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Thema: Aktuelles Fedor Interview

  1. #1
    Pedro Rizzo Gast

    Standard Aktuelles Fedor Interview

    Das Interview stammt von Fedors Homepage, u wurde von Sherdog Members auf Englisch übersetzt..

    Sehr interessantes interview meiner Meinung nach. Was mich erstaunt hat an dem Interview, das Fedor seit 6 Monaten nicht mehr mit seinem Bruder trainiert. Dieser scheint lieber in Holland zu trainieren, was Fedor nicht gefällt. Scheint zwischen den beiden einige Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu geben..

    Correspondent: You recently returned from the training, which was done in Elbrus region for the second time already. Describe your trainings, results, achievements.
    Fedor: Trainings were at the height of 2200 meters (7218 feet). Main part of the work - exercises for endurance, an ability to withstand a certain load - is complete. Two weeks of training in the same mode - putting the necessary load additionally, is remaining, and then ahead is preparing for competitions. The result of active trainer work can be considered that during the trainings I lost a little weight. Now it is 103 kg (228 lb), but visually it seems that this number is overstated...

    Correspondent: Maybe you consider transfering to another weight category?
    Fedor: Oh no (he laughs), there are no such intentions for now.

    Correspondent: In November your brother performed in Pride tournament, which was conducted in Netherlands? Tell us about his performance.
    Fedor: The performance was unsuccessful for my brother: Aleksandr lost to Fabrisio Werdum. According to the trainer, he managed the battle incompetently: everything that should not be done, and what he was warned about, he did in the ring.... Sanya (russian short for Alexander), probably believed in himself too early. It seems that he "fell ill" with star disease - considers himself great fighter, stopped training properly (we already have not been working together for more than half a year), and now suffered a serious defeat for a second time in a season ...

    Correspondent: Do you see a way out of the outcoming situation? Is there a possibility to help brother to continue a worthy career? Not so long time ago he defeated his opponents in mere minutes, and sometimes seconds. And experts commented that winning is a family feature of Emelianenko brothers.
    Fedor: Frankly speaking, there is no desire to interfere in the affairs of my brother. He is a grown man, and chooses for himself which way to go.

    Correspondent: You may be right. It happens frequently that people requesting help or good advice, put the blame of their failures on those, who answered their requests and really tried to help.
    Fedor: Yes, we also had a situation, when after the fight with Josh Barnett Aleksandr partly blamed me for his defeat. Though of all advices that I gave to him he did not follow even one.... It was a good lesson, and now I don't have intentions to interfere in his matters.

    Correspondent: And what are the chances to see your junior brother Ivan on the rings of prestigious tournaments?
    Fedor: Ivan will soon participate in a combat sambo tournament. He frequently travels to trainings with us, as he did to this one in the Elbrus region, but thus far I do not see any sense in promoting him even in rating fights of Pride. He is not ready to competitions of that level yet. With Ivan, unfortunately, something like that slips out sometimes - sometimes he is exercising very seriously, with the desire, and sometimes does it just haphazardly. Probably he thinks that results can also be achieved by exercising from time to time.... He has the same problem, that Aleksandr does. If Sanya approached the trainings with a large zeal, he could already claim the champion title long ago, well or at least definitely would be confidently breathing into my back. But since he only trains before the fight, such sad defeats happen.

    Correspondent: And who does Aleksandr train with now?
    Fedor: Before the appearence at the last Pride tournament Aleksandr went to train to Netherlands. But, considering that Fabricio Werdum is a very competent wrestler, very serious, Aleksandr needed a good sparring-partner for the trainings. But in Netherlands there simply was not anyone to wrestle. Though trainers repeatedly suggested him to come with us. Aleksandr refused, deciding that it would be better for him in Netherlands, and the results are obvious.

    Correspondent: Now every week, on Saturdays, tv viewers can become acquainted with tournaments and fighters Of Pride, watching broadcasts on NTV. What do you think, what other way could mixed martial arts be popularized in Russia, and is there a future for this sport in our country?
    Fedor: Of course. Of course, fights have a future in our country. Viewers show a great interest in fights. Concerning popularization, undoubtedly it must more actively go through mass media. The more they notify, the more they tell about mixed martial arts fights, the more people learn about these competitions. And that Pride is already popular enough is seen from the rating of the program: previously at this time they showed on NTV stories about boxing, tournaments with the participation of outstanding masters in this form of sport, but they enjoyed much less success with viewers.

