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Thema: Senshido Stuff...

  1. #1
    Scary99 Gast

    Standard Senshido Stuff...

    Ich wollte mal die Frage in die Runde schmeißen wer DVD´s von den Senshido Jungs hat oder sonst woher schon was von ihnen gesehen hat. Würde gern ein paar Meinungen wissen und wer Bock hat evtl. ne kleine Bestellung auf ihrer Seite zu machen bitte melden. Leider ist dieses Konzept hier eher unbekannt bzw. taucht bisher selten auf.
    Also ich muss sagen das dies das beste ist was ich je gesehen habe. Einfache Konzepte, Totalität des Kampfes, ein wirklich Zeitgemäßer Selbstschutz...


    Also wer schon was hat oder Interesse hat was zu bestellen (so als ne Sammelbestelung, Versand sparen) bitte unbedingt melden zum evtl. Austausch..

    ich danke..

  2. #2


    Ich habe die 2 Shredder Tapes, das Tool & Target Development und Surving the Streets.

    Da sieht man auch schön wie es sich immer mehr Richtung Konzept entwickelt und Richard den eigentlichen Techniken kaum mehr Bedeutung beimisst. Ist ne ganz gute Geschichte, die sich auch in die meine Sachen integrieren lässt. Allerdings fehlt mir der komplette Überblick über die Konzepte und das Programm so dass ich zum Gesamten wenig sagen. Frag mal den User Stoiker hier, der kennt sich mit Senshido etwas besser aus.

    Ob sich eine Sammelbestellung ist fraglich. Der Versand nach D kostet $7 per item.
    Geändert von Krider (18-01-2007 um 22:16 Uhr)

  3. #3
    bechtie Gast


    Jetzt bin ja neugierig: Schicke Homepage (die nicht richtig funktioniert), starke Sprüche ("Totalität des Kampfes" - gibt's hier irgendjemanden, der die nicht für sich beansprucht?) - was haben die Jungs & Mädels, was andere nicht haben und nicht schon versprochen haben?

    Also wo liegt das Besondere - aus der Homepage erschließt sich mir das erst mal nicht... zumal nach Klick auf die Rubriken-Punkte nichts passiert (zumindest derzeit).

  4. #4


    Für mich war bisher das Shredder Konzept interessant, das hab ich in dieser Konsequenz noch nicht gesehen.

  5. #5


    Zitat Zitat von bechtie
    Jetzt bin ja neugierig: Schicke Homepage (die nicht richtig funktioniert), starke Sprüche ("Totalität des Kampfes" - gibt's hier irgendjemanden, der die nicht für sich beansprucht?) - was haben die Jungs & Mädels, was andere nicht haben und nicht schon versprochen haben?

    Also wo liegt das Besondere - aus der Homepage erschließt sich mir das erst mal nicht... zumal nach Klick auf die Rubriken-Punkte nichts passiert (zumindest derzeit).

    So, dann sag ich mal was zu Senshido…

    zur Homepage: bei mir funktioniert die einwandfrei (Firefox). Allerdings hatte ich mit meinem alten Mozilla-Browser auch das Problem, dass die Links/Rubrik-Leiste nicht funktionierte.

    zu Richard Dimitri: ich habe ihn als sehr netten und sympathischen Menschen kennen gelernt. Fragen aller Art beantwortet er gerne per Email oder in seinem Forum (Zugang über www.senshido.com).

    zu Senshido allgemein: Senshido ist ein umfassendes Konzept. Ich selber habe aber nur das Shredder-Konzept kennen gelernt. Der Shredder ist Basis des Senshido-Technikrepertoires, das Gesamtkonzept wird aber durch weiter Aspekte ergänzt. Kurz gesagt: da ich das Gesamtkonzept als komplette Einheit in dieser Form nicht kenne, kann ich dazu nicht viel sagen. Ich habe aber weiter unten Auszüge der Selbstdarstellung von der Senshido-Homepage reinkopiert (für diejenigen, deren Brwoser nicht mitspielt).

    Für die „Ich-hab-mir-das-alles-jetzt-nicht-durchgelesen-aber-ich-finde-es-trotzdem-blöd“ Vertreter: Da kann ich euch auch nicht helfen…. .Für wen es ein Trost ist: Rich redet generell viel (gibt er auch selber zu), ich finde aber das, was er inhaltlich sagt, für sehr interessant und lehrreich.

    zum Shredder: es war für mich ein Augenöffner. Die Techniken selbst sind bekannt (gibt Rich auch zu), es ist eher – wie Krider bereits sagte – die Konsequenz und Kompromisslosigkeit, mit der die Sachen umgesetzt werden. Ebenso lehrreich war für mich die Art und Weise, wie das Konzept unterrichtet wird und damit verbunden wie der Shredder konzeptionell eingesetzt wird.
    Ist jetzt bewußt etwas schwammig gehalten. Es handelt sich hier um ein „Konzept“ (z.B. wie „Autofahren“) und nicht um eine einzelne „Technik“ (wie z.B. „Bremsen“)., d.h. ich kann es nicht erschöpfend in drei Sätzen beschreiben. Im Senshido-Forum finden sich hier ausführliche Beschreibungen.


