts or whatever form of JKD

    How about writing a book about what you've learned. I mean, your collection (and what you read and saw and know) appears to be big enough to write something, right?
    To be honest. I feel more and more comfortable to start to write a book about my point of view on JKD. Then we have my braintumour and an uncertain future. How long can I realy wait to write a bok before it is too late.


  2. #17
    SteFanJKD Gast


    Why are there so many different ways to enclose a filmclip.

    I will try different ways and see what happens what if I only inset everything after =

    What if I insert everything before the V

    Here it goes

  3. #18
    Gaoli Gast


    Geändert von Gaoli (20-02-2015 um 20:30 Uhr)

  4. #19
    SteFanJKD Gast


    If you realy read what JKD is all about you will see that JKD is for situations as I am in.

    The Braintumours really shows have good my JKD is

    "JKD is is the enlightement. It is a way of Life, a movement toward willpower and control"

    "Punches and kicks are tools to kill the ego"

    "JKD is not to hurt, it is one of the avenues in which life opens its secrets to as"

    Selfknowledge is the basis of JKD, not only for the Individuals martial art, but also for his life as a human being"

    We can argue if something is technically JKD or not, but we cannot argue that if you are not learning about yourself in your martial arts training, you are not learning JKD.

    With this in mind I would say that I am a pretty good JKD practitioner


  5. #20
    cbJKD Wilfried Gast


    I´d say that description fits almost all BUDO-arts as well.

    I would agree that training and applying the Jeet Kune Do mindset of "simple, direct and non classical" and "finding the cause of your (personal) ignorance" will help you finding out alot about yourself and how to change for the better.

    Would you explain more deeply how applying jkd philosophy in your everyday life helps coping with your health issues or is it more like you using martial arts training / JKD researching as a means to distract and entertain yourself in a positive way?


  6. #21
    SteFanJKD Gast


    Bruce lee said "all type of knowledge means selfknowledge". Self knowledge is needed to be able to express yourself and your own truth.

    what is special with Bruce lee's philosophy of ife that this mentality is also used in JKD as a martial arts style. It is not like in karate and other traditional arts where you see studying and researching other styles as treason, they see other styles more like a threat, not like a learning oppurtunity.

    from JKD I have learned too look at all styles, all discussions, sparring etc as selfknowledge, knowledge about my JKD and myself as a martial artist

    So when I got the braintumour I saw the braintumour as knowledge, not a threat, something negative. I could learn something anout myself from the braintumour because I was thinking exactly the same way when I was sparring someone from another style or debating on a Forum about my point of view on JKD, I saw it as a learning oppurtunity about myself.

    This is just one example but it has to do with the idea of Bruce Lee pushed everybody to trust i themselves, finding their own truth. Bruce was alla about "turning a stumbling Block to a stepping stone". The philosophy of Bruce Lee has definitely helped me.

    "Damn that torpedo, full speed ahead", "circumstances, hell I make circumsatnces". To me JKD is all about thiniking positively, believeing in yourself, seing the cup as half full and not half empty..

    What makes Bruce Lee and JKd special is that Bruce Lee created a JKD way of Life just as he created a JKD way of Fighting. Look at other styles, did funakoshi create a specific philosophy or did he simply use an already existing philosophy when it came to this point when it came to karate Training.

    My oppinion is that most martial arts simply use Zenbuddism or Taoism as their philosophy. Bruce Lee created his own philosophy by researching Nietche, taoism, Spinioca, buddism, and many other philosophies and "religions".

    Therefore I can honestly say that I have used bruce lee's philosophy to overcome my braintumour just as bruce used this philosphy when he could not get work in Hollywood, when he injured his back and even when he married Linda and ventured into a mixed marriage.

    The one book I asked my wife to bring to the hospital when I had called her after being rushed to the nearest University hospital was the Book "Warrior Within", this is a great book to understand Bruce Lee's philosophy of Life and it definitely helped me with my batlle against my braintumour.


  7. #22
    hanymayer Gast


    past vllt nicht genau hier rein
    weis jemand ob der film young bruce lee auch auf deutsch kommt
    aber mal ne frage wer nett wen sie einer beantworten könnte

    warum hat damsl jackie chan das salto gemacht ich mein bruce war doch top fitt ?

  8. #23


    Was für ein Salto? Was meinst du?

  9. #24
    hanymayer Gast


    ich mein des rückwerts salto bei der mann mit der todeskralle

  10. #25
    IPMONK Gast


    Dieser Mann war einzigartig und ich freue mich sehr auf diesen Film.

  11. #26
    Gin Lai Gast


    Der wurde nicht von Jackie Chan, sondern von Yuen Biao gedoubled, weil Bruce Lee zwar ein guter Kampfkünstler, aber nicht zwangsläufig auch ein guter Akrobat/Turner gewesen ist und Feats wie diesen Backflip schlichtweg nicht durchführen konnte. Zum anderen war das Risiko zu hoch, sich bei so einem Stunt zu verletzen und in Folge die gesamten Dreharbeiten abblasen zu müssen.

  12. #27
    Lars´n Roll Gast


    Chinesischer Film... Ich erwarte das Schlimmste.

    Zitat Zitat von Trailer
    ...and brought honor to his nation...
    Die USA?

  13. #28
    hanymayer Gast


    dachte es ist für den ein oder anderen intresant
    Filmserie ber Bruce Lee geplant - Geschwister stimmen zu -

  14. #29
    Saarbrigga Gast


    Naja der Artikel ist von 2009...denk aber das weisst Du und erwähnst ihn weil "Young Bruce Lee" der erste Teil dieser damals angekündigten Filmreihe ist.

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