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Thema: Wall of Shame

  1. #1
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Benötigt hier noch jemand eine Graduierung im Kenpo?

    oder Karate

    Da diese Angebote bei Ebay nach einiger Zeit gelöscht werden, hier noch die Texte und Bilder dazu:

    Preis: AU $20.00
    This is a Black Belt Rank Certificate from Thunderbolt Kenpo International, customised with your name and Rank. Register yourself with a truly international Martial Arts Association based outside the Continental United States, in Sydney, Australia. When making your purchase, please insert your name and rank in the comments field. All certificates are 8.3 x 11.7" (21 x 29.7cm) on quality parchment

    Preis AU $20.00
    This is a Dan Rank Certificate from the Kensei Ryu International, customised with your name and Rank. Register yourself with a truly international Martial Arts Association based outside the Continental United States, in Sydney, Australia. When making your purchase, please insert your name and rank in the comments field. All certificates are 8.3 x 11.7" (21 x 29.7cm) on quality parchment. Please see my other items for more Kenseiryu Cerificates.

    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Geändert von Karl-Heinz (12-09-2004 um 13:29 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Michael Kann Gast


    @ Karl-Heinz

    vielen Dank, wenn´s nicht so Scheiße wäre, könnte man Stunden darüber lachen!

    @ all

    Das wäre ja schon wieder einen eigenen Thread wert, z.B. mit der Fragestelltung: Warum solche Angebote? Warum so günstige Angebote? Ist das Zeitgeist?

  3. #3
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Zitat Zitat von Michael Kann
    @ Karl-Heinz

    vielen Dank, wenn´s nicht so Scheiße wäre, könnte man Stunden darüber lachen!

    @ all

    Das wäre ja schon wieder einen eigenen Thread wert, z.B. mit der Fragestelltung: Warum solche Angebote? Warum so günstige Angebote? Ist das Zeitgeist?
    das ist auch günstg und die Urkunden sind schöner:

    7. Dan für $7,50 das hat was.....

    Mal im Ernst, was sind das für arme Typen, die sowas kaufen?

    Wie ware es mit einem "Sticky" Thread "Wall of Shame", wo nur solche Angebote gelistet werden?

    Da diese Angebote bei Ebay nach einiger Zeit gelöscht werden, hier noch die Texte und Bilder dazu:

    Preis: $7,50
    These certificates can be used with any traditional or universal Karate-Do or Kobudo (weapons) dojo and would also work well for any instructor not currently affiliated with any organization. This certificate is 8 1/2" X 11" and is full color. It carries the AJKU gold logo, and is trimmed with gold border and gold kanji at the bottom as well. This certificate can also be PERSONALIZED by at 7th Dan Karate-Do Shihan Sensei for an additional charge (See sample scan)

    Preis $7,50
    This beautiful full-color 8-1/2" x 11" parchment certificate is perfect for use in your universal Martial Arts system. If you or your students are in need of rank certification and are not currently affiliated with another organization, this item is for you! For an additional fee, a 7th Dan Karate and Tae Kwon Do Master can certify you in your rank and system. This auction is for a BLANK certificate. Remember, the certification is extra.

    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    • Dateityp: jpg 1.jpg (10,1 KB, 612x aufgerufen)
    • Dateityp: jpg 2.jpg (17,7 KB, 577x aufgerufen)
    Geändert von Karl-Heinz (12-09-2004 um 13:33 Uhr)

  4. #4


    mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen
    Personal Training in Düsseldorf
    Neue Trainingszeiten: Mitwochs 20:15, Sonntags 17:00 Uhr, Sportzentrum im Medienhafen - bei Interesse PN

  5. #5
    Michael Kann Gast


    Scheint ein gutes Geschäft zu sein!

  6. #6
    Michael Kann Gast


    Zitat Zitat von Karl-Heinz
    Wie ware es mit einem "Sticky" Thread "Wall of Shame", wo nur solche Angebote gelistet werden?
    Hi Karl-Heinz,

    wie gewünscht

    Also, hier bitte alle derartigen "Angebote" die Ihr findet einstellen ... ob sie kommentiert werden müßten, weiß ich nicht!