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    Who is Richard Dimitri?

    Member of the following organizations:
    · American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers
    · National Registry of Who's Who (2002 - 2003 & 2005 - 2006)
    · Chief instructor of Protective Defence for the Close Protection Training for the UK Ministry of Defence through CTR High Risk Security & Investigations Services Limited UK headed by Senshido Affiliate Tremaine Kent.
    Richard Dimitri is considered to be one of the world's leading authorities on personal protection and hand to hand combat. His martial arts training dates back to 1975 and he has been teaching since 1987.
    Richard secured himself as one of the top reality based self-defense experts in under 7 years with almost no advertising and minimal exposure. Although considered very 'underground', his programs and drills have been integrated by martial artists, law enforcement officers and civilians the world over. His research and martial arts training is backed by much experience where he had to apply his skills both physical and psychological while working as an undercover security guard, a bouncer and bodyguard for high profile clients. Mr. Dimitri's research in psychology began academically and has since spanned over 15 years.
    In 1994, Richard opened his first and only educational institution where he and his team now teach Senshido and Combative Science Technologies. Since then, he has taught and continues to teach Law Enforcement Officers, Military personnel, Security personnel, film stars, bodyguards, amateur fighters, Film directors and producers, corporations, psychologists, stunt performers, professional athletes, the physically challenged, men, women and children world wide.
    Mr. Dimitri had the pleasure to teach personnel from such groups as the US Marines, Canadian Armed Forces, France's Marine Infantry, NYC LEOs, RCMP officers, Pinkerton Security, VIP Investigations, Tandem Montreal, ex street gang members and Mc Gill's Walksafe department.
    Many of Montreal's doormen and bouncers from Montreal clubs such as The Playground, Peel Pub, Sir Winston Churchill's (Winnie's), Crocodile's, 737, The Sona, Cheers, Super Sex, The Downtown Club, Aria, and Sharx have trained at Senshido and have successfully defended themselves time and again thanks to their training.
    Mr. Dimitri has also taught, trained and worked with Dolph Lundgren, Stephen Baldwin, Peta Wilson, Rosario Dawson, Lisa Boyle and Ian "Vampiro" Hodgkinson. Through these great people, he also got to work in the film industry mostly as a stunt performer but also as a fight choreographer and actor.
    Richard has been published in the June 2003 issue of Black Belt Magazine and has authored what is considered to be by many experts one of the best books ever written on personal protection titled "In Total Defense of the Self", which has become an international best seller. He also produced over 26 Instructional video tapes that are also considered by many experts as the most comprehensive and educational self-defense tapes on the market today, surpassing several of the most popular reality based experts and systems.

    Rich also developed a close quarter conceptual tool known as The Shredder™ which has become one of the most talked about innovations in modern self-defense and martial arts training worldwide. The Shredder has been referred to as THE MISSING LINK IN THE MARTIAL ARTS / SELF DEFENSE WORLD. Richard has been asked to teach Shredder seminars world wide since its development.

    People from all over the world have traveled extensively to Montreal to train with Richard Dimitri including Brazil, Greenland, Finland, Germany, The Middle East, Venezuela, The UK and the United States. Today, Richard's Senshido continues to grow worldwide and has currently saved numerous lives. People from all over the world have written to him and personally came to his door to thank him for their lives as his training provided them with the necessary tools to effectively survive violence. Not one to sit on his laurels, Richard continues his research and his methods continue to evolve

    ************************************************** *****************


    Due to our hard core approach to personal protection and hand to hand combat, we have been accused of having no philosophy and being nothing more than a blood and guts mutation of the traditional realm. I beg to differ. There is reason behind our madness.

    According to the Webster dictionary, the definition of philosophy is: A study of the processes governing thought and conduct; theory or investigation of the principles or laws that regulate the universe and underlie all knowledge and reality; included in the study are aesthetics, ethics, logic, metaphysics etc.

    Wow… when Master Sensei expressed that Senshido had no philosophy behind it and that his art’s philosophy is: "Never look for trouble, but if it comes, be ready." Or, "Only use your skills to defend yourself and help others". We had to ask ourselves these questions: Is that the answer that Plato spent his life looking for? Did Jean-Paul Sartre miss that concept? Is that what the Epicureans are missing in their life? Hmmmm. I think not.

    A personal philosophy is acquired through participating in the struggles of life. Hard work, rigorous training, your interaction with your partners, teachers and coaches will play a part and affect your perceptions of life, but still, it is a small part of the equation of life. The journey is where you will develop your philosophies. Change, or rather, the willingness to change is where it all begins. The Warrior's mind set..........
    "We are where we should be, doing what we should be doing, or else, we’d be somewhere else doing something else."
    Where you are today is where you chose to be. Directly or indirectly, the choices we made in life were ours. It is called free will.