    Correspondent: In continuation of the previous question. Pride tournaments have already been conducted twice in Netherlands, one of them took place in October in America, do the organizers of one of the most distinguished shows to enlarge the geography Of Pride?
    Fedor: I know that there were negotiations with China and with Korea, but thus far everything remains at the level of agreement and nothing more. How soon Pride tournaments will take place in these countries I do not know... As much as I know, there are intentions to carry out tournaments in Russia too, but this direction is in the stage of discussion yet. However Russians, fans of mixed martial arts, will have a chance as soon as March to visit tournament "TEAM OF RUSSIA against TEAM AMERICA", which will take place in Saint-Peretburg. Roman Zentsov, my brother Aleksandr and, of course, young fighters, who already had chance to present themselves well in the ring will participate for Russian team with me.

    Correspondent: Currently there is practically not one sport, women would not participate. Are there tournaments, similar to Pride, with the participation of females?
    Fedor: In Japan and America the tournaments with the participation of women are conducted regularly: two or three appearances go in addition to male fights. There are also strongest women in their own weight categories. I.e., women have exactly the same rating as men do. And in Russia girls are glad to measure up their srength.

    Correspondent: Many parents are interested, from what age - from both a physiological and a moral point of view - is it best to start to teach martial arts to children? Are there any recommendations from initial founders of a particular school, for example, of eastern martial arts?
    Fedor: To be honest, there are no special recommendations. And really there are many disputes, from what age children to start training martial arts. I started to train in age of 11 and my first trainer Vasiliy Ivanovich Gavrilov let me know from the very beginning results are not to be achieved without hard labor. And from first years I started to train seriously: at the end of the training my kimono was wet from sweat. But now many children are brought to sport sections by their parents at the age of eight, and seven, and even six. But I don't know, how seriously a child at this age can train. Generally in the first years general education, overall strengthening exercises are given, mobile games are also present on the trainings. And it is difficult for me to say which procedure is better to adhere to. In any case, the optimal choice to start training martial arts is age of 10. Children already approach trainings more consciously. They want to learn techniques, throws, etc. more

    Correspondent: You are invited as the honorable guest to the tournament "America against Russia", which will take place in Canada, but have your ever tried to keep statistics, how many, on the average, flights do you have to do in a year? And what form of transport do you after all prefer to the others?
    Fedor: The tournament is already taking place today on 4th December. There, unfortunately, I could not go - have a serious preparation for the newyear tournament ahead. Regarding the number of flights, I never thought of that. But my favourite means of transportation, if it is not for long distances, is undoubtedly a car. I love driving a car a lot. If we are traveling with a fun group, moving by train is great.... Though literally 8-9 months ago trains made me very nervous. Maybe because before and after the operation I had to go back and forth between Piter (Saint-Peterburg) and Old Oskol on my own?!... But generally I am comfortable with any means of transport.

    Correspondent: And do you have any trips in near future?
    Fedor: No, I don't plan to go anywhere, since I have to prepare for the new-year tournament.

    Correspondent: Is your rival already known?
    Fedor: At the given moment it is Mark Hunt - previously K-1 champion, who after me won a fight with Mirko CroCop. So the fight must be interesting.
    Correspondent: Well, let us wish you successful preparation for the tournament and thank you for an interesting conversation

  2. #2
    mitten im Pott


    Danke schön!
    Mein Englisch ist zu schlecht. Ich löse das physikalisch!

  3. #3
    Manolo Gast


    Danke für den Post!


  4. #4
    pYr0 Gast


    Jop auch von mir THX von Pedro Rizzo kommen echt regelmäßig Interviews usw.. ; )

  5. #5
    Mr.Burns Gast


  6. #6
    DieKlette Gast


    Tja, da will jemand nicht im Schatten seines großen Bruders stehen .
    Mal schauen was daraus wird. Großartiges Talent hat er, das wissen wir alle. Die Frage ist: Kann er sein Potential voll nutzen?

    Man darf gespannt sein.



  7. #7
    Pedro Rizzo Gast


    wenn Alex so sehr auf Stand Up steht, dann soll er sich mal beim K1 oder Boxen versuchen.. Denke aber, dann wird er schnell merken, wo seine Grenzen sind.
    Er hat B u C Leute ausgeknockt, konnte gegen keinen A Fighter bestehen bzw eine Decision erreichen.. Das er dadurch sich jetzt als Überflieger sieht, verstehe ich nicht. Falscher Stolz bringt ihn garantiert nicht weiter. Selbst wenn er so nicht im schatten seiner bruder steht

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