  7. #7
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Noch mehr davon:

    Black Belt Certification! Karate - Judo - Kung Fu!
    FREE LIGHT TOUCH KO's CD When You Order!

    Get Your Black Belt From Black Dragon Self Defense Systems!
    1st - 2nd - or 3rd Degree With no exams or tests! Your life experience is what matters!

    You get a full certificate suitable for framing, PLUS a wallet ID card proving to others your status!

    1st degree black belt is $29.95

    2nd degree is $39.95

    3rd degree is $49.95
    Geändert von Karl-Heinz (12-09-2004 um 13:56 Uhr)

  8. #8
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Preis: US $5.00

    Become a Certified Instructor in Pressure Points +cert

    This is your chance to become a Certified Instructor in Pressure Points.This is a scientific art that focuses on conservation of energy and precision. In order for strikes, punches, and kicks to have maximum effectiveness they must target specific areas. This course will teach you every thing you will need to know. You will also get a Certificate and it will be signed by me Gerald Gleason, a 2rd Degree Black Belt in Dragon Kenpo Karate. I am also a 1st Degree Black Belt in WTF Taekwondo and a Certified Instructor in Kenpo, and i am also Certified in Pressure Points. I am founder and chief instructor of the US Kenpo Fighting Academy. You will also be registered in our database. Your certificate is verifiable! Your record will be maintained on file permanently. You can check up on it at any time. This is a self taught couse.Thanks for looking at my item and happy bidding.


    Noch was vom selben Anbieter:

    Preis: $30

    Become a Certified 1st Degree Black Belt

    This is your chance to become a 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo. The US Kenpo Fighting Academy will promote and certify you as a 1st Degree Black Belt in the art of Kenpo Karate. You will receive a two cd set that will teach you step by step from white to first degree black belt including knife and gun disarming. This is a real matrial artist performing and teaching you step by step on a cd that you can play on your computer.

    Your US Kenpo Fighting Academy Certificate as a 1st Degree Black Belt comes with a Raised Embossed Gold Seal from the US Kenpo Fighting Academy. And it will be signed by me Gerald Gleason I am a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Dragon Kenpo Karate, and 1st Degree Black Belt in WTF Taekwondo and i am a Certified Instructor in Kenpo, and founder and chief instructor of the US Kenpo Fighting Academy. You will also be registered in our national database as a US Kenpo Fighting Academy Black Belt . Your certificate is verifiable! Your record will be maintained on file permanently. You can check up on it at any time. Thanks for looking at my item and happy bidding.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    • Dateityp: jpg 3.jpg (16,5 KB, 368x aufgerufen)
    Geändert von Karl-Heinz (12-09-2004 um 16:44 Uhr)

  9. #9
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Ich glaube Ed Parker würde sich im Grab umdrehen!

    Fernkurs mit Prüfung per Video......

    Yellow to Black Kenpo Karate Manuals & Certificates

    Now you can receive all 10 Belt Manuals of Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate System, in one easy place. This auction contains all of the following:

    White/Yellow Belt Manual and Certificates
    Orange Belt Manual and Certificate
    Purple Belt Manual and Certificate
    Blue Belt Manual and Certificate
    Green Belt Manual and Certificate
    3rd Degree Brown Belt Manual and Certificate
    2nd Degree Brown Belt Manual and Certificate
    1st Degree Brown Belt Manual and Certificate
    1st Degree Black Belt Manual
    and a Beautiful 11"x17" full color Black Belt Certificate

    Plus a School membership certificate, that entitles you to discounted prices on the new american kenpo videos that will be pre-released on October 1st in addition to discounts on school merchandise and fight gear.

    These manuals are very detailed and descriptive they cover all techniques, self defense sets, all forms, all weapon forms, all natural weapons, all stances, blocks, strikes, parries, kicks, etc.