    In order to have a total understanding of Senshido one must first come to understand themselves. Senshido is a vehicle towards that path. Introspection is imperative to those who walk the Warrior’s way. Most people are conditioned by their fears, values and beliefs. As Dan Millman brilliantly states in his book "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" "The human mind is their predicament".

    There is however, a considerable difference, between the "mind" and the brain. We posses a brain that directs the body, processes information and stores that information. We refer to the brain’s transcendent process as the "intellect." The brain and the mind are different. The brain is real; the mind is our perceptions of the brains processed information. The "mind" is nothing more than an illusory development of our basic cerebral process. It comprises all of our random, uncontrolled and unproductive thoughts that surge into our awareness from our subconscious. Consciousness, attention and awareness are not part of the ‘mind’. The mind for the most part, becomes an obstruction and aggravation to our daily lives. It is an evolutionary mistake in the human beings development. We have no productive use for the fettered mind. The difference is, warriors let it go and others cling to it.

    Look at children for example, when we come into this world we are born knowing only life. The infant’s gift for learning is incontestable. Perceptive and keen observation of children can reveal the sources to their natural abilities. We can see that the child’s body is relaxed, free of limitations and preconceived obstructions and therefore sensitive and receptive. The child has no established or learned concepts, yet. Their unbridled emotions account for great motivational energies. The child learns complex patterns of speech and movement quite easily and rapidly and doesn’t yet understand the terms ‘quit’ or ‘failure’. The child doesn’t see the ‘impossibility’ of their tasks, if they did, we’d all be crawling and goo goo gagaing right now.

    We were once that natural being, the child, remember? Our potentials were practically unlimited in any field of endeavor (learning to walk or communicate through speech for example) but then something happened. The socialization process that gave us essential information also, unfortunately, inflicted upon us fears, neuro-associations, concepts, attitudes and beliefs that drew us out of our natural patterns.

    Our ‘minds’ formed an illusory self-concept; we learned to criticize ourselves; we began to fear failure; we placed (thanks to society) the wrong ideologies of life inside our ‘minds’. These emotional constrictions and inhibitions resulted in physical tension and dis-ease.

    As we aged, we began to struggle with what we considered problematic and developed a variety of psycho/emotional-physical imbalances and compensations. I.e. lower back pains, muscular tension, headaches, stomach problems, ulcers etc. True consciousness is a sensitivity of the entire organism achieved through cognitive clarity and emotional intuition, all of which are spiritually linked together. If it were nothing but an intellectual (logical) affair, then babies would never be able to learn.

    The adult ‘mind’ is comprised of compulsive, random and usually problematic thoughts. If we remain blind to our weaknesses, we cannot correct them. The longer we accept failure, the more difficult it becomes to experience success. This compulsive attention to the ‘minds’ moods and impulses is a basic error. If we persist to give into these thoughts created by the mind, then we remain ourselves and change never occurs, I cannot fathom a worse fate. The true warrior welcomes change, always willing to sacrifice who he is today for whom he can become tomorrow. This process can begin with the art of disillusionment.

    Disillusion is a liberation which in turn helps our evolutionary process. However, because of our emotional attachment to illusions, we consider the term disillusion negative. The word dis-illusion precisely states a freeing from illusion. Yet people tend to cling to their illusions letting them take them where they may when clearly it is best to let them go rather than hang on to these prejudiced illusions. Reality is where life happens and if we are anywhere but there, we suffer, whether it is in the short or long term.

    Most of humanity suffers in silence; we do not, in essence, fully enjoy our lives. For some, their entertainment’s; the gym, reading a book, movies, sex, are not really entertainment but simply methods of escape. Temporary ways to distract us from our underlying sense of fear and reality, a reality that is not congruous to our objectives of happiness. Life has become nothing more than mundane habit and routine. Before we know it 50 or 60 years have gone by and we have no idea what happened or where it all went. Our obsessive search for distraction and escape from the predicament of change, the dilemma of life and death, seeking a purpose, financial security and trying to make sense of the mystery has diluted our natural sense of being and happiness. This belief in the exterior has diminished our individuality. People are mesmerized by their own confused and mental processes. This acceptance of the ‘status quo’ just because it is deemed normal by society’s terms does not necessarily nor automatically make it right. What is right for others may not be right for you.

    Knowledge and Wisdom are two different things. Knowledge is strictly one-dimensional. It is the comprehension of the intellect. Anyone with an average IQ can acquire knowledge. Wisdom on the other hand is three-dimensional. It is the holistic comprehension of the mental, emotional and physical. It comes only from experience. We are prisoners of our own misimpressions and we cannot see these constrictions we have imposed on ourselves because they are deeply rooted from our childhood. These constrictions are then never dealt with accordingly unless they are pointed out - and even then, people choose to ignore them. The path of least resistance is often confused with immediate action that will cause temporary discomfort but be beneficial in the long run. It’s the old band aid analogy. Remove fast and hard or take it off real slow.

