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Thema: Lonely Dog's Workout clips

  1. #1
    LonelysDen Gast

    Standard Lonely Dog's Workout clips

    “wuff” everybody,

    I’m planing on posting a series of specific stick fighting workout clips. Each video will focus on another solo training topic.

    In my assessment solo training is an important part of our training. Of course training with a partner is still the most relevant one. But some time we just don’t have a partner to train with, and otherwise has solo training also a lot to offer...

    I hope that some of these workouts will give you some new ideas for your training.

    I will put every 1 or 2 weeks a new video up on my you tube channel: LonelysDen - YouTube

    Benjamin “Lonely Dog”

  2. #2
    LonelysDen Gast


    here the first clip...

    Lonely Dog's Workout 001 – Hitting the Tire

    hitting the tire is for the stick fighter as important as it is for a boxer to hit his heavy bag.

    hitting the tire is good for power and endurance, but it can offer you even more...

    with this video i would like to share with you a strategic approach to work the tire.

    (Ich habe es mal editiert, jetzt kann man den Clip sehen - Admin)
    Geändert von jkdberlin (07-04-2012 um 22:47 Uhr)

  3. #3
    Dülmen, NRW

    Thumbs up

    Hi Benjamin,
    great idea, thank you very much for sharing
    looking forward to see more clips from you, esp. on footwork and grip development

  4. #4
    Bjarne Gast


    thank you for sharing, i'm new to stickfighting and there are some very good advices for my training outside of my traininggroup
    looking forward to more videos :-)

  5. #5
    onkell Gast



    Thanks for sharing and please, please more.

  6. #6
    itto_ryu Gast


    Prima Video, habe neulich schon im Sperrmüll nach alten Reifen gestöbert

  7. #7
    the KiNgPiN Gast


    Mal in einer kleinen Autowerkstatt nachfragen denen ist des wurscht wer die entsorgt....

  8. #8
    kostci Gast


    Guru Benjamin ist einfach der Hamma!!! Sehr gute Vid-lesson und gute Idee...

    Freu mich auf die folgenden Vid-lessons.

    Stefan "Cro Dog"

  9. #9
    LonelysDen Gast


    here the second clip...

    Lonely Dog's Workout 002 – Power training in the River

    Lonely Dog's Workout 002 -- Power training in the River - YouTube">Lonely Dog's Workout 002 -- Power training in the River - YouTube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    This workout is inspired through the one and only “Surf Dog”. Hitting water is good training and can improve your power. But first and foremost it's a lot of fun, and should therefore not taken to seriously...
    I have to admit that we are not doing this too often, the water in Switzerland is just too cold most at the time.

  10. #10
    itto_ryu Gast


    Der Link funktioniert nicht, ich bin mal so frei:

  11. #11
    ElCativo Gast


    Thank you for the great Videos!
    Keep it up.

    Looking forward for more.

  12. #12
    LonelysDen Gast


    voilà... clip number three

    Lonely Dog's Workout 003 – Lift and Takedown

    Lonely Dog's Workout 003 - Lift and Takedown - YouTube

    the topic of this workout is strength training in terms to lift your adversary for takedowns.
    with techniques as the “High Double” or the “Cameltoe”, exercises for strong legs and explosive hips are key.

  13. #13
    LonelysDen Gast


    ich kriege das mit dem youtube einfügen nicht hin... help!?

  14. #14
    onkell Gast


    Der Link funktioniert doch oder sollte das so aussehen?

    Dickes Danke für das Einstellen.
    Geändert von onkell (21-04-2012 um 03:01 Uhr)

  15. #15
    itto_ryu Gast


    KLasse, danke!

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