    Every move is laid out and detailed in a manner that even the novice student can comprehend and learn easily. This manual has been used by over 1000 students, in our schools and on ebay.

    You can now learn the system of American Kenpo Karate from home with no extra expense, there are NO testing fees, free online help with all your questions, unlimited contact with the school for help, and the ability to register your Black Belt Certificate with a No Cost Video Test, once you have completed all your material. In addition, you will receive a 50% off coupon for the new video series to be launched in December of 2004.

    Short 1, Long 1, Short 2, Long 2, Long 3, Long 4, Long 5, Book Set, Two Man Form, and much more.

    Blocking Set I ( Star Block ), Blocking Set II, Finger Set I, Finger Set II, Stance Set I, Stance Set II, Kicking Set I, Kicking Set II, Moving Set I, and many many more.

    All Self Defense techniques for each Belt level with extensions, and optional techniques.

    All terminology, angle definitions and applications, all principles, concepts and theories, in addition to application of principles in regards to techniques.

    Over the past few months many of you have enjoyed these manuals, and have had questions like...

    "How can a test and recieve a certificate for each belt level I complete?"

    All certificates are included, even your Black Belt Certificate

    " What if I need help on something?"

    You will have unlimited contact with the school and online messaging

    "Can I send a video of myself performing the Black Belt Exam, to have my belt rank and certificate registered and added to your family tree, and how much does it cost?"

    There are no more charges, the Black Belt Video Test is FREE, NO CHARGE!

    "What if I have a training partner, can they also receive rank certification without buying the manual?

    Just add $20.00 and include your training partners full name, and we will add thier certificates too!

    All Certificates are signed and mailed at the time of purchase, including the blackbelt certificate,

    Nicholas Lee's American Kenpo Karate Concepts is a full and accredited Martial Arts School, by offering these manuals on CD-R, we believe that we can offer a low cost training program with an emphasis on detail and a commitment to keeping the Flame Burning!
    Geändert von Karl-Heinz (12-09-2004 um 13:53 Uhr)

  10. #10
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Zitat Zitat von Michael Kann
    @ Karl-Heinz

    vielen Dank, wenn´s nicht so Scheiße wäre, könnte man Stunden darüber lachen!

    @ all

    Das wäre ja schon wieder einen eigenen Thread wert, z.B. mit der Fragestelltung: Warum solche Angebote? Warum so günstige Angebote? Ist das Zeitgeist?
    Zeitgeist vieleicht, man kann ja heute fast alles kaufen und geht gerne leichte Wege. Aber auch Eitelkeit und Selbstbetrug.

    Ich selbst habe meine Prüfungen zu meiner Zeit als Karateka immer erst nach Druck durch meine japanischen Lehrer gemacht, weil ich nie an Graduierungen interessiert war.

    Ich kann gut verstehen, wenn Jemand der ernsthaft trainiert sich von seinem Verband / Trainer prüfen lässt, weil er eine Anerkennung für sein Training und eine offizielle Bestätigung seines Leistungsstandes braucht.

    Aber eine Graduierung kaufen?!?


  11. #11
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Der ist nicht so preisgünstig:

    Preis: $60
    Kenpo Black Belt Home Study/Kempo/Hapkido/Ju Jitsu

    Black Belt Diploma Included

    Kenpo Karate

    Submission Kenpo is a modern, practical and proven system of self-defense, conceived for todays violent streets. It's characterized by a non nonsense approach to self-defense and fighting confrontations that enables one to achieve a relatively high proficieny in a shorter period of time.

    This program has consistently received praise from experienced fighters, martial arts experts and has been recommended by Police and Military trainers for it's highly practical applications. Submission Kenpo is a great program for men, women, and children with an interest in realistic self-defense applications.

    This program smashes cultural barriers by combining self-defense techniques from Israeli Combatives and Hapkido, Ground Techniques from Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling, and Stand Up Techniques from American Kenpo and Filipino Combatives. All done in an easy to learn, systemized format.