    All random thoughts that distract us are self-imposed. When the mind resists life, thoughts arise; when something happens to conflict with a belief that is not congruous to our happiness, turmoil and inner conflict sets in. It is fascinating to see one persisting on hanging on to and defending a self they don’t even believe in. A self that has created a self-imposed ideology of fear and limitation. Change is imminent, only the mind is threatened by change. We have many habits that weaken us; the secret to change is to focus all our energy, not on ridding ourselves of the old, but on building the new. Guns and Roses said it best when they sang "Slipping farther & farther away, it’s a miracle how long we can stay in a world our mind's created in a world that’s full of shit."
    Cerebral talent through logical processing emerges as we gain facility in diminishing our archaic habit patterns so that we no longer feel compelled to give attention to the obstructions and limitations which are self-creations of our own minds caused by society’s imposed beliefs. (Okay, now take a breath after such a long sentence).

    Self-conceptualization and the self-fulfilling prophecy are something I learned about in psychology. It is a very common psychological phenomenon. It basically states that our progress in life tends to be directly co-related and consistent with our expectations. Whether we believe we can do something or not, we are right. The first step is to realize that we own the power to define our boundaries and capabilities. We must then challenge our self-imposed limitations and understand that we deserve better than to be constrained by unreasonable fears, expectations of failure and feelings of unworthiness. The third step is to accept and make the necessary changes required for self-improvement.

    If one concentrates on the impossibility of the achievement one will most certainly experience failure. One of my guys, Ronnie, was competing in a grappling tournament and was easily winning fight after fight. There was however one competitor there who had a "reputation" for being a bad ass. Not to mention he was twice Ronnie’s size. Ronnie immediately began to concentrate on the impossibility of the achievement rather than on the moment at hand. Needless to say he lost that fight when he could have easily won it. Other competitors who Ronnie easily beat prior to the event did very well against the same guy.

    It was painfully obvious that an elective self-concept had imposed itself on Ronnie, shattering his confidence and in turn, his victory. When this happens, one can surrender to it, ignore it, resist it or use it and learn from it. If you surrender to it (which is what Ronnie had done in that particular case) you will inevitably create your reality and your past will become your future. If you ignore it, the self-concept will continue to have subtle effects causing you continuous dis-ease. If you resist it, you will waste energy (reason being why people frequently feel fatigue and laziness). One should use it fully. Experience its energy then cut through it by changing the accustomed act. Learn to do what you didn’t believe you could do and the word "can’t" will lose its power over your life.

    Our concerns of the future are valid until they become compulsive or obsessive. Reading the future is based on a realistic perception of the present. Don’t be concerned with the future until you can clearly see and comprehend the present.

    "Unless we change our direction we are likely to end up where we are headed."

    This quote is very powerful and true.

    "Mushin" in Japanese is the term for ‘No mind’. Living life in the now and understanding that there are no ordinary moments is imperative to a healthy soul. And as James O’barr so poetically put it, "There is more than one way to purify the soul. There is absolution and redemption, salvation and a means to an end; and if these axioms are of opposing polarities, then there is at least some consolation in the fact that they all have a common ground." Death. Our final journey. Unfortunately for some, the only inner peace they will ever know.

    Bruce lee said that "In seeking out truth one must search with the heart and seek with the inner eye." In the long history of martial arts, the instinct to follow and imitate seems to be inherent in most martial artists, instructors and students alike. This is partly due to human tendency and partly because of the steep traditions behind the myriad’s of styles and systems. Consequently, to find a refreshing and original teacher becomes somewhat of a rarity. The need for a pointer of the truth is for many, blatantly apparent and since no one really owns the truth, then it is out there for anyone to seek, acquire and teach when understood and turned from knowledge to wisdom.
    I leave you again with Bruce Lee’s words.
    "Absorb what is useful, disregard the rest and add what is specifically your own."
    Train Intelligently and diligently.
    Richard Dimitri

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    What is SENSHIDO (The Way of 1000 Masters)?
    Senshido is the actual 'art' taught at our Montreal location under Senshido Combative Science Technologies founded by Richard Dimitri.
    Change is imperative. Change also implies evolution. However, in the martial arts field change is taboo. Instead of passively agreeing with the traditional arts that pass themselves off as methods of self-defense, we questioned and researched. Instead of accepting the inherited misconceptions that are continuously presented to us daily; we innovated and progressed. Rather than bending to the egos of the political forces behind the martial arts community, we like few before us have broken from tradition. Blindness and self inflicted myopia is nothing but laziness contrived by an ignored ignorance. Senshido is change.

    Senshido has never catered to the traditions that in some ways plague the martial arts in so far as survival is concerned, but rather expanded into progression and innovation. We have a mission statement and have stuck by it since the beginning. Since 1994, Senshido has become quite controversial both in the traditional realm and the eclectic circles as well. We have attracted international attention and secured ourselves as one of the top 5 reality based systems in the world.

    Senshido’s goals and values are congruous with the warrior values that drove men to seek ways to protect themselves, their families, clans and villages against danger centuries ago. The oldest or first documented form of fighting was discovered in ancient Egypt and was scripted on the pyramid walls around 4000 to 5000 BC. These combative disciplines which as far as we know started from the Egyptians and broadened onto the Romans, the Greeks, the Chinese and so on, were used purely as methods of warfare and self-defense. Those were the values that originally created the fighting systems around the world, not tournaments or inspirations of championships.

    In order to avoid confusion, let me define and note the differences between martial arts ‘systems’ and ‘styles’. Styles are specific types of expressions which have been passed on from teacher to student, generation to generation and transmitted identically to each individual regardless of their differences as human beings. There is neither evolution nor practicality in styles since their foundations are theoretical. To mimic without thought is the way. A system is usually comprised of several styles to form a more complete art which in turn evolves and progresses with the obvious need to adapt. Some systems however never progress and eventually become styles. Some factions of Jeet Kune Do are a good example of a methodology turned into a system turned into a style.

    Senshido if necessarily labeled, is closer to being a system but is really neither a system, nor a style. It is a process, a methodology that is transcendental, interchangeable and adaptable to all systems and styles. Although it does contain many modified physical attributes that have been inspired by other systems; it is comprised of several original, unique and innovative methods.

    Creating a new martial art system is not just a question of mish-mashing several arts together for the sake of eclectics as many have done since it has become fashionable to do so from the coming of MMA and NHB events. It takes scientific exploration of each combative strategy as well as an in depth comprehension of emotional inertia and its effects on the reactive mind as well as taking into consideration the entire myriad’s of variables that can come into play before, during and after a fight.
    No pure styles make up Senshido. From a physical perspective, we mainly rely on gross motor skills and Senshido's 5 Principals of Physical Retaliation: Primary Targets - Closest weapon to Cosest Target - Tactile Sensitivity - Economy of Motion - Non Telegraphic Movement. No range of fighting, style or technique has ever won a fight. Survival is credited to the fighter’s mindset that allowed him to walk away a survivor. The actual technique, style or range is completely coincidental. It used to be that martial artists would cling to their styles and develop an emotional attachment to it, nowadays it’s become ranges and techniques instead since the coming of the NHB events. Techniques are not as important as the philosophy and mental reasoning behind them. Logic and reason guide the individual. Simplicity, directness and efficiency backed by strategy are the ingredients to success in combat and defense.
    My students understand that Senshido’s sole concern is enhancing survivability. They realize the journey towards self-confidence and truth lies solely within themselves and that Senshido is but a guide or vehicle towards that truth. In combat, you will do what you will do. The truth, in a world of self-created conceptualizations and instilled beliefs, appears harsh and remains for the most part unexplored. Change is imperative but frightens most. Blindness or refusal to see is a very common affliction amongst martial artists, which in turn creates dis-ease in the form of hidden insecurity in their ability. For the most part, this insecurity manifests itself as ego and arrogance.

    The narrow minded and fearful of questioning, those who merely accept because "that’s the way it has always been done" and the too lazy to introspect succumb to their own fate. As Marc Macyoung states, "It’s their blood". The fight happens but once. To look back at it and say "I should, would or could have" is futile unless it is done with introspection as a learning tool for the next possible encounter. The various mind-sets that influence our every day decision making are usually quite predictable and for the most part, problematic and becomes even more so during combat.

    The mind (not brain), with all it's unsought yet self induced imperfections like mental fatigue, doubt, fear, anger and anxiety create optimum performance hesitation resulting in emotional inertia which in turn manifests itself as physical dis-ease. We create our own hells and hang on to it with no apparent logic as to why - a matter of 'uncomfortable comfortableness'. Resistance is futile. Unfortunately, combative tactics only change after a severe and harmful event. Unfortunately too late, that is a mistake that have caused some their lives.

    So if anything, Senshido exists to make you question, introspect and search for a better way. It is a form of truth. Do not label, crystallize or solidify it. Take from it what you need, use what works for you, modify what doesn’t and begin your own journey. Nobody owns the truth; it is out there for everyone to seek, study and use as they may.

    Be it through literature, debate, casual conversation or teachings, to hold one’s opinion speaks of quiet reservations. Styles, systems, labels, titles, religions, cults place you in a faction. Factions limit people to knowledge within itself. As Bruce Lee Prophetically said "He who is without style adapts to all styles". I write this piece for the inquisitive and narrow-minded. My words may disturb but they lead to sought reactions. We’ve said what we meant and we’ve never pretended as so many others do intending just to please, if we condemned your point of view, ask yourselves… why?
    Train intelligently and diligently.
    Founder of Senshido

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    Q. I am presently training in martial arts and am very interested in Senshido’s classes, will studying Senshido interfere with my present training in my style?