    White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Red, and Black Belt Levels on 3 VHS cassettes- includes Black Belt Certificate, Instructor Certificate and Stick and Knife Instructor Certificate- A Value well over $300!


    Man wird also für $60 Schwarzgurtträger, Kenpo Karate Instruktor und Messer und Stockkampf Lehrer.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    • Dateityp: jpg 4.jpg (38,9 KB, 190x aufgerufen)

  12. #12
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Preis: US $9.99

    Hier gibt es Tae Kwon Do und Xing Yi Zertifikate:

    Certificate, Tae Kwon Do customized to your request

    Martial Arts Certificates

    Now you have a chance to obtain a quality customized Martial Arts Certificate for replacing lost damaged or incorrect documents. Either Wide or Tall formats

    You Get!

    **A Custom made Certificate with your name or that of a friend

    **Date of your choice


    **Crisp, Clear, lettering and images

    **8.5" x 11" diploma quality paper

    **Have a special request, email me. I can do virtually any art, form or rank you desire.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    • Dateityp: jpg 5.jpg (47,4 KB, 136x aufgerufen)

  13. #13
    Michael Kann Gast


    Zitat Zitat von Karl-Heinz
    Zeitgeist vieleicht, man kann ja heute fast alles kaufen und geht gerne leichte Wege. Aber auch Eitelkeit und Selbstbetrug.
    Da stimme ich Dir zu ... was mich total irritiert, dass es so viele Angebot dbzgl. gibt ... noch dazu über Ebay

  14. #14
    Karl-Heinz Gast



    US $30.00

    Learn the awesome style of Shorinkenjitsu Karate in your own home on your own time.

    There are no contracts to sign, No monthly fees to pay!!! No testing fees!! This is a great deal!

    Our Academy believes that every person should have the same opportunity!
    Formatted on VHS Tape, all requirements are demonstrated for each belt level which are: Yellow, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown, and 1st Dan Black Belt.

    Presented by the system's Founder(Two time Hall of Fame Inductee in the United States Martial Arts), this Home Video explains the techniques so a student can learn and perform the easy techniques.

    Testing is easy.Video test! A student can either video tape themselves on VHS tape or CD and mail it in the the Academy for viewing. Once student passes belt test they will receive their tape back plus an authentic certificate with their new rank. The certificate is signed by both the Founder of the system and by the President of the VKA.

    You will get out of what you put into this program. This is a very good deal.

    Testing is totally FREE!
    You will learn effective techniques like:

    Take-downs, locks, defenses against guns & knives, bear-hugs, headlocks, club swings, strikes, kicks, various holds, and many more.

    The package will include:

    1. System on (1)VHS tape - Yellow Through Black
    2. Membership into the VKA Association - An International Association

    Written belt techniques and mini poster are on a standard 3 1/2 inch formated floppy disk for your viewing at any time or to be printed out.
    We are series and are dedicated in teaching our students!

    This tape is a home video so there is no fancy editing on it. It is a simple tape explaining and demonstrating the self defense requirements for each belt level. This is your opportunity to learn a complete system and be recognized for it. Again Testing is FREE!

  15. #15
    Karl-Heinz Gast


    Die Briten können das auch:

    Home Based Diploma Course

    You'll receive:

    Help from a Professional Instructor. (Should you need it).

    Free Grading.

    Written Assessment and Test Paper.

    A Diploma in Combat Protection.

    Our Qualifications are Fully Acknowledged by

    The Self-Defence Federation.


    20 FREE Martial Arts Books and Special Reports when you Enrol !

    Honours Include;

    Permission to use the Initials Dip. CP after your Name.

    (This is great if conducting official business).

    A Personalized Certificate of Achievement - Authorised by the Close Protection Security Specialists and Signed by Dave Turton (8th Dan), Head of the UK's Self-Defence Federation.

    Excellent Skills and Valuable Knowledge -
    you'll be competent enough to run your own class!
    Geändert von Karl-Heinz (12-09-2004 um 17:34 Uhr)

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