    Answer. Senshido is not a style and doesn’t teach memorization of techniques. Rather than provide technical aspects for people to use in particular situations, we provide analytical skills that will be useful in any situation. Cross training in Senshido will on the contrary, enhance your training in your present style.

    Q. Will learning Senshido make me more agressive or prone to get into fights?

    A. On the contrary, Senshido's primary directive is to avoid violence and confrontations all together. We enhance your survivability by getting you re-acquainted with your intuition and enhancing your awareness so that you may detect and avoid trouble. We then teach you to de-escalate and defuse a possible confrontation through proper fear and stress management strategies, verbal tactics and more. Last but not least, we provide you with the necessary physical attributes based on your natural patterns of reaction and gross motor skills to survive a physical confrontation with minimal or no damage.

    Q. Is Senshido a Mixed Martial art or similar to what I see in the UFC or Pride?

    A. Yes and no. On the surface, it may seem similar due to the fact that on a physical perspective, we cover all ranges of combat (Kicking, Boxing, Close Quarter Combat, Grappling and Groundfighting) but Senshido is a reality based system. What differs us from the MMA are the Emotional and Psychological components of violence reality presents but the sports arena does not. For example: There are no weapons in MMA events. Your opponent won’t pull out a knife in the middle of your bout and start gutting you with it. He won’t crack your arm with a baseball bat. He won’t break a beer bottle and try to severe your jugular with it. He won’t pull out a gun and shoot you with it. This is but one of many, many differences between street and sport.

    Q. Where did the name 'Senshido' come from and what does it mean?

    A. The name Senshido is Japanese however the system or methodology is not. The name itself translates to "The Way of One Thousand Masters", befitting considering its origins are eclectic. In 1994, it was still fashionable to have an oriental name to a martial art and "Functional Combative Training" wouldn't have rung well with most.

    Q. I’m presently training in martial arts and am interested in your system but my sensei (sifu, teacher) won’t permit me to cross train in another style or system. Do you mind if I’m training elsewhere?

    A. We firmly believe that the more education you get, the more beneficial it is for you. However, only through specialized education can you acquire specialized knowledge. If your present instructor has a problem with you training else where at the same time, then maybe there’s something he’s not telling you. After all, are you in a cult or martial arts school?

    Q. I’m a law enforcement officer, security guard, bouncer, etc. will Senshido and/or Combative Science Technologies be beneficial to me?

    A. Senshido’s founder Richard Dimitri has worked as a doorman, undercover security guard and body guard for over 10 years. His cumulative experiences in those fields have been extremely beneficial in the development of Senshido. Senshido and Combative Science Technologies have also taught law enforcement officers, security personnel, military personnel, bodyguards and martial artists worldwide. Richard is also a member of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers and is recognized by the International Police Defense Tactics Association. Our methodologies and principles have saved many lives for those who put themselves in harms way. (See Testimonials)

    Q. Senshido and Jeet Kune Do seem quite similar, how do they compare?

    A. Senshido seems very similar to Jeet Kune Do and other eclectic systems, especially since it’s source comes from various other systems. Senshido has been called by many "The new Jeet Kune Do" and although it is extremely flattering to be compared to Bruce Lee’s martial genius, Senshido is not the new Jeet Kune Do. What makes Senshido different from JKD or other systems is our approach and style of teaching. Senshido also covers an assault or fight from the pre contact stage, the actual fight itself and the aftermath including the legal, moral and ethical aspects.

    Q. Is Senshido better than traditional martial arts?

    A. Senshido is neither better nor worse than traditional martial arts, just different. It just depends on what you are looking for. Senshido’s only concern is enhancing survivability. Everything you learn is functional and effective in relation to safety in the face of violence. We do not concern ourselves with belts, rituals, uniforms, kata’s, tournament techniques, trophies or memorization of techniques.

    Q. What makes Senshido so different?

    A. Experience, research and our approach. Experience in facing violence in undercover security, doorman, and body guarding work as well as 25 years in martial arts and combat training and teaching. Over 15 years of research into the psychological components of violence and combat, Senshido is one of the only systems in existence today that realistically deals with every aspect of defense, combat and violence. Our holistic approach works from a psychological, emotional and physical standpoint and how each of these, when intertwined, works in relation to personal protection and self-empowerment.

    Q. Senshido sounds really hard core; can women and children learn it as well?

    A. Senshido is designed for anyone and everyone. However, from a physiological, psychological or physical perspective no one is built the same way, and since various people, groups, genders and professionals get attacked differently, Senshido has designed specific programs for specific people. This includes programs for Children, Teenagers, Women, Men, Travelers, Military, Law Enforcement, Bouncers, Cab Drivers, etc.

    Q. Do I have to be in great shape or have experience in martial arts to take one of your programs?

    A. Absolutely not. Senshido is designed for anyone and everyone. One of Senshido’s benefits is getting people back into shape as well as giving them the necessary tools to effectively defend themselves. We have worked with handicaps, the elderly, out of shape people and complete novices and have benefited their lives in various ways. Many have lost up to 110 lbs in under 10 months training in our group classes. Senshido's strength training regimen utilizes functional core muscular development as oposed to developing 'mirror' muscle.

  6. #6
    Yalcinator Gast


    @Stoiker: nice nice!!!!!

    Ich hab mich auch mal ein wenig belesen und hab auch die DVD vom Shredder Konzept ganz gut gemacht und ich denke nicht das die Jungs Halsabschneider sind sondern eher wie auch schon erwähnt vertreter eines doch recht netten aber nicht unbekannten Konzeptes/Techniken


  7. #7
    bonn - bad godesberg


    ich hab mit dem zeug keine praktische erfahrung, lese aber seit ewigkeiten das senshido forum, und nach dem was rich dimitri dort so schreibt, ist er einer von denjenigen wenigen sv leuten, von denen ich den eindruck hab, dass sie wirklich verstanden haben, worum es geht.

    insbesondere die sachen, die er so über die sog. vorkampf-phase und alles was so dazugehört schreibt, sind absolut top und um lichtjahre besser, als das sonst übliche zeug dazu.

    es gibt auf youtube einige clips von ihm:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xt8706J-aY - der ist eher allgemein

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOzi4dJK37I - beides trailer von nem seminar in finnland; erfreuen sich wohl insebesondere in bestimmten krav maga kreisen grosser beliebtheit

    sammelbestellung kommt nach meinen grossartigen erfahrungen mit dem fighters notebook für mich nicht in frage
    "If one of you can punch a hole through a shoji with just your ejaculation, then you'll be a real martial artist!" Morihei Ueshiba

  8. #8
    München, Bayern


    Zitat Zitat von Mr.Fister
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xt8706J-aY - der ist eher allgemein

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOzi4dJK37I - beides trailer von nem seminar in finnland; erfreuen sich wohl insebesondere in bestimmten krav maga kreisen grosser beliebtheit
    Sorry, aber wenn ich mir das Anhöre was der Richard erzählt, dann sagt er es genau so wie man es im Krav Maga trainieren sollte.
    Wenn der Typ in dem einem Clip seit 5 Jahren Krav Maga trainiert und diese "Weisheiten" noch nicht verstanden hat, dann ist das tragisch.
    Auch wie er probiert, die Techniken Bilderbuchgetreu (nach KM) zu machen und umgeschnetzelt wird, ist traurig.
    Aber dann ist es aber auch besonders leicht, auf Seminaren KK-ler anderer Kampfkünste blöd aussehen zu lassen, und zu vermitteln, daß man die Weisheit selbst gepachtet hat...
    Geändert von F-factory (21-01-2007 um 09:27 Uhr)

  9. #9


    Die Messerabwehr im Krav Maga, gilt einzig und allein als Notlösung und erhebt in keinsterweise den Anspruch das einzig Wahre zu sein.

    Die Abwehr die im 2. Clip gezeigt wird, ist primär gegen Stichangriffe gedacht und funktioniert weniger gegen Schnittangriffe.

    Daher ist es einfach, -wie in diesem Clip gezeigt- eine Abwehr mit Schnitten an den Armen zu kritisieren, die eigentlich dafür gedacht ist Stichangriffe zur Brust, in den Hals, ins Auge etc. engegen zu gehen.

    Jetzt kann man natürlich aufschreien und hinterfragen, woher will man wissen ob ein Schnitt oder Stich kommt ?

    Man darf nicht immer nur an einen möglichen Messerangriff denken, wo geschnitten und gestochen wird.

    Deshalb sieht man es im Krav Maga, sofern sie visuell erkannt werden, eher aus der Sicht eines Angriffs mit messerähnlichen Gegenständen, wie einen Schraubendreher, Schere usw..

    Hast man daß einigermaßen verstanden, sieht man die vorgegebenden Abwehrmöglichkeiten, vielleicht mal mit anderen Augen.

    Gruß Markus

  10. #10
    bechtie Gast


    Was von Dimitri in den Videos zu sehen ist, weckt schon Zweifel an dessen seriösem, fairem Vorgehen. Was Markus W. schreibt, stimmt nämlich voll und ganz (und F-factorys Anmerkung ist auch korrekt).

    Was ich damit sagen will: Keine SV/KK/KS ist über Kritik erhaben, und jede sollte sogar ein Interesse daran haben, um sich weiter zu entwickeln.

    Aber Dimitri scheint damit sein eigenes System zu pushen, indem er ein anderes (vermutlich) bewusst missversteht und er dazu es - bzw. einen seiner Vertreter - vorzuführt.

    Wie erwähnt, läßt er den KM-Vertreter eine Abwehr vornehmen, die nicht gegen schnelle Messerschnitte von innen und außen gedacht ist. Außerdem kritisiert er (höflich ausgedrückt) das "Über-Kreuz-Blockieren-und-Schlagen" in einem Zusammenhang, indem es im KM gar nicht praktiziert wird. Tatsächlich ist es eine Technik, die im Zusammenhang mit einer Messerbedrohung am Hals eine Option ist - also bei einem gefährlichen, gleichwohl weitgehend statischen Angriff, bei dem die Opponenten sich nur geringfügig bewegen ... und auch da ist nur eine Art "Initial-Technik", ein Schock-/Ablenkungs- und kein K.O.-Schlag, eine Einleitungssequenz und nicht das volle Programm. Es nichts weiter als ein Schlag, der den Biocomputer (vulgo: Hirn) zu einem kurzen Aussetzer bringen soll, um mit Folgetechniken das Eigentliche zu erreichen.

    Sorry, ich war ehrlich interessiert, ich habe sogar den langen Text gelesen, aber die Videos lassen mich glauben, dass jede Beschäftigung mit Senshido Zeitverschwendung ist. Herr Dimitri setzt sich zumindest auf diesen Videos nicht ernsthaft mit KM auseinander und scheint kein Interesse an einer konstruktiven Kritik zu haben. Er will offensichtlich nur demonstrieren: "Krav Maga is crap"... und das, um seinen Ansatz zu propagieren - wozu er alles Recht der Welt haben mag. Gewiss.

    Aber ich nehme mir gleichermaßen das Recht, mich nicht weiter damit zu beschäftigen, weil Dimitris Absichten zu offensichtlich sind.

    Und noch was: Es gibt keine einzige gute Messerabwehr in der ganzen Welt.

    Und: In meinem KM-Seminaren vermittele ich immer, dass KM zu trainieren heißt, mit der Unvollkommenheit zu leben, die eine reality-based SV nun mal hat. Es gibt immer nur suboptimale Lösungen. "Meister" - also Leute, die immer und überall mit jeder Situation fertig werden, gibt es nur in den Kampfkünsten, und das dann eher in einem philosophischen Sinne. Und es gibt "Meister" in Hollywood- und Hongkong-Movies.

    Wir Normalsterblichen müssen damit leben, dass das einzige, was Training bietet, ist: Das Beste draus zu machen, niemals aufzugeben, und: Es ist erst vorbei, wenn es vorbei ist.

  11. #11
    bonn - bad godesberg


    kommentar von rich dimitri aus seinem forum zu den clips:

    It's just that so much of what is being taught out there falls apart under pressure (as seen on the clips and about every single seminar I ever taught) and certain things, like what I mention in the clip is just downright criminal to teach and pass off as effective self defense. The punching in question was so bio-mechanically "off" in every possible aspect that I had to make a strong point about it
    der komplette thread dazu ist hier: http://senshido.savi.ca/viewtopic.php?t=3813

    und jetzt guck ich mal kurz in meine virtuelle kristallkugel:

    es könnte evtl. ganz interessant sein, dass der senshido repräsentant für finnland in tampere [wo besagtes seminar stattfand] eine krav maga schule betreibt. da dürften also schon der ein oder andere krav maga kundige anwesend gewesen sein...

    es könnte auch erklären, warum dimitri gerade dort dieses thema anreißt ...
    "If one of you can punch a hole through a shoji with just your ejaculation, then you'll be a real martial artist!" Morihei Ueshiba

  12. #12


    Zitat Zitat von Mr.Fister
    es könnte evtl. ganz interessant sein, dass der senshido repräsentant für finnland in tampere [wo besagtes seminar stattfand] eine krav maga schule betreibt. da dürften also schon der ein oder andere krav maga kundige anwesend gewesen sein...
    Wenn der Krav Maga Instructor und seine Jungs dazu keine Stellung nehmen, ist es ihr Problem.

    Um daß ganze mal von einer anderen Seite zu sehen, aber auf dem selben Level befindlich, kann ich kein Seminar vor Muay Thai Kämpfern machen und sagen: "Der Schienbeinblock ist ein uneffektive Technik, sie funktioniert ja nichtmal gegen ein grade Fürhand (Jab)".

    Gruß Markus

  13. #13
    München, Bayern

    Thumbs down

    Ich habe mir die Clips nochmal angeguckt und finde so ein Auftreten zum Kotzen.
    Er pickt sich KM Techniken heraus, die für Überraschungsangriffe gedacht sind (und demonstriert sie auch noch falsch - siehe Hüfte nach hinten bei hohem Block auweia ), die zudem noch auf den natürlichsten Reaktionen basieren (z.B. erstmaliges Zurückweichen vor einer wischenden Bewegung/Slash mit Messer) die ein Untrainierte/r macht.

    Wenn er, wie er bei seinen Q&As angibt, nicht besser als andere Kampfkünste ist, sondern anders, dann soll er einem System, daß er ganz offensichtlich nicht versteht, nicht in der Form auf einem Seminar madig machen.

    Ich finde es echt schade, daß das Erste was man von dem Herrn mitbekommt so negativ ist.

    Es gibt in der Welt zum Glück genug andere Referenten anderer Konzepte, die man sich einladen kann.

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